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Everything posted by Keith
unless someone beats me to it, i'll post up comparison shots tomorrow. Do you have a scene in mind?
I've seen Bandai America's licensing package for the calendar year and can tell you Zeta Gundam was definitely not in their offerings for 2004. As far as Gundam goes, they are only concerned about Seed and SD Gundam Force this year. Think about it. They showed off a bunch of Zeta Gundam toys at last year's Toy Show and none of them were on display at Bandai's booth this year. That should send off enough red flags to anyone paying attention. What about F91? Though I do still think the Zeta box will see the light of day this year (i.e. they'll honk off a ton of gundam hardcore, which admittedly aren't the bulk of their target right now ), but there's been not even a hint from the studio reps about the fate of F91.
I may listen to the rest of that commentary one day....it'll take a while though Perhaps you got a different box than I did though, mine was near paper towel tube thin, not nearly as sturdy as the macross or eva box. As for waiting for an import LD or DVD, if you're going to do it, get the DVD. Both this release, and the R2 DVD used newly restored footage on some of parts 1 & 2. Its also fully remastered to the extent that I can almost see why animeigo wanted to add some grain "back in" to their Macross remaster. Animation this old almost doesn't look right being this clean Other than that, all ADV touched themselves were the end credits (as per usual).
I'll concede this week. Regardless of my opinions on soldiers, war mongerers, & gun owners, I "will" say that I do believe in a balance between peaceful intent, and self defense (note I didn't say war). However since I'm the only one who takes my stance here, I'm also not afraid to take it to an extreme stance as everyone should know by now. And Agent One, shut the hell up. You are far more inflamatory & idiotic than I could ever be accused of being. You do nothing but bitch & rarely contribute a useful thought other than how extremely you hate whatever the current topic is. Bite me.
Didn't Sunrise start enforcing better subtitle standards with the Gundam franchise? Or was that just regarding 0079 terms? As for F91, I think we can all kiss that theatrical release goodbye, though hopefully the DVD will pop-up the same time Zeta does. Of course the next question would be how soon after the R2 release Bandai plans on releasing the Zeta movies.
Post edited once I realized "JsARCLIGHT" was the one responding to me with the impression that I was saying "anything" to him. My fault for getting too into it & not paying attention to who I was responding too...anyway I brought "YOU" back into it? Who was even talking to you? I responded to: "Don't get me wrong, I actually did like most of Macross 7, but like everyone else (well except for Basara Keith Nekki ) I hated Basara and his wimpy crap. Even real life UN peace keepers use tanks, machine guns, and attack helicopters for their own protection if nothing else. If he's going to egg someone on, he shouldn't be suprised when its recipricated. You don't know crap. All you know is what you've been told to point & shoot at. Suffice it to say, don't confuse being stupid enough to put yourself in a life or death situation caused by people who could care less whether you do live or die as an experience that makes you an authority on the world. You've shown just how narroow your view is. Stereotyping people who own guns to fight phantom enemies who may or may not appear....isn't it Stereotyping to own a gun to shoot people who haven't even attacked you? Alas, somehow i've managed to survive the deeply cutting wound your words have given me, and manage to respond thusly: "My point specifically was, as was the point of the show, with the ever growing threat of weapons technology, there will eventually become a point when one side is going to vastly outclass the other, that being a strong reason in itself to avoid war & find peaceful solutions." Wars are fought & won by killing droves of pawns because of the inability of the few in power to resolve things themselves. A war won by peace however is one that's never fought, when diplomatic terms are able to resolve a conflict, or those few in power on occasion actually have the foresight to see that a bloody conflict isn't necessary to come to a resolution. Like I said, much more of history's time is covered by peace than it is war. That belief is arrogent to say the least. There will always eventually be someone bigger & badder out there. The vietcong won because the war wasn't popular in america. The people couldn't get behind it because we shouldn't have been there in the first place. If the will & support was "really" there to defeat them, we could have easily nuked them & been done with it. You say peace & love doesn't win wars, but common sense & human compassion related to those concepts is what prevented us from truly monsterous attrocities in that "military action." Don't for one minute believe that we couldn't have "won" if we really wanted to. Citizens who have no business owning firearms, firearms that quite often result in needless death's is the insult here. Interesting analogy. However a more direct one would be that once a gun was at your