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Everything posted by Keith

  1. F^ck the light novels, I demand another season. MORE CHESTIA!! er... Hestia!
  2. Also, we had one. Macross 7's Varuta are essentially the Supervision Army (both being enslaved drones) using U.N. Spacy and Protoculture tech. Any backstory would involve the same drones scanning and attacking Zentradu.
  3. Day 1 patches exist for many logistical reasons, and honestly, I wouldn't expect them to go away. Accept and love them. The bigger problem is that there are still areas metering out hardline internet usage. That's a problem that needs to stop.
  4. Always patch your games, always! Trust me, day one patches aren't just for fun.
  5. Yup, even Southern Cross is more watchable. DEJA-VU ... YOU AND ME ... SUZAHN KURASU ROADS!
  6. This is too good not to post here. All I can say is, "Now THAT'S pod racing! YIPPEE!!" http://m.tmz.com/#Article/2015/06/22/star-wars-anakin-skywalker-high-speed-chase-jail-arrest
  7. Can't help but wonder if the next inquisitor will be
  8. Just finished Shin Mazinger Z Impact. So good, but I wish it had gotten a second season after teasing Great Mazinger, and that awesome end setup.
  9. Hey! Your girlfriend picks out anime for you, she don't tell me what to do! I'll watch what I damn well please.
  10. Then there's only one more feature you can add (NSFW)
  11. I demand a plush Dragon-Puppy!
  12. The PS4 is already pretty damn slim! I also can't help but wonder why Sony is so slow updating what should be pretty base features. Maybe the firmware is super tempermental to change? Or perhaps they're incredibly misguided and think thay slowly adding in features makes them look busy? My most wanted "should have been there at launch" features. - bluetooth headset support. - PS3 BD remote support. - The ability to sort games in folders (as shown with the PS3). - The ability to design our own themes (some kind of simple wallpeper and icon designer). - A theme randomize function. With that said, what is there works pretty great.
  13. I hope Somy gets off their butts and lets people download Portable Ops to their Vita's again.
  14. Seriously, hasn't everyone ripped their CD's and stored them on external HDD's by now?
  15. UI upsates are painfully slow this gen, but remember that the PS3 & X360 didn't have many of their current features out of the box either.
  16. Of course they were, nearly all of Ocelots private guard were supermodels.
  17. Weirder yet still, the PS4 can't sync up with a blutooth beadset, or the PS3's blu-ray remote.
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