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Everything posted by Keith
Shin narrated at the beginning, it wouldn't make sense for him to die. I still say it'll either be Sara or Aries.
Scientists vote 'Blade Runner' best sci-fi film.
Keith replied to UN Spacy's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Sorry, but no. What's to refute? I never said the current "DC" is the end all & be all of existence, merely that it's an improved version when compared with the original studio edit. Should the rumored super DC make an appearance to the world, then that would obviously be the version to get. Perhaps if you spent a little less time trying to vlifify someone with a different opinion, and a little more time reading what people are actually saying... Besides, I never "bludgened" anyone into anything. When it comes back down to it, I merely asked why anyone would want to bother with the old studio edit. -
All right, let's settle this once and for all...
Keith replied to kensei's topic in Movies and TV Series
Actually, the emulator's had tired of singing the song of destruction, and Ingus started shooting at them, naturally they'd be receptive to anything positive after that . Not the Macross that came before, but what about the newer stuff that would suck? -
Scientists vote 'Blade Runner' best sci-fi film.
Keith replied to UN Spacy's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Baby, you ain't seen me pissed off. Though if it makes you happier to believe so, go right on ahead. And you're making yourself look stupid by doing nothing but throwing insults, instead of sticking with the topic. -
At this point, I wouldn't doubt it. Though I'm also sure there's no shortage of young big titied blonde starlets who'd jump at the chance to wear next to nothing to be in a major motion picture.
Scientists vote 'Blade Runner' best sci-fi film.
Keith replied to UN Spacy's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
When was that? Were the new points the various insults you were tossing out? And your "joke" about mispelling seemed a hell of a lot more like a pathetic attempt at drawing away from the subject all together. If this is how you choose to end it however, that's fine. Seemed a lot more like you were trying to demean me by claiming that I was using a fictitious word. I merely "enlightened" you by illustrating that it both does exist, and holds legitimate usage. If you choose to remain ignorant on that matter, whatever. -
Scientists vote 'Blade Runner' best sci-fi film.
Keith replied to UN Spacy's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Are we quite done playing amature English teacher? Or should we comb through each and everyones posts to point out inconsequencial typo's? Yes, the definition of Irregardless is "regardless," but you missed the point that "irregardless" is a word none the less, and one that's been in use for over 60 years. Is that what you were trying to do? Looked far more like you were blowing hot air & wasting bandwidth. You think you're right because you say so, you think I'm wrong because of whatever inane reason you choose to dissagree, and in the end, you're a hypocrite condemning me of having an obstinate opinion while displaying one yourself. And this has what to do with the topic at hand??? Bottom line, I never said the old studio edit should be whiped off the face of the Earth (just pointed out that it has been). I merely asked why anyone would want to bother with it in the face of better versions being available. If you can't accept that, then bite me. -
She's part of the Marvel Universe, specifically the X-Men continuity... And they've resisted putting her in a movie? Crazy.
Scientists vote 'Blade Runner' best sci-fi film.
