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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Megazone 23 Prt IIDamn, I'm really glad now that I used my old HK box & cover art for the new DVD's now. Take a look at the cover for vol 2, that's one of the ugliest covers I've ever seen!
  2. being sarcastic is very sad for you. if your part of an advance culture that make godlike creatures im sure rocks fly with a command of your voice would be childs play while our top scientist could't figure out how its diffent from another rock that can't fly. Nope, I can assure you being sarcastic is very entertaining for me, not sad at all. See look, no teers ::flutters eyelashes::: But wait about 6 more months, and this matter "should' be settled.
  3. Hmm, protoculture technology that fly's, and looks like rocks. Now who's reaching? While I'm sure the Protoculture "could have" re-invented the rock, if you think it only has something to do with hi-tech flying voice recognition rocks, then you're in heavy denial.
  4. Hmm, I just thought of something funny. What if Pierre Bernard & the Conan show sued HG for illegally using their images on their website without permissin? I would swear eternal allegience to conan & do his bidding if he got htem shut down!
  5. Perhaps after getting a hold of the actual Macross sets, he can do a whole new recliner of rage
  6. Yeah that was great. Hell, does the guy have an e-mail address? We could make his life a lot simpler & just direct him to the Macross DVD's.
  7. When all is said & done, it remains true that these elements "are" part of Macross, and that there's no reason to believe they were never intended to be. Argue all you like however.
  8. As far as I know, the only existing bootlegs (widely availalble at least), only go up through box's 1 & 2, they haven't ripped box 3 yet, so you should be safe.
  9. Fact of the matter is, Macross TV as it came out was a result of budget restraints (then re-stretching). It was cut from a projected 40+ episode run in pre-production down to a 25-26 episode run, then back up to 36 (after production had already begun, resulting in a necessary stretch out of the already shortened down story). Elements weren't removed because they were deemed unfavorable, it was just a simple matter of only having enough time to tell a specific part of the story, then of course being a bit more time for an epilogue. Your assumptions on all matters are subjectiv, especially in the face of current evidence at the way the franchise is being handled. Like it or not, many anime seires contain similar elements, and there's no resason to believe that Macross is an exception.
  10. The problem is, since Kawamori & co obviously have taken this "route" with Zero & 7, it only stands to support those earlier references. If it were a simple matter of Macross by itself, never having had any sequels, then you would be right, these would be vague interpretations. But since things have turned out as they have, they are "safe" assumptions. And Britai/Exedor did associate the barrier explosion with Kaifun's power "Britai:What was that ability? Exedor: Could it be....? The legendary power?! Britai: What? They have powers like that?! Exedor: That could explain the energy barrier we encountered earlier!" Besides, I forget exactly who, but we have in the past had a reliable source that stated much of what consisted of Macross 7's story was derived from the original extended 50 some episode macross storyline.
  11. Bodolza viewing the barrier explosion
  12. I'm still going to stand by my argument from the episode Micro Cosmos. Britai, Exedor, & Bodolza all recognised Kaifun's movie magic powers are something familiar, an ancient force, the "power" of protoculture. While it wasn't a majorly central story element, it was definately there. Hell, they initially confused the barrier shield for the same power. It's part of the reason (that and "contamination") that Bodolza decided humans were a threat. Micro Cosmos Britai:What was that ability? Exedor: Could it be....? The legendary power?! Britai: What? They have powers like that?! Exedor: That could explain the energy barrier we encountered earlier! Love Concert ::after reviewing scenes of Kaifun's energy blast from Shao Pai Loon, and the barrier shield explosion::: Bodolza: These are the miclones? And they possess weapons this powerful?! I don't believe it. If this is true, then they are being to be feared! Britai: You want us to capture the miclones? Bodolza: I have reviewed all the material you have sent, my order is in response to it. I have no doubt that those people are Protoculture. That means that they represent an extreme threat to us. In order for this to have such a deciding factor in Bodolza's choice to take out Earth, I find this to be enough proof that at some level, "spiritia" elements were always meant to be a part of Macross. Sure Kaifun didn't have any real power, but as I said, it was familiar enough to the Zentradi to freak them out & convince them that humans were Protoculture. I also don't see what the big deal is. These are the same basic "powers" that are being created with technology (technology that we don't have yet), so what's so hard to believe that they can be made biologically? Hell, we don't even fully understand how we work, but that doesn't mean we go against science, its just a matter of things we don't understand yet. Spiritia isn't claimed to be a spontanious magic, but an energy created by the human will. As for floating rocks, if you can believe that a tractor beam can make such things happen, then why not a biological equivilent? All machines are, are a clumsy attempt for us to recreate mechanically what we can't yet recreate biologically.
