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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Actually, doesn't it have all the cut scenes from journey to jaburo, without playing through the craptastic game.
  2. Keith

    Macross PS2 Game

    Hey mikeszekely, thanks for posting about modchip man, just got my ps2 back, and it's sweet. Finally I can play the new Macross & Zeta, as well as retire my ps1 & play vfx-2 & plus on my ps2 now.
  3. Bandai hasn't said either way, but I don't expect any of them to come with their inserts if it is indeed a brick release. Personally, I love the art on both the 0079 movie box set & CCA (reversible cover with the R2 cover on the other side!) that I don't regret at all buying them seperately.
  4. If gunbuster is the source of jiggle in anime, then it truly is a king of kings.
  5. New update: Zeta has been delayed until Nov 30th (from Nov 23rd)....they're just screwing with us now. Since Rightstuf ships as soon as they get stock, I'm not worried. F-91 has been bumped back up to a 2 disc release with special features, the price will remain the same.
  6. Manga said they had the Giant Robo license too, right up until media blasters started hinting at it, so I wouldn't believe that bit. Then there's the fact that they've been claiming a fall release every year for the past 3-4 years...! I'm actually tempted to pick up the R2 box set now when it's out. I was that impressed. The story & way that warp was handled was worth the price alone, the fanservice is the icing
  7. Bootlegs are bootlegs, no matter how you get them. Personally, I'd rather go for an HK set that's an actual factory produced DVD than a home burned DVD-R with a fraction of the half life (though if you have the hardware, you can always burn yourself a new copy of it). Don't demean others for getting their bootlegs from other places. If you want to download, download, if you want to buy from HK, buy from HK, none of it's morally better or worse.
  8. Who's making these? Ballad & Telepath club were awesome.
  9. My stance on the highlander series remains "there should have been only one."
  10. I just watched Gunbuster last night for the first time....wow. How the hell could manga resist making it one of their first DVD releases? And hell, if they have lost the rights (which they damn well should), why wouldn't anyone re-license this yet? Hopefully Bandai or Geneon will get a hold of it after the special addition. I liked Gainax before, but I have a whole new respect after seeing this....which may be shattered after seeing the sequel. How the hell could they make a sequel???
  11. I watched through all 3 films already, and saw no missing footage. Also forgot to mention that they include what appear to be copies from the LD liner notes.
  12. Which reminds me. I recently got a hold of some HK's of the original versions on DVD. Video quality is a bit grainy, but nothing too terible. Looks like they were made from the laser disc definative collection. http://www.dvdbulksale.com/dvd/DVDSF05041003.shtml Took about a week to ship, and they come with covers & no cases. I've already picked up some double disc amaray's to pack them together with the box set when it comes out.
  13. Seriously, bring on the green panties pictures!
  14. HG no longer holds the license to Harlock or Queen Millenium. They let those go a long time ago along with Megazone 23. As for Arcadia, it was mixed in with one of the TV series in Europe I believe, but that too is long since expired.
  15. Hmm, depending on his age, he could actually be kruz's son.
  16. There is an R2 remaster coming up, tons of extra's (including color version of the final episode), and hopefully we'll get a licensed version over here.
  17. How about some Mahoro pictures!
  18. The VF-1 is better than practical, it's awesome! "nuff said.
  19. American version of Ranma 1/2? Well, Ranma came out several years later in Japan, so I highly doubt it. What about the manga?
  20. It's more than a clip compilation, it's an actual comprehensive movie. As for places to get it: www.bestbuy.com www.tower.com www.dvdplanet.com www.amazon.com etc.
  21. It just doesn't get any better than that...damn.
  22. You know, I still haven't seen Night On The Galactic Railroad yet...
  23. Psst, just search the title at any given online dvd shop, and it should come up. It was put out at least 8 months ago. And for the price (retails around 14.99) it's a great buy in all its Matsumoto goodness.
  24. ...give me a few days, I'll check
  25. That's not recycling designs, that's just his style. And I wouldn't have it any other way. As for Great Galaxy Yamato, what's been released so far are the online sale only OVA episodes. The TV series (whenever it comes about) will most likely match the level of animation that's in his recent works (Endless Odyssey & Galaxy Railways). And if you don't like trains in space, then you have no soul! BTW, has everyone checked out Interstella 5555? I'm not much of a daft punk fan, but that was an awesome little movie.
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