Keith replied to UN Spacy's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Wow, are you that desperate to sink to the cheapest of tactics as to focus on typo's? If this were something that I even remotely cared to publish, that'd be one thing, but it's just an internet forum, get a life. Which you automatically take as an opportunity to flaunt your own insecurities in people dissagreeing with your choice in watching an exposition filled version of a movie. Doubtful, but then I'm also not trying to whipe out every other existing copy of those images in the name of calling them definative versions. Hell, I'm not even calling myself an artist for making them. You accuse me of only wanting to see what I want, I accuse you of only wanting to see what you want, and in the end, you're the one who is continually ignoring the purpose of the analogy made just for the sake of dissagreeing. Hell, you even missed the point about Gililam including the studio edit of Brazil in the Criterion collection. I argue because I'm interested in the topic, and stand by my opinion. The difference between you & I being that I'm arguing in reference to the subject matter, while you continually try to make this a personal, usually ignoring the actual subject in the process. I'm making observations about your arguments, you're calling me names. There's a large difference. Making an attack on your opinion regarding something is not the same as making a personal attack against you. Your belief, and who you are as a person are two entirely different things. And see my reply, etc. You're the one taking all the offense resorting to personal attacks. I have no ire against you whatsoever, nor have I displayed any. Though if it makes you feel better to think so, go right on ahead. And by definition, if an artist does not put effort into creating their art, then the studio has little or nothing to sell. Who do you think defines the content of it?? And I'm pointing out that there's a superior version out there that doesn't speak down to its audience, also not some whim. (note the reply without unnecessary personal attack). So you're not complaining that the exposition narrative version isn't available? Nope, haven't seen it, though I'm curious, was it the director who made the changes? Eventually. And you also said (if I recall correctly) that the longer version also had a lot of unnecessary content that spoiled the mystery of the movie? Kinda like unnecessary narration in Blade Runner? Yadda yadda. I know there's a you, and I know there's a me. And I also know it's extremely presumpuous for you to claim to speak for everyone else here in your opinion of me. No, they're the ones who implied another group to be an evil culture by blaming whatever masses of problems on them, and perpetuating hatred against them by implying it was the "popular opinion" to think in such a way. This thing I have not even remotely done to you. -
Forgive me for being out of the loop, but what's this character from anyway?
It's seeing things like this that make me wish for a not too far off future when such things could be remote controlled & fully articulated for mini robot battles..... Kinda like those Rick Dom's that had out a couple years ago that could shoot pellets & slide across the floor.
Now, did anyone show that to Kawamori when he attended AX a couple years ago?
All right, let's settle this once and for all...
Keith replied to kensei's topic in Movies and TV Series
Music is only the medium used due to its universal appeal. Music also doesn't require you to understand what language its being sung in to understand the emotion portrayed through it. The emotions reaching out from one individual to another is what Macross is about. As well as the fact that merely fighting against those who appose you will not end a conflict, and often times will result on both sides losing. Macross is about finding a mutual understanding to end a conflict, and again the means that it uses is through music. Again, Macross has nothing to do with the enemy "enjoying" music. That's merely the medium by which Macross expresses its message. And Sharon Apple in Plus was an example of what I'm saying to you now. Music isn't a tool to control others. But expressing your emotion to others & reaching out to them with your heart "can" make a difference. What Plus showed was that Sharon Apple with all her heartless singing & mind control was nothing compared to Myung reaching out with her heart to awaken Isamu. Macross II was another example of how the entire point in Macross can be missed. The Macross didn't defeat the Zentradi because it had music. It was the emotions awakened in the spies that went to investigate the ship, and in turn their sharing those emotions with fellow crew, and so on, and so forth, that caused Britai's fleet to coup & decide to protect human culture. Merely singing at them would have only caused the temporary effect of "culture shock." That shock wears off quickly though, and Earth & the Macross would have been quickly destroyed. Most of those stories, whether you personaslly like them or not, are considered little more than "fanfiction," and yes, I'm talking about the officially licensed novels. When all is said & done, they have no bearing on the official story. I say again, mass of stories does not equate to quality of a franchise. In fairness, Lucas is a nut, and never was a great director to begin with. Kawamori has turned out quality product thus far, and that's all you can really ask. I'd prefer a little high quality Macross, to a lot of mediocre macross, with lots of people reaching their hands into the pot & putting their spins on it. Hell, thats one of the reasons why I really hate american comics. I sure as hell don't want to see Macross turn into something convouted like that. If you like what's already been made, then great. If you want something more or different, then there are lots of different series out there to explore, and no shortage of them with cool mecha. -
