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Everything posted by Keith

  1. If not for the fact that Manga really screwed up the movie release by making it a straight VHS to DVD dump, I'd say you're cool with just the movie edition. But I'd also reccomend picking up both releases. I do reccomend staying away from the dub though. Aside from some bizarre re-writes, it has robotech voice actors in the cast, and episode 4 has all sound effects & movies re-done by Manga (they claim they were un-able to get the original materials for the dub, though Bandai seemed to have no problem mixing their dub with the proper SFX & music for the R2 internatioanl edition LD).
  2. Nope, he said they're using 2 disc cases (and since there are 9 disc's....?) If it weren't for the cool holographic card I use as a box set lid, I'd be a bit jealous.
  3. Have you guys noticed how on ADV's other licensing announcements, they give a full list of the companies involved, etc? Absolutely nothing on this new toy announcement. They don't own jack!
  4. Personally, it looks like they're still using the exact same head (not the more refined DYRL VF-1A head) though it is a bit heard to tell in the pictures. Seems to be just another case of "no one pinned us for bootlegging toys, so we'll bootleg the paint schemes too." Considering Graham is the only one here with any real ties to anything, GET ON THE PHONE TO YAMATO & HAVE THEM GET ON THE PHONE TO BIG WEST TO CHECK THIS OUT!!! ....pleae?
  5. That actually sounds pretty good. Hamlet: First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me, blow.
  6. bitrate's don't affect transition jumps that were removed I'd be more included to think ADV just "wanted" everyone to think they were using ADV's Animeigo's master so people would think they were getting the same thing...which they're not!
  7. Considering that the main focus of robotech merchandise has always been Macross, the main memory robotech fans have is Macross, etc, I'd easily say it didn't do so hot over here either. You know what would have also introduced people to Macross? RELEASING MACROSS!!!! You however fail to distinguish how robotech is its own thing, when fundamentally, it's just a mesh. Robotech has aliented itself from all Macross sequels (far more than 3 episodes), trashed the soundtrack, trashed the anti-war story, trashed any real technilogical continuity in favor of "protoculture," etc. Robotech has also failed to survive on anything "originally" made for it. This includes robotech "the movie," robotech II the sentinels, & robotech 3000. And considering HG has been saying the new robotech series has been in pre-production for over 3 years now....
  8. Worse yet, even the HK disc isn't available anywhere now. I WANNA SEE GUNBUSTER DAMNIT!!!
  9. Carcaptors & Fox's Escaflowne were nowhere near as messed up as Macross was in the conversion to "robotech," seriously. As for those who say robotech isn't the same as Macross, Southern Cross, & Mospeada, I'd like for you to explain to me how it can exist without them. When you take all that's original about robotech, and set it by itself, you have nothing except a bad dub track, some bad music, and not enough remains of a story to make a lick of sense.
  10. Hmmm Britai
  11. Very tweaked.
  12. But if it did get dubbing than it would most likely get DVD quality video and audio, and that's all I care about. Like adding a cherry on top of a sundae (sp?). :::looks at just as crappy a video encode copy of Macross II DVD on shelf::: Nope, it would still be a VHS dump, and still look like crap. Hell, Honeamise had a dub too, and also looked like crap.
  13. Macross Plus don't need no stinking dub!
  14. Not really. The U.S. is just as bad, if not worse, with "trend shows," following the same basic trend of popularity and burning it out (current being reality shows.
  15. That'll learn ya!
  16. If you live in the US, pirate is the only way you will own these DVDs... either that or you can shell out $200 and buy a Japanese DVD player, Keith did this. He knows more about it, and I may be wrong about the price. I have to say I really have admiration for guys like Keith who buy a region free/Japanese DVD player just so they can buy the real deal Macross stuff. ?????? Actually, I bought an american Pioneer DV-525 modified for region siwtching (everything was manual back then i.e. 5 ago) and modified to disable macrovision. Though it did cost around $400, all new DVD players were that much then, well worth it though. Aside from importing R2's, I also just didn't like the concept of being restricted to a specific region, and given the age of my television (which is getting continually older....) I had to run it through the AV hook-ups on my VCR, which meant I needed the Macrovision taken out (it creates a light/dark effect when attempting to watch a DVD player hooked up through a VCR). As for FB 2012, it's enoded for regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 (I think 5 is the only region it doesn't list, but don't quote me on that). Since the R2 release is out of production though, there's no reason not to get the HK version now. Still don't import too many R2's, but the ones I have made the purchase well worth it. -20th Anniversary Macross disc -FB 2012 (which turned out to be all region) -R3 Korean release of Galaxy Express 999 -Mospeada volume 6 (containing Love Live Alive) and of course later this year, Macross Plus Movie Edition since the Manga release is trash, and perhaps Dynamite 7 as the FX bootlegs missing the "to be continued" bits really bugs me. Of course, who knew HK DVD's would take off as well as they have back then
  17. Who said I knew anybodies name? I do know Mika Doi & Mari, but that's because they're super hot!
  18. There was no reason to mesh the series together, they could have been released as an anthology show, yadda yadda yadda!
  19. That, and you're not my type... As for 7, anyone who judges just by The Galaxy Is Calling Me has little basis, that's within the last quarter of the story.
  20. Looks like the same set I have, try using the controls on whatever software player you're using, there should be a manual method of changing subtitle options other than the menu.
  21. Question is, "how" would they have integrated Orguss? A miss-fold of the magical protoculture tower to an alien world?
  22. Are you sure you're not thinking of this one? :::looking at newer post above this one:: nope, guess not.
  23. The robotech soundtrack was crap, pure & simple. Way over rehashed synth quality un-original crap. The Macross soundtrack on the other hand had a great classical & jazz thing going on. As for the opening theme, all anime intro's were male ballad's back then, it's just what was popular. I'd take the Macross theme any day over the superman movie rehash robotech theme.
  24. If you're talking about the french revolution episode, yeah, the subtitles do cut out there, but it's not too bad. As for the chinese subtitles only problem, I haven't encountered that. Are you using the remote or the menu to select language? Where did you get your set from as well?
  25. Nope, he's been out for at least a couple years, then brought sute against Matsumoto for starting his new Yamato series. Nishizaki initially won, then Matsumoto appealed it, then Nishizaki gave in and decided to drop it letting out a press release that they would burry the hatchet so the fans won't suffer. Now we have a Yamato remake & sequel coming out...eventually As for Galaxy Railways, I don't doubt that Media Blasters will license it once the new Harlock OVA does well. Hell, maybe they'll even snag the Galaxy Express license away from Viz (I can hope...) and start a super economy release of the TV series (now I'm really dreaming) since the HK shops seem to have stopped after only the second volume (bastards). And hell, where's the HK set for the Harlock TV series box set that just came out in Japan?
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