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Everything posted by Keith

  1. When did Yukikaze 5 get pushed back to March? I thought it was set for september.
  2. Must be, as I found it really damn funny. Besiodes, taking a break to do silly stuff can speed up actual work.
  3. When you consider the stale level of developement shown in Macross II, definately. You also have to consider how Macross II ignores any & all forms of continuity which came before it. You recall incorrectly. Go watch Flash Back 2012. When you consider that the "brand new race" in II has absolutely no origins whatsoever given, no real motives for their being there, and hell, no purpose but to re-inact the events of DYRL, the decision is made before you watch. Then of course there's the fact that the actual creator's of the series were involved with one, and were not with the other, then your answer is clear. What series were you watching? Much of the history was revealed in Macross TV, finer points were ironed out in 7, but it was all essentially there. All the "maybe's" with the Marduk are just that. They could have just as easily popped up out of a box of Lucky CharmsĀ© for all the info that is given on them. They overtly contradict what info was given about the Protoculture, let alone the Supervision Army. Again, have you even watched any of this??? To the contrary, Big West begged to get him & Nue back after the failure that was II. The fact that they let him shluff aside an expensive to produce OVA should prove that beyond any doubt. Kawamori & Nue were done with Macross after FB 2012, it was Big West screwing things up by themselves that brought them back.
  4. I didn't say Spiritia was directly related to Newtypes, just that the concept of "esper powers" was inspired by. Naturally Kawamori put his own spin on it. And Kawamori definately said he did "not" see II period, as for whether he's seen it by now is anyones guess, but the question has come up to him even after 7's production. As for Macross II songs being in 7, what's that got to do with Kawamori? II was a commercial flop, can you blame Big West for wanting to recoup some lost money by including the songs? It's smart business, and lets face it, the music was the best part of II.
  5. That's the now defunct Macross Plus OVA & II box set from Manga. Both OVA disc's plus the 1 II disc, i.e. Macross 3 (disc box set). That was the one they were going to price at the astronomical price of $89.99, and not even include MP:ME.
  6. While a share of the episodes do have weak subtitles, all of the important ones use fansub scripts (which is odd in itself). Why they didn't use those scripts for all of the episodes is anyones guess.
  7. That would be it then. An earlier press release this year (or perhaps last) made it sound like it was an OVA alternate version (same footage, different edit). Most likely each version will get a disc. BTW, Seed will indeed be 10 volumes, 5 episodes per disc. This has been comfirmed.
  8. Some will say on the disc, sometimes a logo will pop up before the menu, other times it's impossible to tell these days. The ones with the better features seem to be the Av releases.
  9. Nope, Kawamori claims to have never seen Macross II. Besides which, nothing in Macross II holds anything in common with Sound Energy. The emulator's controlled their Zentradi through trained responses. They could have easily just used c olored lights, or ringing bell's to trigger the same responses. Spiritia in Macross requires actual emotion from one person invoking emotion in another. This is a concept which has been around since Macross TV, most likely derived from Kawamori's Gundam fandom, specifically Tomino's Newtypes reaching out to each other with an advanced understanding
  10. Bah! Those HK subs blow! Especially for episode 2 where they're all ill-timed! I didn't have an ill-timed problem with vol 2, though there do seem to be at least 2 different versions of each episode floating around. Having seen a fair share of HK subs now, I can honestly say that Zero's subs aren't that bad at all.
  11. I just hope vol 5 has some sort of preview for a new seires....