Sho'nuff And yet, it doesn't even begin to touch the level of emotion, depth, or overall coolness that is Zeta Gundam. American pop culture purhaps, but then said pop-culture has been overtly slow in adopting anything foreign, let alone Japanese. That hardly stands to place Batman TAS as a better series. Just one that fits more snugly into your wallet. BTW, how do you figure that 28 episodes is double the amount of a 50 episode TV show? Just where did you learn your math??? Wouldn't say that at all. Zeta Gundam was a highly influential series, hell, every Gundam since has stood in its shadow. Gundam being a significantly larger franchise "in animation" than Batman will ever be. Again, your implication being that you aren't being given a fair price. I just don't see where you're being scalped. By your logic, you also shouldn't by any film that comes out, as they generally only run 2 or so hours for $20-$25, as opposed to $50 for 10 hours. Now that makes no sense at all. Its ok to buy the the very same thing thing, for essentially the same cost, if its seperated into chunks that will take longer to come out??? You just got finished saying how the price was raping your wallet. How is it not raping your wallet if you have to pay the same amount of money to get something in four pieces instead of 1 set? And that's what it all comes down to. it's not that its an excessivly priced set, it's that you don't think you have enough money for it. Look at it this way, street date is november 23rd. Pretend you're buying 4 box sets costing you $38, one in August, one in September, one in October, and one in November. Set aside that $38 each month, and when you're charged in November for the $150, it'll all balance out the same. The $38 is based on a presumed presale price of $150 (which it will very likely be), and of course you won't be charged until it ships. Hmm, wouldn't it have made more sense for your to buy those Alien disc's in their 4 individual releases, as buying something in smaller chunks gives you the illusion of it being less expensive apparently.... Normal people who pay bills also usually have a sense of budgetting too. Besides, as stated in another post, it looks like the plans for an individual disc release are ambiguous now, the only sure fire release will be the box set. And as bonus's (ones that don't affect the price of the set mind you), you also get a 48 page booklet, poster, and the cool little pencil sharpener statues.
Scientists vote 'Blade Runner' best sci-fi film.
Keith replied to UN Spacy's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
First & foremost, from Merriem Websters: Main Entry: ir·re·gard·less Pronunciation: "ir-i-'gärd-l&s Function: adverb Etymology: probably blend of irrespective and regardless Date: circa 1912 nonstandard : REGARDLESS usage Irregardless originated in dialectal American speech in the early 20th century. Its fairly widespread use in speech called it to the attention of usage commentators as early as 1927. The most frequently repeated remark about it is that "there is no such word." There is such a word, however. It is still used primarily in speech, although it can be found from time to time in edited prose. Its reputation has not risen over the years, and it is still a long way from general acceptance. Use regardless instead. Despite its uncommon use, it is still a word. Your implication being that I told you "not" to see it? I merely asked "why" you would want to see it considering the circumstances of its inception, as well as the director's feelings about it. Artistic integrity is specifically in reference to the material itself (as dictated by the artists intent, not in reference to the artist). You accuse others of being zombie followers of artists, when you by such an example portray the role of a zombie follower of the studio. Considering that the "narrative" studio version has dissapeared off the face of the earth for over 10 years, that in itself says a lot about the director's view on it. Should he choose to include it as an extra now is another matter entirely. The fact that he feels the desire to further restore the film to his original intent instead of releasing the studio version by itself deflates whatever skewed argument you were attempting to make. Perhaps much like Terry Gilliam (see the Brazil Criterion set), he wished its inclusion as little more than a reminder of just what happens when the studio's try to take too much control over the artistic side. QUOTE Have you never read one of my posts before or what? I'm a slave to "no ones" opinion, let alone yours. Your the one whining because you can't get the studio fluff version, i.e. the version created because people thought you weren't intelligent enough to watch a movie without your hand being held through it. Sounds more like your just one of the mindless few who chooses to jump on the bandwagon of those who choose to believe that just because someone dissagree's with your opinion, you have to take it as a personal attack on yourself, and retaliate with cheap insults. I could care less that you dissagree with me, I have my opinion, and I'll stick with it. I'm secure enough in it not to through a hissy fit such as you're doing. I got bent out of shape when now? I just asked you why you'd want to see the outdated studio fluff version when there's a better version available. You're the one who took it on as a personal challange. When did I