  13. Don't have the R2 movie edition DVD (yet, still a bit pricy), but from what I've heard, its significantly better. Hell, the trailers for it with the M7 DVD's & the Macross 20th anniv DVD show much better quality than manga's piss poor dump to dvd.
  14. Even then, what is nanotechnology if not machines trying to replicate what cell's do. Would cell's engineered biologically to do what nanomachines do be considered magic? When it comes right down to it, all technology is, is oiur clumsy attempt to replicate biology with technology. Hell, look at the hydrolic pump, and guess what favorite part of most men's anatomy its derived from.
  15. I'd say if you absolutely have to pick 1 version, it should be the movie edition. The added closure (and fanfare) at the end, Wanna Be An Angel, etc, all place it ahead in my book. The OVA version should be seen as well, as its got some great mecha battles early on (that aren't in the movie ed), in fact I'd say it has a stronger begginning with a weaker ending (as the movie ed has a weaker beginning with a stronger end). To add further difficulty, the movie edition has an inexcusably bad VHS dump to DVD transfer, while the OVA has a beautifuly (but slightly dark) DVD transfer.... But with only 3 disc's in all, why choose?
  16. Going by that reasoining, even before he died, Roy was never shot down (as he did manage to return to the Macross & land). Let's just be arbitrary, & say Roy has taken hits, but has never been "shot down."
  17. you'll get used to it in time
  18. The simplest way to look at it is this. The Protoculture mastered mechanical science, what's so hard to believe about them also mastering boilogical science? Macross has always been about this. While humans can create giant robots, the Protoculture created giant humans Besides which, and I can't stress this enough, with Kawamori being a huge gundam fan (Newtypes),none of this should be a surprise to anyoen.
  19. Do you have any more from this set? I'm curious what the front of that costume looks like....
  20. No, he didn't defect to the anti-U.N., just a small splinter group. Don't think there was an anti-u.n. at that point, just rogue zentradi & evil coorperations.
  21. I again have to chime in, Macross Plus "did" have "fantastic" elements. The only difference being that they were in the form of Sharon Apple.
  22. Original Video Animation, it's basiclly a miniseries, higher quality animation because they dont have stretch their budget for a whole series, not as high quality animation as a movie, i know they tend to be more graphic, i dont know if they even air on japanese tv or if they are straight to DVD, might be late night tv in japan Actully The term OVA came out way before DVD hence the name in its Title orginal VIDEO Animation.. Case in point Mobile Suit Gundam 0083 The Video Stores would get like a New Episode released on VHS every other month for like a Year untill the series was complete.. I tend to think of OVA as Direct to Video Home Movies not a TV Series not a Theaterical release but something in between Ok, now this bugs the hell out of me. DVD is no less "video" than VHS was, if anything, its more so (as its a higher quality "video" source). VHS itself stands for "Verticle Helix somethingerother," as the term "video" doesn't lie in its name either. I'm sorry, but this whole trying to distinguish DVD & tape by using the term "video" for tapes exclusively is inane. I know the movie studio's do it too (especially disney), but come on now!
  23. Do you mean Gilliam? If so he'd have to be pretty young there, as VFX-2 takes place over 40 years later. Do you have a picture of him? You never know, though Shin & Sara would have to live another 15-20 years in order to have him (Basara is around 21 at the time of Macross 7) That could very well be, an interesting thought. How about some screen captures? Those are always fun.
  24. At 2 Gundam series a year (not counting oddities like SDG force), I wouldn't expect Turn A for another 2 years tops, especially since Victory should come before it. The reason everyone asks about F-91 is because it was announced to be released around the same time frame as Zeta.
  25. Here you go. Mahoro Sports Bike PVC thread. I think you made the right choice. I love Mahoro, but that figure just doesn't capture her.
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