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Everything posted by Keith

  1. We were both wrong. It's actually the SUPA GUNDAMU CONDAM!!!
  2. Damnit, don't give sunrise any idea's. Though I'm surprised there wasn't a Gundam Gestalt in G.
  3. Not to mention all those "Monster of the Week" villians were cut out. Good-bye Zakurello. Hee hee. So true! Ah, but the awesome part where the Gundam whips out a plastic bag to protect itself during entry into the atmosphere is cut out too....
  4. I'm guessing you never watched the featurette on the animatrix dvd?
  5. Worry not, there's plenty of action & fanservice enough for any guy.
  6. Accoridng to AOD, Galaxy Railways has been officially licensed. This of course is good news, as anything that maintains interest in Matsumoto raises the chances that we may someday get Harlock or Galaxy Express TV. Bad news, it's not set for release until late next year. Worse news...it's been licensed by Funimation, so it will likely be 1 episode per disc & span an immensly long release cycle (bastards!)
  7. What, Max's hair can be blue, Milia's green, But Nene's can't be pink? As for the designs, Priss is vastly superior in her 2032 incarnation, end of story!
  8. Well said. In fact, the Matrix would have been infinately better had they kept Smith to a B.D. style formula, instead of the hollow chaos he became.
  9. With this set, lowest price isn't as important as assured stock. Rightstuf will definately fill all of their orders, other shops may not be able to.
  10. Wait a minute, did you watch it dubbed? If so, then there's you're problem.
  11. Well, if the original EVE could be left on Earth, why not the original Garland? Though the very fact that they were trying to eraticate voilence & return people to some kind of peacful existence with nature does negate any reasoning in leaving such a heavy weapon on Earth. It's also doubtful that B.D. would be be able to get to Earth by himself. ADAM was designed to not let "anything" through unless is passed the test. Only EVE could prove people worthy to get through. B.D. going off of the Megazone made him a seperate target. EVE's purpose, aside from monitering the "worthyness" to return to Earth, was also to hypnotise the citizens into believing they were existing in 1980's Japan. BTW, I call the Matrix a Megazone like film, and I'm surprised that its creators have never admitted their severe reliance on the Megazone story, especially part III. I always assumed it was a command to evacuate to shelters. It just wouldn't make sense to tell them to evacuate to ships. Each ship would have to have whatever oxygen production facilities that the Megazone had, as well as food producing facilities. Considering that the military was barely able to backwards engineer the technology of the Megazone as a somewhat comparable level, it'd be hard to believe that they could recreate those other systems, but you never know. Plus the fact remains, where would they go? 23 went out for 250 years without finding a habitable planet, and who the hell know's what happened to the other Megazones. Mars, or anywhere near Mars would be a death trap. If they knew what it was, then they wouldn't have tried to take out EVE. She was the only thing capable of getting them past the Moon. I dissagree. EVE's job was definately to protect the entire Megazone. Her choice in Shogo was to find someone who could represent humanities ability to evolve past voilence, and live for the future. How would EVE specifically save all Shogo's friends when they were scattered around the streets of the city? And of course looking at Part III, we see a Eden which has bustled in only a thousand years (give or take), the number of people there requiring a fair share of the Megazone's citizens to raise that number. EVE never says she's only going to save a few people, and does clearly state that she's the charge of the whole ship. And then of course there's the animation error theory. You'll note that at the very end, as Shogo & his friends are standing on top of the Megazone, they all blink out of existence for a second. This I've seen in every incarnatin of Part II that I've owend (fansub, HK, & ADV disc). This of course leads to the theory that perhaps no one survived, and perhaps everyone at the end were holograms.....(note: I don't actually support this theory, but find that one coincidental animation error immensly funny). Excent that not all of the Megazone was destroyed, and the part he was in before he left was specifically part of the core block that landed on Earth. So it does make sense for him to leave. Especially concidering a soldier's mentality. And the fact that after being out in space for so long, 23 never found a habitable planet (and it was only supposed to return to Earth if it had not found a habitable planet within 250 years, after that point it was to make a return trip home. Most likely to to fuel or supply limitations. I think they left the implication that he went rode off into the proverbial sunset, never to be seen again. In the same text is "In 2489, the Dezalg Fleet met an alien civilization." Which is what I meant when I said that they were a hybrid alien species. The alien civilization is most likely where the tentacles came from. Great link though, I thought I was going to have to dig out my old fansub tape where much of this same info is listed before the start of each part.
  12. Hmm, how does the fanservice compare with a series like say, Mahoromatic?
  13. Zeta is the pinacle of Gundam to date, doubtful it will ever be dethroned. And it's definately reccomended you check out the 0079 movie set first, though for $60 you can put a presale down & get all 3 movies, the 08th MS movie, and Char's Counter Attack in one nice bundle.
  14. Nope, A.D.A.M. would have taken him out if he tried to go to Earth. The Megazone was just barely lucky enough to be allowed through. As for the designs, the only one Mikimoto did was EVE. No ships were shown launching, so by all indications, the evacuation would have been to the core block of the Megazone (the only part that survived). Besides, I'm pretty sure B.D. is shown flying off. B.D. had nothing to do with ADAM, and it's likely they didn't even know about the defense system until it activated (they barely knew what EVE was). The military was circumventing EVE so that they could build weapons to take on the Dezalg. By EVE's indications, had they not interfered with her, she would have been able to protect the ship, and it would have also raised the probablility of being allowed back to Earth by ADAM. Except that he did leave the Megazone (bah, have to watch it again to comfirm that, but I damn near recall seeing him flying off), with no place to go, all there would be is death. Without the Megazone, the only option left to them would be to go to mars & be ripped apart by aliens. Anyone not in the core of the Megazoen when ADAM let it through faced death.
  15. Wait a minute. How the hell did digitaleyes get the box art before eveyrone else? Bastards!
  16. I think it's strongly implied that BD did not simply go off to die. It's also completely against his personality to do so. Strongly implied how? There was no more megazone, all he would have to leave on is his mecha, and the nearest place to go would be to mars with the Dezalg, who would surely tear him a new one. B.D. conceaded to Shogo in the end, telling him to build the kind of future he wanted to, and realising that "his" kind of lifestyle only lead to destruction. So why wouldn't he go off & die to let the new kids pave a better way? Hell, otherwise he would have just stayed.
  17. Ok, now that I've got the Zeta TV set all locked up, hopefully we'll have the Zeta movie set next year around this time too.
  18. They've been announcing Gunbuster for at least 3-4 years now, and have turned out jack. Manga can go the way of streamline at this point ofr all I care (and default Plus to Bandai or something).
  19. Definately alluded to be Shogo, as B.D. decided to just go off & die in space. And yes, there are new Megazone 23 OVA's, they're called "The Matrix."
  20. Alright. Zeta's up for pre-order!!!
  21. I can't wait to see this. Hell, I'd even settle for ADV licensing it...
  22. Very cool. Now if someone (other than Toynami) would do Ride Armor in a similar scale.
  23. They have RC Guntanks now too. Damn, that's sweet too. Are they the same scale as the Rick Dom's?
  24. Besides, by the time of episode IV, with no Jedi left to fight, it would probably be cheaper to use subjigated citizens as soldiers.
  25. I lean towards the belief that Deckard was a replicant, makes things more interesting at the very least. But speaking of merchanise that is Blade Runner but "not quite," how many here played the awesome Sega CD game "Snatcher." I really wish Konami would do a remake with the MGS engine, possibly cell shaded ::sigh::
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