say they were the only victims? Hell, when did I say I agreed with money influenced studio policies? By your logic (or attempt there of) the fact that crimes "do" occur everyday validates them. Problems don't solve themselves, nor does ignoring them as common place make any thing better. Ah. So then you're not complaining right now that you can't see the old studio edit of the movie? It's the right of an artist, whether you agree with it or not, to change something of their own creation. In this instance, its my choice to prefer a version of a film that isn't drowning in unnecessary exposition. You're the one with the rigid attitude of simply wanting something the way you first saw it, "irregardless" of its quality in comparision with another version. You're sticking with what you were initiall told to like assumedly just because that's what you were first told. You've no right to accuse anyone else of not "thinking." Nope, haven't seen it, though I'm curious, was it the director who made the changes? My word may not be final, but neither is yours. I suggest you pull that stick you were talking about earlier out of "your" ass, and accept the fact that people aren't always going to agree with you, "regardless (sans ir)" of how many names you call. If you want to debate the topic, go right on ahead. But don't expect others to stop dissagreeing with you just because you want them to. Nazi's used the same cheap tactics of trying to force others to their opinion by bludgening them with b.s. about a mass opinion too. You'll excuse me for not carring what your fictitious masses think of me or my opinions. I'm not an insecure drone who has to change myself to go with whatever supposed flow there is. -
Yes, it definately started after animeigo posted a picture of their employee's worshiping Shin for the remaster. Definately helped with the impatience of waiting for everyones boxes to ship
The Official Aim for the Top! Gunbuster Thread
Keith replied to Noriko Takaya's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Bah, no one's gotten their shipment of the R3 set, can't wait to find out of the subtitles are there or not. -
Scientists vote 'Blade Runner' best sci-fi film.
Keith replied to UN Spacy's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Read: You either have no idea what the actual situation was behind the making of the film, or you have no sense of artistic integrity. I can understand your not understanding the similar circumstances Brazil went through, but not understanding that situation doesn't make it any less relivent. Have you never read one of my posts before or what? I'm a slave to "no ones" opinion, let alone yours. Your the one whining because you can't get the studio fluff version, i.e. the version created because people thought you weren't intelligent enough to watch a movie without your hand being held through it. Are you under the impression that this is recent news? This has been a well known situation for almost 2 decades. Watching both versions proves its validity. No, what you need to do is to stop being so insecure in your opinion that you have to wildy lash out at others for dissagreeing with your ignorance. I "do it" (as you so put it) whenver someone elses work is screwed with in the name of pleasing masses who wouldn't care irregardless. Not counting the nostalgia zealots such as yourself who apparently don't care what you watch just as long as you see whatever spoon fed version you remember. -
Your implication being that those extra's are factoring into the price of the set. -50 episodes -10 disc's -$199.99 MSRP (and likely around $150 online presale discount). What the hell is wrong with that price? And no, there won't be a "cheaper" box set anytime soon, though they may do a brick or something a year on down the line once the individual disc's are released (that release will begin next year).
Considering the key animation was done by the original manga artist, I think it's unfair to say it lacked detail, more than it was stylized to be more like the manga (something I found to be very cool). Personally, I loved it, simple, fun, awesome box, mahoro figure with removable skirt. Hell, did you watch the little promo spots? They were almost worth it alone.
Scientists vote 'Blade Runner' best sci-fi film.
Keith replied to UN Spacy's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Well now that you put the word cheesy before each of those words, maybe I'll change my mind... Oh wait, that was done to sway my opinion... let me try it too... Anyone ever seen that Cheesey Macross 7? A bit touchy eh? Though I'd like to know what you call "studio required" narration & a "happy ending" added. All the DC version did was trim the unnecessary studio fluff. I personally enjoyed the "fluffless" version better. It's not like we're talking about Star Wars where the director wend back & tried to re-write the whole film. This is more akin to what happened with Brazil. Studio wants one version of the film, Director wants another. In both cases, the director eventually one out, leaving a superior version of the film available. -
Hmm, no announcement yet on extra's like textless openings & closings. I also hope they use a larger subtitle font than they did with Seed.
Did you try asking over there? Possibly looking it up on HLJ?
Why don't we list what we liked about Macross II. Hell, I'll start. -Music -Jiggly Geena -Ishtar's design before it got fugly in the last episode.
Scientists vote 'Blade Runner' best sci-fi film.
Keith replied to UN Spacy's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Wait a minute? You actually want the cheesey narration & cheesey happy ending version? That's like wanting the studio edit of Brazil.