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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Those aren't wings on the V2, they're exhaust vents. The V2 uses a miniature minovsky flight system to do away with wastefull vernier thrusters. The pink wings are an after/exhaust effect, not an intentional (within the continuity of course) design of the system. As for the Wing's buster rifle, any MS can take out a colony, all you have to do is blast a few holes in it, or blow up another MS in it. The buster rifle isn't even remotely necessary.
  2. A good destroid comparison would be the Konig Monster in VFX-2 (which is vertually identical design wise to its Mk II predecessor) with the Destroids in Zero. I'd say the monster looks much more badass.
  3. Almost forgot, Basara & Elma duet version of Planet Dance...and Starlight Dream.
  4. Official Spelling "Herlock" (due to his German ancenstry). Pronunciation "Harlock."
  5. Nonsensicle? What exactly was hard to understand? DOME's speach was actually pretty simple. He (it?) wasn't saying that Newtypes themselves were only an illusion, but the concept of Newtypes and what they stood for was an illusion. With the emergence of Newtypes, people came to see them as the next step of humanity, and with their powers, the ones who would create the future. DOME's point was that was not the case, and that the future is created not by Newtypes with powers, but by those with the strength and will to create their own futures. Thus his mentioning of Tifa's visions of the future and how Garrod had made it so that not a single one of them had come to pass. Maybe it's just the script on the HK set, but I didn't get that much out of it. The whole point in the evolution of Newtypes was to create a higher understanding between people, not the flaunting of psychic powers & fortune telling (which was X's major miss with its interpretations of Newtypes in the first place). That whole speech just seemed to shluff Newtypes off as regular people with special powers. Judo...er Garoad was the closest thing to a Newtype in the whole series, even if he couldn't use the Flash system. Irregardless, that ending suffered from the episode cut. Paula should have gotten a lot more screen time.
  6. Heero, Basara, and Keith. Wrong timeline, wrong series, and wrong genre, in that order. Serious consideration of the question: 0. Bomba! Amuro, Kamille, Lala
  7. -Ai Wa Nagareru - TV -Tenshi no Enogu - DYRL -Runner (Duet Version) - Flash Back 2012 -Wanna Be An Angel - Plus -Totsugeki Love Heart - 7 -Angel Voice/Wild Life - Dynamite -Get Free - VFX 2 -Sara's (not sure what the title is) song - Zero -Yakusoku (ending theme to 6th episode in II) - Macross II -20th Anniversary version of Tenshi no Enogu - Other
  8. It's still a mystery why they never put it on an album, but if you have the FX DVD's, you should have the Macross 7 Plus short with the full music video.
  9. Every time they re-animate we wind up with a new AU series. I say leave well enough alone, we don't need to Ted Turner everything.
  10. Dirt old animation or not, 0079 still has one of the best stories of the franchise. Rent or buy the movies, and see just how much "soul" the story had. The focus that the AU shows lost is the fact that the story has always been about Newtypes, not Mobile Suits. And for the record, I liked CCA....
  11. Bah, screw Jerid, the whole point of his character was to be a nothing that couldn't compete. That's why Yazan was thrown in to balance things out.
  12. Oh yeah. That's my old avatar. I got it from your site, Keith. Cheers! I'll be damned if I can remember where I got it though....
  13. Music isn't a powerful super weapon in 7 either, its the emotions of the singer that causes the effect, not the songs themselves. As for the "Atlantis" reference, it's not that much bigger of a stretch than what was already presented in the TV series. We know the Protoculture visited Earth, why would it be so hard to believe they left something behind? Hell, Zero may still elaborate on that a bit (even if it does just turn out to be the AFOS that was left, maybe we'll get a flashback of the Protoculture themselves).
  14. The last thing SEED needs is a wonder bra
  15. Ok, just finished X last night, and while cool...WHAT THE HELL WAS UP WITH DOME! I realize the episode count was dropped by at least 10, but that whole nonsensicle babble about Newtypes being illusions....! That alone dropped X a few points.
  16. I'm actually about to watch the last 5 episodes tonight, but X is by no means a UC series. The one major flaw in the attempt to make it similar to UC is in making Newtypes out to be psychics. While I haven't finished it, there's absolutely no way it holds a candle to V, but it is an interesting mesh between ZZ & Orguss in style.
  17. I'm surprised no one has mentiond Phantas Star Collection. It's got I, II, & III perfectly emulated onto 1 tiny cartridge, hell, it's the sole reason to own a GBA.
  18. $40 max, plus an additioanl $10-15 more for a TREAD that perfectly attaches. Of course something tells me if they do make one, they'll try to charge an equally ubscene $80 for it.
  19. It was indeed singing that initially caused culture shock, but it wasn't just culture shock that brought down the Zentradi. Culture shock was an initial tool used to knock down the Zentradi's defenses, but it was the desire to beocme a part of that culture that caused defections within Britai's ranks, which in turn caused Britai to form a treaty with the Macross, and finally gave Earth enough firepower to stand up against Bodolza. Without that, the shock would have simply worn off, & the Zentradi would have fully whiped out everyone. That's the basis Macross 7 works off of, not trying to shock people, but actually emotionally moving them to show them another way. Now just what about that makes Basara an a-hole? How is he anymore an a-hole than Isamu for that matter? Aside from not being a letch, both share fundimental traits, it's just that one chooses to shoot, while the other chooses to sing.
  20. It's alright fanboy, though I'm impressed I haven't gotten myself banned over there, saving it for something good.
  21. You seem to be getting way more amped up than me, though maybe I'm just confused by your lack of cohesiveness on the subject? What else would I expect from a "fanboy."
  22. Should I care? And why would I have an ulcer now??
  23. Not sure, perhaps it just fell inbetween an awkward phase of Gundam poplarity. Show wise, even more awkward beginning. There was no real rason to start the story 2 episodes ahead, and with the ugliest enemy mecha yet being showcased, it was hurt even more. I initially thought I had a bad bootleg & was missing an episode or two....of course after that the show kicks all ass, but the beginning would have been much better if events were shown in order.
  24. You know what's even less necessary than all of the above transforming? People bitching about why things transform. Simple fact of the matter is that they do. If you don't like it, go watch paint dry.
  25. Shut up!
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