  12. The part where Silvie confronts Hibiki out in the rain, and the Macross fired...I always figured/thought it was in reaction to the Marduk reaching Mars. I'm not sure what the distance on the main canon is... And I'm sure the Macross was guarded.... I'm just guessing Hibiki and Ishtar snuck in somehow. I mean....if it wasn't guarded...don't you think there would be a lot more ppl seen on the Macross...bums and the likes? Dude, there were no guards, apparently there weren't even any locks. Hell, I bet you there WERE homeless people sleeping inside the ship when it was destroyed. But did Ishtar care about them? Hell no! It also doesn't make sense that the Marduk arriving would trigger it. The way it's talked about, the discharge seemed to be a fairly regular thing (and as such, should have been fixed). it's not like the ship fired at the Zentradi whenever they got near it, not in the TV series or movie.
  13. Only alternate route is to download DVDsub, and use your DVD rom drive (if you have one), track down a script, and watch your DVD on your computer. Or do it "old school," and print out a script to read while you're watching. Personaly, I find the HK subs to be "adiquate" until something better comes along.
  14. Yeah, Gigil's was pretty sad. All that effort, and he never did get to "hit it" with Sivil. Poor bastard.
  15. Pretty sure we did talk about it, and yes, it is very funny. I love when they fly around the 1/48 VF-1A.
  16. Exactly, when it comes down to it, who gives a poo about U.S. divisions of companies, as they obviously don't care to tailer to the more ecclectic import crowd. The people they care about wouldn't touch an import game since it has "another language" on it.
  17. Just got the first volume with box yesturday. Transfer (as expected) blow's the HK disc's away, and really show off how pretty a show it is. Menu's are kinda bland though, and extra's as usual are minimal, but all intro's & endings are intact with the original Japanese text. The box is pretty nice too, black with great art all around (though why they used Lacus for the bottom is anyones guess). Not as firm as I'd like, but not as flimsy as what ADV's been using. Probably about the same stock as the Wing box set. It also looks like volumes will be released 2 every 2 months (volumes 2 & 3 are scheduled for october 12th), which is annoying, but what can you do? If you haven't peeked at AoD yet though, there's been more Otakon news: -Zeta will be out this year, with a poster & non-disclosed special item. -F-91 (whenever it's released) will be a 2 disc set, most likely containing the movie & OVA on seperate disc's. -Yukikaze will definately only be 2 volumes, with the second of course pending release of the 5th episode.
  18. Everyone know's it's Kakizaki, both death's.
  19. "But even though I'm a fan of Macross 7, I don't think it "fits in" as Keith claims it does. I just liked the music. Well...except Basara. I kept wishing he would die througout the whole damn thing for being such a liberal pinko commie who flew into battle futily singing songs (remember no sound booster at first) while the real soldiers and pilots DIED defending City 7." Except for the fact that those pilots would have died irregardless, and he actually "DID" save both their lives, and the lives of the pilots that were captured into fighting for the Protodevelin. Considering that "singing" was the only way to defeat the Protodevelin (as the 7 fleet was vastly outgunned to the point where not even reaction weapons made a difference), its entirely idiotic to call it "futile."
  20. Post removed due to whiny people who have nothing better to do than research themselves on the internet who shall remain nameless.
  21. It's definately some kind of re-inactment of the initial "boobeytrap" incident in Macross. Though the fact that Macross II supposedly follows the DYRL continuity (loosely even then), the problem "should" have been fixed, especially during the second refit, and that it just wouldn't make sense to leave such a dangerous thing un-attended is one of the many problems with II.
  22. I actually tired of listing the many ways Macross II doesn't fit. Suffice it to say, anyone who's watched enough Macross know's already. At the same time, there should be no doubt in anyones mind how Macross 7 fits, as well as the fact that it was nothing even remotely like a "monster of the week" series.
  23. Keith

    Macross PS2 Game

    I may have to track down the m7 GB rom now...
  24. If sony really wants to get me to flock to the PS3, they'd forget about any blue-ray B.S., and introduce a new & novel feature of not blocking out games from other region's so I can play my Macross games without having to go through annoying measures.
  25. It's also too bad Working Designs turned out to be a company of perv's who preffer to play pinball, stalk women online, & throw out script translations, than to actually release games. It's also too bad Game Arts never did a 3rd game in the series....memories
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