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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Why the hell would you want an english version of voices? The english versoin makes absolutely no sense. Just how would Myung know the events of the OVA 7 years earlier when she was in high school? Hell, the lyrics don't even make sense with the title any longer in that verison.
  2. Nope, HG would only license U.S. rights to AnimEigo.
  3. Be nice, we owe Gundam for inspiring Kawamori to make Macross.
  4. Now where's this cranky nonsense coming from? And the only reason I listened to the commentary on the heavy metal dvd was because i made the mistake of renting it, and figured it had to suck less with the commentary....still undecided.
  5. The only real annoyance on the FX release is the removal of the first couple seconds with the toho pictures logo, it just jumps into the black screen with Britai & Exedor.
  6. Absolutely couldn't be worse, plus you wouldn't have to worry about the layer change. And no, it didn't have a 5.1 track. Even more shocking, most old releases that claim that have a 5.1 track are false tracks.
  7. Unless you have the bootleg set, or went into that difficult to find place in the menu that let's you use the play-all feature, all intro's should play before every episode. The end credits also shouldn't be in english (though the opening credits are, but you can turn off the subtitles to get a creditless intro if you prefer).
  8. Macek did what now again? ABSO-FREAKIN-LUTELY NOTHING! Did he create anything? No. Did he pioneer anything? No. Did he actively persue anything himself? No. HG hired him for a project they were "already working on." Which was comprised of material that "already existed," and "would have been marketed anyway." Streamline was founded by multiple people (the most recognizable name being Macek), and even then, his superior business talents didn't help him from allowing the company to be swalled up then subsequently destroyed by the Orion (bought Streamline) MGM (bought Orion) incident. Hell, if you listen to him talk about Heavy Metal, you'd think he pioneered & animated the damn movie himself, not hung out as an animation studio selecting consultant. If you're going to honor someone, that's all well & fine, but make sure they've at least done something worth honoring.
  9. That's interesting....but wrong. By the time streamline came about, AnimEigo had also popped up, as did fledgling interest in releasing anime. Pioneer & Bandai both having large Japanese parent companies would have also gone the natural progression, Voyager was already releasing star blazers on tape, and the fact is that there was so much more tv anime before & after robotech, none of it related to the release of robotech, that macek was just a drop in the bucket.
  10. i like the fact that it helped get the other 2 series released uncut & remastered, while the robotech fans still get piss poor imitations of the shows, with worse sound effects, and continued edits.
  11. Nope, that had nothing to do with it. I was all amped up to get a deep meaningful conclusion to Big O. I was glad CN helped fund it, since it apparently wouldn't have been done otherwise, but damn that was the shittiest ending ever. I even bared with it for that whole halloween stunt (when they aired a repeat instead, then the following week, aired the beginning of that repeat before the final episode just to frakk with people). The production crew was obviously phoning it in. The interviews on the first season's disc's show that they didn't really have a direction take the ending to, and they were just looking at making a cool show. The second season makes that painfully obvious.
  12. Point 1: HG licensed Macross before they brought Macek aboard. Point 2: HG was preparing to release Macross in its "less" modified form before they brought Macek aboard. Point 3: Macek was specifically brought aboard to come up with a solution in getting the show into a 5 day a week syndicated block, as well as cashing in on Revell's "Robotech" toyline. As such he picked 2 other shows, and deicded to mesh the stories together instead of just doing an anthology block. Point 4: Macek is an ass that tries to take credit for creating anything he's even remotely invovled with. Pont 5: Macek considers what he does to be "improving" the products but weeding out the elements which are forum to the american market, and making them "friendlier" to the consumer by changing them into something which they're not. Point 6: Macek can suck my ass!
  13. The MI disc is most certainly "not" in dolby 5.1, hell, they didn't evne have 5.1 when that laserdisc came out! Both are dolby 2.0 mixes, irregardless of what your display says.
  14. SECONDED! Yes, everything that was intriguing and cool about the story was completely disregarded, I was really quite amazed at how badly it was all wrapped up in the end. "The Greatest Villian" was the best episode of the new batch. Come to think of it, most of the second season could have just as easily been episodes of Justice League.....coincidence? Speaking as someone who owns Macross II, Megazone 23 Prt III, & Orguss 02, I honestly don't see myself buying the season II DVD's if that even remotely expresses my contempt for the second season.
  15. No, that's the other omake concert they included later on, the one where they play Planet Dance. And even then, Humming Bird is still playing in the background.
  16. Say Egan, we know you're busy, but I'm sure everyone would like to know if you have any imput or enlightenment on just how HG can release a line of DYRL toys in the U.S. Glad to hear you're feeling better. -Keith
  17. Dual layered, it's actually a very accurate rip. The only thing it's missing is the toho pictures part of the intro. It's even anamorphic.
  18. Except they even managed to screw up her character, and Angel, talk about anti-climactic. I DEMAND A MOVIE DO-OVER!
  19. Probably a program that was given out at the concert, but who knows.
  20. If you find a really dusty copy under a dark shelf in a retail store, then you've got the old batch version. Otherwise, anything you pick up now should be fine.
  21. Because FX doesn't re-do anything unless "a lot" of people complain about it, and are pretty much entirely doing R1 release rips now. Sad but true. As for the old DYRL HK DVD, those subtitles sucked too, and the timings were bad. The FX script may not be perfect, but its very understandable, and the timing is right on.
  22. RPG stats mean nothing, as they're arbitrarily made up to begin with. VF-22 major advantages: -Reaction weapons -Pinpoint Barrier -PIN POINT BARRIER PUNCH! -more manueverable VF-1MS advantages: -So funny looking that any opponent may be destracted enough to let thesmelves be shot. -Plasma burst thingy (though probably only good against capitol ships). -The lance which is good for....
  23. The whole second season was crap compared to the first. Considering the way they ended it, the series stands fine on its one season. That second season ending, aside from making no-sense whatsoever (even Eva made sense), was a complete & total copout. None of the mysteries from the first season were answered, and the ones from the second season were just there for show.
  24. Nope, they're still down a few points, as they haven't sent my replacement yet, and I was among the first to send in their info!
  25. Are you sure it's not on the complete album? Check the 3rd disc. I don't recall exactly, but it may be there.
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