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Everything posted by Keith

  1. "I may be small now, but I"m drinking milk..."
  2. ..............JAPANESE AUDIO TRACK!
  3. Now that I definately dissagree with. The animated movies were ass, just pure ass. 100% ralph bakshi suck ass.
  4. War is a crazy time, and with two siblings in the service, both aren't very likely to talk much. Besides which, what siblings talk about flings they have? Seriously!
  5. Pio-genome has finally announced the Mahoro summer special. -$14.99 for just the disc -$24.99 for disc & box set (with room for the whole series) -$39.99 for disc, box set, & Mahoro figure!
  6. .......where are the tentacle monsters?
  7. That's some tweaked crap right there.
  8. Guld just ripped her shirt & freaked out, end of story! They Myung & Isamu broke up because Isamu couldn't handle making his best friend jealous & being involved in that whole conflict. Myung went introvert & focused on business instead of her singing, and Guld completely oblivious due to high levels of denial, blamed Isamu for taking advantage of Myung, even though the reality was that they were dating.
  9. What are you, on crack? It's been clearly stated to be a remake from the get go, the cylon's are spontanoiusly no longer metal, and the same character names are used for new incarnations. I didn't watch it, as I've disavowed all recognition of the sci-fi channel now that they've lived up to the bad rep of their parent channel USA.
  10. Yup, that would be me.
  11. ....I'm an official news source now? When the hell did that happen! The way the case ended (just for quick re-cap): -Big West/Studio Nue: Own all designs, concepts, story, etc (which inclused sequels based there on). -Tatsunoko: owns the produced animation itself (which means they only own the animation produced for the show, not the story, characters, etc. Most certainly nothing relating to sequels). On to the topic, I voted for Bandai. They've basically already done the work, they just need to change the regio code, and add subtitles. AnimEigo has already expressed that purchasing the rights are beyond them, other than that, they'd be a great company (with terrible art). BTW, what's wrong with the Otaku no Video disc? Aside from no timestamp that is.
  12. Psst...to anyone who has a multiregion player, the UK OVA+movie set appears on eBay with some frequency, and was even available shipped directly from Manga UK last I checked. (I emailed them to ask if they will ship internationally.) Even with shipping, the price isn't bad--I got it for about $31 shipped on eBay. Ah, but is it PAL, or NTSC.
  13. How about a screen grab so we can all compare already!
  14. Manga has officially announced that they no longer own the license to Giant Robo. Yes, there is no more Giant Robo. Head on over to www.dvdasian.com. There's a fantastic DVD set with english subtitles, all the Giant Robo (well, except for the Gin-Rei OVA's) you will ever need. And while yes, there was a Plus set put out in the UK what, 2 years ago? They recently announced one for the U.S., only with Macross II in place of the MPlus movie edition. All at a whopping $80-$90.
  15. Seriously, what the hell is with sticking too in, but not 7, that's weak!
  16. Looks like Manga has put it on "indefinate hold" according to AoDVD. Sad thing is, they also put the individual volumes OOP. Maybe they realized what an obscene price they put on it? Perhaps they decided to remaster the movie edition.............heh. They also apparently did the same with the eva movie's set, which I don't mind as I grabbed them from rightstuf on their last big manga sale.
  17. The last Ep. might suck, but there are still 13 very good ones to watch Had i know about the ending beforehand I'd still would've watched it (sure would've been a lot less disappointed) And I recommend it and that movie idea sounds great, but there stil are no translations and my japanese is "rusty" so I've no idea what the Manga is about Not quite sure what the manga ending is either (or if it's ended yet). I just know it's another case of a series being done before the manga's completed its run, so a rushed ending was put out. Here's a question though, did Pio...er genome...whatever the hell they're called, include the summer special in with the second season?
  18. I think revolutions not doing so well hurt the schedule a bit, but hopefully it'll be released before revolutions hits DVD.
  19. I'm actually afraid of the second season after reading about the ending, hopefully they'll do a movie once the manga's finished & follow that ending. Absolutely loved the first season though, especially the little Yamato parody of counting down her time.
  20. Another vote for Milia's kill when she entered Britai's ship in DYRL.
  21. For any person at least half computer literate person and with any sense of ethics, the first choice. It has nothing to do with computer literacy, and everything to do with not needing unnecessary hardware/software, broadband, etc. If $11 a disc is too rich for your blood, then you're apparently the foolish one.
  22. Hmm, let's see. -Spend multiples of hours downloading the episode, finding the proper codec's to play it, worrying that the download client may have spyware, having someone's bad subtitles hard encoded on the video, buying a DVD burner, installing a DVD burning, tracking down DVD encoding software, wasting precious printer ink to make a cover, tracking down a spare amaray case.... or -Picking up an $11 HK DVD, premake art, passable subtitles (download a script if necessary). Which is better again???
  23. It's not our fault they released big LD set just as DVD was about to hit, and that's why we still haven't seen an R2 DVD set. Seriously should have either held off on an R1 release altergether, or coaxed sunrise into letting them use the Japanese audio, it's just not right.
  24. I dissagree, especially since evolution is far from anime. Now Marvel Super Hero's, X-Men vs Streetfighter, & Marvel Vs Capcom, those are great examples of how it "does" work.
  25. ..............why can't HK bootleggers be faster!
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