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Everything posted by Keith

  1. That scene lacked only 1 thing, Lala, would have been much more effective if she was there.
  2. That's such B.S. Macross 7 is far superior to anything in II. Now that's bs. I seem to recall this exact discussion on AFM in 1998 with the exact same people. I agree with Oihan and our battle with Keith continues in a new place and time. You mean Keith sperads his illogical lameness in other places? Just don't pay attention to Keith... He(if you want to call him that) is the only person I know that can draw a conclusion with Zero data. Don't you have a doorknob to polish?
  3. http://www.daiginga.com It's a remake of the Iscandor story. Due to legal disputes with Nishizaki (who is also doing his own Yamato sequel), it seems Matsumoto wasn't allowed to use the original ship design (so it's bigger & has some additional modifications), or the origianl character names. From what I hear though, the storyline about Harlock being Kodai's brother (or whatever Kodai's new name will be) will be re-implemented into the storyline. As for Nishizaki's sequel, while he does have the original names & ship design, he doesn't have Matsumoto's character designs.....not looking forward to this one as much. http://www.enagio.com/yamato/
  4. That's such B.S. Macross 7 is far superior to anything in II.
  5. The newer ZZ set has great subtitles, only episode 16 is off.
  6. Don't draw Matsumoto's attention away from his new Great Galaxy Great Yamato series! As for Queen Emereldas, it was finished, ADV are just too lazy to release the rest.
  7. Everyone's already listed most of the good ones... Some other favorite's include: Spoilers in white text: -Orguss Momu, Kei, & Orsen all in the final episode, damn that ending rocked. -The death of the Andromeda & its captain in Yamato series II -Victory Gundam: The early members of the Strike team (it's been a few months since I've seen it), but the one that sticks out most in my mind is the funeral where all members put make-up on their comrads corpse -Victor Gundam: When Uso's mother died, the tire ripping her head off.... -Zeta: Scirocco getting revenge on Kamille with his dying Newtype breath -Giant Robo:Ginrei being killed by her own brother, just for him to find out that their father was never out for revenge to begin with Bah, I could go on, it's someone else's turn.
  8. Over the years I've come not to hate Macross II as much as I once did, and it is a hell of a lot more bearable subtitled. But when all is said & done, it's still just a sad rehash of DYRL.
  9. Lying bastard, I lost my trust in both him & Manga after he told me the weren't going to do a straight VHS video dump for the Macross Plus Movie Edition DVD! Manga is dead, no one can save them, not new distributers, not new owners, no one. I say let the Plus licenses default to Bandai, and the rest to companies that will actually properly release them.
  10. Read the article, the gamecube bundle comes with a port of the original famicom game, hell, it'll probably be the full catridge/tape version.
  11. Damnit.....yeah, I guess I'd buy a remastered set too. Especially if they got more of the extra's that were in the R2 box set (don't recall exactly what, but I know there were some additions), and used the original Japanese end credits. As for my favorite thing, Hurricane Live, I've probably watch that more than the OVA's.
  12. Nope, the official status on the box set is cancelled, and rightstuf has a joke date of 2012 when you look it up. Manga as usual has no news whatsoever, and ball all indications, I don' t think they're going to be around for more than a year or so.
  13. Nope, no subtitles, but it's still fun without them.
  14. Still not as bad as the chocolate pretzel thing in Mallrats.
  15. That's not frakkin' cool! I want a PS2 port of the famicom metal gear damnit!
  16. It doesn't exist, and looks like it never will.
  17. Don't you remember Space Gundam V? Still haven't seen it. I missed out on getting the DVD a while back. Graham Oh come on, you live in HK don't you? Should be able to find anything! I'm not sure if they do international shipping, but try www.dvdasian.com
  18. Don't you remember Space Gundam V?
  19. It could also be that Tenchi's father is descended from another one of Yosho's previous marriages (I think it was implied somewhere that he had more than a few in his lifespan). As for everyone thinking he's old, he seems to have pushed the lifetree taking root on Earth thing to cover that up. Tenchi himself in relation to the sword is one thing I don't like about the TV incarnations. They push the sword as being much more important than it is, while as pointed out, he has his own power & can generate lighthawk wings by himself. Though I suppose Tsunami healing him could have something to do with that.
  20. Has there been any word what size they're making this things in? Speaking as someone who wears a size 7½ hat (which equates to having a big head), I can't help but think regardless of the price, it would be too small for most american massive craniums.
  21. Problem being, don't the Jurai need to connect with a life tree in order to live so long? I haven't seen any of the new OVA yet, but I'd be more inclided to think she's descended from a previous relationship of Yosho's when he was still on Jurai. Perhaps not literally a "sister," but more of an aunt to Tenchi? Bah!
  22. To release a re-animated version of the original, all they'd really have to do is (aside from doing everything in the newer animation style) re-orchestrate the music (since Tatsunoko is laying some claim to that as well). Maybe call Mari back to re-do Minmay's vocal songs, but that's it. Hell, I'd settle for an HK TV rip if I had to Screw U.S. releases.
  23. There is only 1 Max! Why would I care about anything from robotech???
  24. The designs aren't "that " rehashed, besides which, it's called style! As for Orguss 02, it does have a good story, at least it did when it was called Laputa..... And has anyone mentioned that Max's seiyuu does the voice of Kei? That's nearly reason enough to see it.
  25. Don't let the names scare you away, it's well worth it. Though I still enjoy Macross more, I'd place Orguss above Mospeada. Besides which, it has a fantastic ending.
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