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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Tired of my owning you huh? Listen man (If that is what you consider yourself). I don't hang out here just to smack you around. Just think before you post some emotionally charged opinion like its a fact... You mislead the n00bs who don't know your posting style yet. PM me if you have a problem with me. Owning me? Merely trying to ride me, and your bitch ass better buy me dinner one of these days. I merely stated is some kind words that if you're going to claim my arguments are unfounded, you should post your evidence that Tokyopop pulled the release due to lack of interest (which would have been contradictiary to their announcement in the first place) and didn't make the whole announcement dissapear due to Big West laying a smack down upon them for improper licensing tactics with HG.
  2. True, the Arcadia is an exception too, as is the Andromeda (Yamato series II, not the bad kevin sorbo show).
  3. Yadda yadda yadda, why is it more acceptable to have a show about shooting people than singing at them, yadda yadda yadda. P.S. Macross 7 rules!
  4. It's a 5 disc release (7 episodes spread across the first 4 disc's, and the 5th packed with extra's). Video quality is great, sound is great, and subtitles from what I understand were "borrowed" either from a fansub script, for from manga's subtitle script. Either way, they're clean, clear, names are correct, spellings are correct, sentence structure is perfect english, etc. If you want Giant Robo, this is the set to get. Graham mentioned the HK set which is an entirely different release, terrible subtitles, & I believe only 2 disc's. The Korean set is listed as R3, but is also R1 compatible. And yes, dvdasian is a reputable shop.
  5. Mod says: Your welcome to repost an edited cleaner version of this.
  6. I dissagree, the Japanese Isamu was far more suave than the english one. Myung was decidedly more whiney, Guld was too monotone in the dub, Sharon was never supposed to sound "menacing," as she wasn't evil in the first place. I've blocked the Yang dub out form my mind, and will continue to do so forever. As for bizarre script changes, the one that stands out most in my mind is when Sharon is telling Myung that she doesn't need her anymore (start of the war armistace concert), and mentions something about a sister....what the hell was that? Everything combined with the bad dub of voices, and the mangling of the 4th episodes sfx & bg just make the dub not even remotely worth it.
  7. Bottom line, those who paid for the pre-sale were "rewarded" by getting the series released. If no one had signed up, there'd be no Macross DVD's period (well, bootlegs, but you know what I mean). The more people signed up, the more they plunked into the remaster. Sometimes you have to look at the bigger picture. When it comes right down to it, for $250 (plus $10 shipping) we paid $28 per disc. About average for MSRP of the time. Plus, we got to see it a year before everyone else.
  8. The question isn't why Battle 7 transforms, but why almost every other ship in sci-fi doesn't! Hell, the only other ship that's bad ass enough to get away with an excuse for not transforming is the Yamato.
  9. You know, I don't recall the last time we had a Macross 7 pic on the main page.
  10. You don't remmber that one? It was the BI-MON-SCI-FI-CON episode with Mark Hammil. Max Jenius - Hmm... must have. (I don't want my post to appear at the end.)
  11. Yup, manga lost the license, and this is the best way to get the OVA. Only real downside is that the Ginrei OVA isn't included.
  12. What, like Thumb wars was officially licensed by Lucas? Parody law is what allows Weird Al Yankovic to eat. It's why the death star can be talked about in Clerks, the mighty robots from Battlestar Galactica can fight the gay robots from Star Wars on the simpsons, etc. As long as it's not something that's claimed to be an official original part of the story, it falls under parody.
  13. You don't have any evidence of that, you're out of your element. I think your heart is in the right place (Macross) but YOU need not make sweeping statments about things you know nothing about... It derails threads. My ass, your lack of evidence and sweeping statement about my sweeping statement & lack of evidence (be it very likely) is what derails threads. And that my friend is eactly my element! Keith I am not calling you a sissy-retard, this time. I am however telling you, you have no information... None of us do, so stop making stuff up. And what did I make up now? The fact that all information on the release dissapeared without any sign or comment whatsoever from Tokyo Pop or HG? If it were a simple matter of lack of interest, they wouldn't have sought the license, & announced having it in the first place (at the very least it's very unprocessional to do such a thing and then pull it back without a trace). Far more likely they were informed that they didn't have the license, my own theory again being they thought they could snag it from the french company releasing the manga.