head (as likely would be the case in most situations). Would you fumble around for a gun and most definately get shot, or would you do what it took to survive until you could (hopefully) get into a more favorable circumstance. I'm not telling you to sing at anybody, as none of us has a comfy pin-point barrier protected VF-19. I'm just trying to figure out where you get off claiming that you'll recipricate force with force when in most situations, the option isn't even there. You can play high & mighty here saying you'll shoot whoever threaten's your life, but what are you going to do when you don't have the option of threatening theirs? Even then, can you safely say deadly force is necessary in all situtaions? What do you think would happen if that gun pulled on you was a fake? If you shot that person, "you" would be the one to go to jail for murder. Fanboy outlook my ass. I can just as easily say its nice & fine to enjoy a fictional war setting. But to enjoy the mass killing of others in real life is sick & twisted. Wars aren't glorious with one side alway triumping over the other, rare are the "hero's" who don't randomly die in battle no matter how skilled they are, and the good guys don't always win, nor are "we" alwasy the good guys. That too is a cartoon. When you get a bigger gun, your "enemy" will do so in turn, until both sides die due to mass stupidity. What hypocracy is there? I use my words, I don't go hunt people down & beat them senseless. I'm not the first one to illude to someone going & shooting themselves on these boards, & I'm sure I won't be the last either. I however don't see how you can accuse me of "not" upholding my ideals when all I've used are my apparently "dangerous" words. Ass in a sling? Aside from your rather "skewed" rememberence of past discussions, you also put yourself in far too high a regard. My "outburst" as you call it is in specific response to your dragged over from the other board "jab" at me. If you don't want it, don't ask for it. it's also rather up for interpretation as to "who" bad mouthed america, & the president first, as you're the one who started (and unpromptedly at that) going off on various political parties, spewing your own brand of bizarre political rhertic, etc first. In order to "duke" it out, one must exchange blows. And while your arguiments did blow, you were constantly inable to make any attempt at backing up your statements once I shot them down. Too far? I believe "you" were the one warned, not I. As it stands, absolutely nothing has been said to be by the mods. It's a good thing I haven't preached, only responded to your rhetoric which you continue to abandon in favor of these childish persoanl attacks. Your the one who brought it. Yes, it is. Words are just that, words. If you can't even handle those, then you obviously don't have the tools to cope with much. As for threats on my life, I never threatened your life, I just made a suggestion. And even then, I never implied any action on my part. I've done no more than you have, though its nice you find my words to be so powerful. Incorrect, "wishing" death upon you would be something to the effect of "I wish you'd get hit by a bus." Threatening your life would be "I'm going to kill you this way or that." These things I have not done. You sir are paranoid. I can't? What angry act have I made upon you? Hell, what angery intent was there in the statement I made? All a matter of your own paranoid perception. Besides which, I'm not the manic gun nut who promotes killing anyone weaker than themselves. Nor have I wished death upon you. Again, all a matter of your own personal paranoia. How many threats include the word "curtiousy." And again, no threat was made upon you. I suggest you re-read it for yourself. Hell, let's quote it one last time shall we? If you can't keep up in a debate, then the least you can do is have the curtiousy to accidentally pop yourself while cleaning your loaded gun so someone much more deserving of a life on this planet can use the space you waste on it. Again, where's the threat? Where did I tell you to do anything? Where did I imply my non-existent intent to kill you? Just which word scared you the most??? Last time I checked, calling someone a waste of space was "not" a voilation of guidlines. Agent one has better things to do than fight your battles for you, he's not your daddy. He & I may dissagree on whatever we dissagree on, but if you're expecting someone to instruct anyone else on curtiousy & kindness in posts, you're looking to the wrong person. Even he'd tell you that. You've been down below that level for a weak talking about how you'd kill a country of pacifists & whatnot. Though your offense at "anyone" wishing death upon another (especially when it never happened) is comedic in itself for one who so dramatically clings to a belief in killing those who oppose you & fighting wars to "stop the enemy." I never brought any politics anywhere, I just called you a gun nut, after you called me a pacifist wimp. Fair enough. You're the one talking left & right wing, not me. If you don't want a discussion brought over, don't bring it. If you don't want to have to defend your gun toting beliefs, don't introduce them. If you don't want to tangle with me, then don't whine to everyone else about what you yourself can't handle.
