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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Has there been any released art for the new box set that's coming out yet?
  2. I wouldn't go through amazon at all. If you already have it shipped, then send a customer service mail or call over to Bandai. They'll fix it for you in no time, and pay you back for your shipping. Bandai's got the best CS around. However, it's things like this that make me glad I decided to wait for a box set release.
  3. What inside joke am I missing here? And will they finally cop to ripping off Megazone 23 on their "influences" disc?
  4. MrDisco's list is out of date, there is no extended version of Reloaded. The 55 minutes of extra footage is on the extra features disk. Ah, screw that then, I'm fine with the disc's I have.
  5. Hmm, the only thing I want there is the extended version of reloaded, will that be sold seperately?
  6. Battlestar Galactica isn't a good analogy. It's not the original creative staff going in & making the changes (like what was done with Star Wars & Macross), so you have yet a 3rd situation there.
  7. Simple, even with the existence of DYRL, the TV series has remained easily available. Kawamori never tried to whipe out one version with the other, nor do any anime directors (as TV & movie versions of the same story are far from uncommon).
  8. I agree, MP Game Edition is very well put together, if only a few more months had been spent on developement (with full transformation added) it would be near identical to the new PS2 Macross game.
  9. I pitty the fool that badmouth's Basara & Sean Lennon, BOMBA!
  10. Honestly, since nearly everything else regarding the Protoculture's relation to humans etc, is explained in other series, I don't think anything side from what the AFOS is, and what will become of Shin, Sara, & Mao "needs" to be wrapped up.
  11. Hmm, which audio track are you listening to, the 5.1, or 2.0?
  12. The original was from the same VHS dub video masters they used.
  13. Well, we got to see the impact it made when crashing in the first episode, if that counts...
  14. I'd love to see an all gundam inclusive "Vs" title. Then the Zeta truly would stand as king above all
  15. Now how did Qui Gon achieve immortality? Was that before or after Darth Mahl killed him?
  16. Even with the canadian exchange rate & customs, 7 can't cost that much. You have to understand that with the FX sets, you get 52 episodes, 1 half hour movie, & a 4 episode OVA. As for whether you like it or not, YOU WILL LISTEN TO BASARA'S SONG! My advice, pick up the AnimEigo box set first, and then get 7, and Zero too.
  17. You said you ordered the DYRL disc, so I assume you also have the means to shop around & price the animeigo box set for soemthing that suits your budget (different shops have different discounts).
  18. Nope, no such mission in any Macross game can think of.
  19. Keith

    Macross PS2 Game

    I thought the mission where you have to go get info from the zentradi ship computer was pretty interesting...especially since no such computer A.I. is ever shown in the series Though right now I'm playing through campeign in Zeta. That game is too freakin' fun for such a simple concept.
  20. I don't know. Having the conflict continue after the initial sacrifice (and over 10,000 years passing is definately a huge sacrifice) just seems to cheapen it a little.
  21. It's exactly those questions that make us wonder why they're bothering with a sequel, instead of using that precious time to put english subtitles on the new r2 set...
  22. Keith

    Macross PS2 Game

    Like I said, I just got a chip installed. Picked what I wanted, shipped it out, and got it shipped back. Now my PS2 auto detects which country the games are for, and boots accordingly with no probems thus far. No boot disc's, no swapping, & no slide card's required. As for Macross, I picked it up from NCS, they've always been a good shop.
  23. Isn't Toynami's new slogan "Dometic crap at import prices!" ?
  24. Oh come on, you know we need the "Revenge of the Jedi" trailer on there!
  25. If you thought macross was all serious & no cheese, then you haven't watch the original series very closely have you? As for 7, taking the current status of canon, DYRL now represents 2031 era Macross, so naturally things in that period spill over into 2045 era Macross. Kawamori has said that the TV series remains canon for the events surrounding 2009-2012. Macross 7 doesn't step on any toes in this regard.
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