  14. nope, they were good, borderline great, now the dub for Mac 2 sucked Great how? The bad script changes? Myung being whiney? Isamu being more cocky than cool? How was the dub good?
  15. Bootleg DVD's are never quite as good as what they're ripping (..just got burned on a G-Gundam set, damn thing keeps skipping....will wait for bandai sale for the official!), but the FX disc is pretty damned good. Subtitles are accurate "enough" (though not as good as other scripts), has the whole movie (except for the toho pictures logo at the beginning), and the older bootlegs are missing 15-30 seconds of film in the middle of the movie. Go for the FX disc....but nothing new of theirs, as all their new stuff is glitchy as hell.
  16. You don't have any evidence of that, you're out of your element. I think your heart is in the right place (Macross) but YOU need not make sweeping statments about things you know nothing about... It derails threads. My ass, your lack of evidence and sweeping statement about my sweeping statement & lack of evidence (be it very likely) is what derails threads. And that my friend is eactly my element!
  17. That's not a bootleg, it's somewhat licensed (I don't think the subtitle & english dub track are, but they do have a basic release contract). It's also different from the HK bootleg in that it uses an accurate script (names & everything are spot on). Highly reccomended for those looking for a great epic story, though not so much of a mecha action piece (but awesome no matter what Graham says).
  18. If Trash were dropped due to lack of projected interest, all official records of its announcement wouldn't have dissapeared without any signs whatsoever left. Obviously a legal smack-down. My personal guess, they licensed it from the french company releasing it instead of Big West. Thought they could get away with it, then didn't As for this whole YF-19 thing, I'm as hardcore anti-HG as the next guy (if not more so). However, unless it's an actual featured part of the comic, just appearing in the background of a shot is perfectly fine. It falls under "parody." It's the same reason Studio Nue can use the Arcadia in a background shot in Macross, amongst many other such visual gags that occur in anime & manga. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go take a shower to wash the dirt away for actually defending such a blatantly wrong action by hg........::shudders::
  19. The box is indeed a rip of the animeigo release (only episodes 1-24, i.e. animeigo box's 1 & 2), there is no dub. You may recall the same company claiming japanese audio & subtitles on their HK robotech release. It's just paper cut-out info.
  20. I'm going to have to chime in again, that freakin' dub "sucked," and that's all there is to it. Aside from the presence of robotech voice actors, and some pretty bizarre script changes, the odd choice in dubbing Voices into english, while changing the words to reflect events in the storyline that didn't happen until 7 years after the song would have been written is just inane. That and the improper music & SFX used in the last episode....just plain sad. As for the movie edition, nothing of major consequence is removed, aside from "explosions" so to speak (mind you they were cool fight scenes, but not necessary to the story). In place are more scenes that actually forward the story (which make the complaints even more bizarre). A slightly weaker ending is a worthy trade-off for a superior ending, and damnit, Lucy fanservice!
  21. You may want to check again to make sure. Disc 4, last 30 seconds of episode 16, and last 5 minutes of episode 19, both have a nasty encoding error that make all moving objects flicker.
  22. For those who actually bought the set, it looks like ADV is finally replacing the defective disc's. Just go up to the site & send an e-mail to customer service, and they should send a response back asking for mailing information for disc replacement.
  23. Be nice, a MW member designed those covers afterall (though Garoquel, seriously, you should have sent higher quality image stock for them to use at the printers). As for the recipe cards, AnimEigo is the only company that regularly releases liner notes, don't knock it.
  24. Uchuu Senkan Yamato! Who needs trek?
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