Once again, Nanashi has brought forth wisdom from chaos. *bows down to the wisdom of Nanashi* *kneels in European medieval fashion as if to royalty* However, Sensai Nanashi, you have forgotten one of the most prised Macross 7 items. Sivil!!!! Don't get me wrong, I actually did like most of Macross 7, but like everyone else (well except for Basara Keith Nekki ) I hated Basara and his wimpy crap. Even real life UN peace keepers use tanks, machine guns, and attack helicopters for their own protection if nothing else. Are you still spewing that old tired B.S.? Haven't you finished licking your wounds yet? If you can't keep up in a debate, then the least you can do is have the curtiousy to accidentally pop yourself while cleaning your loaded gun so someone much more deserving of a life on this planet can use the space you waste on it. Suffice it to say, obviously you missed the whole point about being hopelessly outgunned by the Protodevelin, with reaction weapons not even being any remote help against them. There was no way to defeat them, and without Basara, everyone would have either died, or become enslaved in a spiritia farm. What you gun nuts don't seem to understand is that there will eventually always be someone "stronger" than you out there. No matter how bad you may "think" you are, all charging into things guns blazing will do is get you & anyone you even remotely care about killed eventually. The Macross just nearly skirted defeat in the original series, and Macross 7 puts the fleet up againt a much more unstoppable foe than a fleet of millions of Zentradi. Without finding peaceful ways to get out of situations, people will die out eventually.
Last word put Zeta at somewhere near september, so we "should" hopefully have a release date & price soon. Irregardless, I still already put a pre-order down for the Seed box, I just wish it was the whole series instead of just teh first volume.
Harmony Gold's DYRL official DYRL site?
Keith replied to Apollo Leader's topic in Movies and TV Series
HG have re-asserted themselves as slimy bastards, and if Steve Yun did indeed claim those domain names under his own initiative, then I can be quoted as saying: Steve Yun is a c*nt! -
Looks like Seed is set for release on August 10th in 2 styles, disc only limited edition disc 1 + box plus OST CD. Estimate would seem to be 10 disc's which is what was expected. Still no date for Zeta though...bastards!
Harmony Gold's DYRL official DYRL site?
Keith replied to Apollo Leader's topic in Movies and TV Series
Actually, considering how well Megazone 23 Prt 1 came out, I'm not too concerned about ADV's subtitle treatment for DYRL, I'm more concerned that HG wouldn't have gone through Big West to get the rights, and using those long since warn out masters that Kiseki/Best films was using. Hell, they were pre-10th anniversary! Although "if" HG has made some reperation to Big West and gone through the proper channels, and "IF" they don't get Zero, then I'll be content. -
Harmony Gold's DYRL official DYRL site?
Keith replied to Apollo Leader's topic in Movies and TV Series
Why wouldn't it happen? Tony Oliver is still active in dubbing (remember when he ruined Lupin III's voice?). And Manga pulled some RT actors for their Plus dub. -
This was always what was intended. Evangelion was never supposed to be mystical at all. Gendo's initial motives were power. Once getting invovled with Yui & Seele, he fell in love with Yui, and his obsession with power tranfered to an obsession with her. Intentional/confirmed. Watch the DC, Death, or EoE, in all Yui states her intent was to join with Unit-01 all along, so that she could ensure a future for humanity no matter what the outcome of Third Impact was. Like I said, Gendo originally wanted power, then got sidetracked by Yui. After her "death," his focus changed to both helping her attain her goal, and to become a god as well so that he could remain with her. If they implied Misato killed Kaji in the manga, then that's yet one more reason not to waste time with the manga version. Anno himself officially stated that Misato did not kill Kaji, after being surprised that fans would believe such a thing. Seele clearly state their intent to kill Kaji, and it was handled by the MIB style Nerv section 2.
Harmony Gold's DYRL official DYRL site?
Keith replied to Apollo Leader's topic in Movies and TV Series
i'm damn curious what will come of this. Don't sweat reba west, though you may still wind up with tony oliver ::shutters::: Man, this keeps getting worse every minute. -
Harmony Gold's DYRL official DYRL site?
Keith replied to Apollo Leader's topic in Movies and TV Series
Who cares? Me for one. I care that if they didn't get the license from Big West, we'll wind up with some crapass quality version of the film. As long as they go through all the proper channels, get Bandai's R2 masters, etc, and of course have a decent translation done. But this is HG we're talking about, I have a nasty feeling they got their license from Kiseki/Best films (who its debatable if they even owned any rights), and we'll get the crapass quality VHS mastered version they were using. -
Wait a few months, and read the topic about macrossthemovie.com You may get your wish on DVD.
Harmony Gold's DYRL official DYRL site?
Keith replied to Apollo Leader's topic in Movies and TV Series
Nah, ADV would never dump CotB on DVD. They hate releasing anyones dubs except their own. It would be a new attempt at a dub, probably with the fullscreen cropped "SUPERDIMENION FORTRESS MACROSS" video masters. -
Harmony Gold's DYRL official DYRL site?
Keith replied to Apollo Leader's topic in Movies and TV Series
It has the sign that we're probably going to have ADV releasing a version of DYRL using whatever aged masters Kiseki used, with a half assed attempt at a remaster. End of the world enough -
Harmony Gold's DYRL official DYRL site?
