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Everything posted by Keith

  1. His parents made him the gold one to try to make him feel better. But when he encou tered other clingons, he saw the difference, and quickly repainted it to cover it up.
  2. I don't see how they can't comtinue. Season 1 ended the same.
  3. Working!! season 3 is iff to a good start.
  4. Sentai / ADV has kept tge DVD's in production, so it's "possible."
  5. Obviously, but it's still a prototupe. Recognizing game names at the pre-load UI would be magical enough.
  6. I actually wonder how it'd handle PS1 software. While no doubt it"s much less powerfup than a PS1, I still wonder if it'd recognize the discs. Being a test system may nullify any carts or discs though. But still a nice curiosity.
  7. If I were working right now, I'd pick this up, no question. Hopefully I' be nicely settled before it's out.
  8. Why doesn't he boot it up? I wanna see that thing run. Hell, at least play SNES / Super Famicom games on it for kicks.
  9. Incredibly tempting.
  10. Z, ZZ, Victory, & X are all coming from Nozomi, no word on format. They're gonna try for the original Z themes. 0079 TV is coming on BD, but still no Duhan's Island. I think they said the Turn A movies are also getting a BD release.
  11. I have now seen just about everything. The last remainimg anime milestone is getting Macross away from HG and Tatsunoko. Let's get there before 2020!
  12. Learn something new every day. And while nothimg makes things like that right, those are issues for ambassaders on both sides to resolve. Removing Japans flag to pretend their a different country would be insulting to the whole situation.
  13. Since it's nearly impossible for Tatsunoko to have secured streaming rights (withoit a time machine), I have a good feeling that the new show could pop up on crunchyroll.
  14. Serious, 600mbs is insane. Also, try re-running your connection settimgs.
  15. The flipside to that is that games aren't quite the static beasts they once were. Unlike Arkham Knight PC, it's often the case that newer features, such as DLC isn't ready when a game hits production, and any small change can require bigger patch repricussions. In the case of any bug, I'm glad that game conpanies care enough to make sure things are resolved st launch. Of course, I have a 2TB HDD in my PS4, and havr gone 95% digital to start, so little patches don't make that big a difference to me at this point.
  16. Still watvhing Punchline. The director worked on a few Gainax shows starting with Daibuster, which explains everything. Probably my favorite of the season.
  17. I'm just saying blaming the game companies for patches is silly, when the issue is terrible internet speeds.
  18. I don't like to get down on people for posting things, but that's equal parts stupid, and has nothing whatsoever to do with Yamato. - The Japanezw flag presates mud 1900's war era Japan. - The Yamato doesn't fly a Japanese flag in any incarnation (The Cosmo Navy flag is significantly different). - The Battleship Yamato was a battleship, not a flag. - The Space Battleship Yamato is an altered design of yhe original Yamatl, so any atguments of the ship design somehow being a sign of imperialism are still noot. - The confederate flag represents a rebel splinter faction of the U.S. thag tried to bring down the U.S., it both doesn't exist anymore, nor doesn it make sense to celebrate it as tbe country that defeated it (aside from all the ignorant racial propoganda it represents). - The Nazi flag also repesents a regime which doesn't exist anymore + a ton of hate stigma attached to it and the atteocities that the Nazi's committed. - Japan does still exist, though not quite in the same way it did then, close enough to still be the same country. - I'm not gonna pretend I know everything about Warfime Japan's policies, but what I do know leans farther toward occupation and territory claiming than genocide and slavory. So no, Yamato won't be banned anytime ever
  19. What's with you guys and your sh!t internet comnections? 6 hours for 3.5 gigs? Are you on dial up??
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