Keith replied to Apollo Leader's topic in Movies and TV Series
Hmm, I think we can safely say that soon THE crap WILL HIT THE FAN! HG owning distribution to DYRL? Has the world gone insane???? Very curious too that Geneon has snagged the license to the Macross Plus OST vol 1. -
Here's an interesting bit of info posted over at the animeigo mailing list. Those who've followed some of my Eva discussions over ther years, and or other assorted participants, may find this interesting. from the Eva ML. Good reading IMO ----- Original Message ----- From: "Brendan Jamieson" <bjamieson1@yahoo.com> To: <bochan@r4.dion.ne.jp>; "The english-language evangelion mailing list." <evangelion@eva.onegeek.org> Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 6:15 AM Subject: [EVA] The Secrets of Evangelion (Eva2 4 PS2) : I don't think this was posted here yet... At least, I : didn't see it (which may not be saying much). : : ==== From GameFAQs forum: post regarding the "secrets" : revealed in Evangelion 2 for PS2 game. The "Notes" are : the original author's.. mine are in ( ) : : Eva 01 : : - It's once again confirmed here that Eva 01 does : indeed contain Yui's soul. Also, SEELE consider having : Shinji as its pilot a danger to them, for Gendo has : his own purpose for it. : : Yui : : - Yui is the daughter of a powerful member of SEELE, : and she knows about SEELE's plans. This is why Gendo : deliberately wants to get close to her. (Keel? -b) : : Gendo : : - It's again confirmed that Gendo's ultimate plan for : human complementation project is to meet Yui, and that : he did graft Adam onto his hand for this purpose. : : Human Complementation project : : - It's a project to elevate humans into a being close : to gods. S2 unit is the "base" of god, and Evas are : the "body" of god. Once the human souls are merged : into them both, and our "last natural enemy", the fail : safe device Longinus spear is destroyed, nothing then : can stop the process of the complementation. SEELE : consider themselves superior humans and our "guides" : for completing such process. : : NOTE : This is very interesting info, particularly : that the Longinus spear can be considered a fail safe : device that may be used to stop the complementation. : It could be the reason how Shinji is able to reject : it, since the spear is merged with Eva 01. : : AT field : : - It's confirmed here that when AT field is being : expanded into infinite, humans will revert into LCL. : ie. A being close to god considered by SEELE. : : Angels : : - Angels are Adam based life forms, where humans are : Lilith based life forms. It's said here that a planet : cannot handle 2 kinds of life forms. It's described : that the Angel's actions are basically survival : instincts. Some with purpose to access with Lilith, : which will "reset" all life (thus give them rooms to : start over? not sure exactly what this means), some : with purpose to retrieve their own "creator" Adam, and : some just don't think about anything. Overall, Angels : are sent to ensure the survival of Adam based life : forms on Earth. : Note : Extremely interesting bit......finally shed : some lights to angel's mysterious actions. : : (As thought, the Angels are working mostly on their : own accord. There's no unity amongst them except that : they're "Angels". They're just aliens. -b) : : The First Ancestor Civilization : : - This is the "being" that created Angels (and : humans). : - It's described that they are "aliens" which spread : their "seeds of life" throughout the galaxy, for what : purposes or reasons are unknown today. It's said that : it's pure "bad luck" that there are 2 seeds spread on : the same planet, which results the conflict between : Adam based and Lilith based life forms. The 2 seeds : are white moon (Adam) and black moon (Lilith) : : - The first ancestors are able to make a moon like, : hallow carrier of life, and able to send it across the : universe. With such technology, the first ancestors : are considered as gods to both humans and angels. : : NOTE : By far the most interesting bit of all files, : the creators actually went towards a more Sci Fi : explanation here......certainly gives us more to think : about. : : ====================================================== : : Nothing terribly new really, imho. Mostly extensions : of things we already know. Although the seemingly.. : very overt.. alien explanations are a little.. weird : to me. :\ : : -brendan : -- : Evangelion mailing list - To unsubscribe, visit : http://eva.onegeek.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/evangelion I've been saying much of this for years. It's nice to finally have some of it backed up by Anno & Gainax in official words. :
Looks like a production sketch, obviously the fast pack was never used for anything.
That'd be the way to go, live & learn.
It's a fun OVA, and the blatant source for the story of the Matrix. If you like mecha & fanservice, you'll like Megazone 23.
Check out this topic over at AOD. Looks like some ADV disc's released in the past year or so are falling apart.....!
So has anyone had a copy that's shipped early yet? As soon as it ships, the 2 month wait for the HK can begin!