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Everything posted by Keith

  1. R2 volume 5 isn't due out until march or may (I forget which). So after that's out, we'll get our volume 2 with the remaining 3 episodes.
  2. Spaceballs is a parody, Macross 7 is in no way shape or form a parody. And considering the stylized nature of the VF-11MAX Kai, why not boobs? Hell, it's no sillier making ace custom paint schemes, as all pilots "should" just have generic production color's, that is afterall all that's required. If your gripes against 7 are merely asthetic, then that's extremely superficial.
  3. For those still on the fence, there's a new demo in with this months issue of Official Playstation mag. I haven't touched it yet though, as I'm far too distracted with the playable MGS3 & Ratchet & Clank demo's...
  4. Evangelion turn you off of hentai? Have you seen the giant Rei?
  5. Damnit, where's Matsumoto's new series, that's what we really need for the 30th!
  6. Ah, looks like CDJapan has a couple new images of the art used. http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=BCBA-2053#
  7. I'd want it before the 25th. C'mon Kawamori! Make it happen...R2 with english subs won't hurt much...and while you're at it, give us M7 too. Damn that'd be expensive.... including Dynamite & everything, rough estimate would be $640....& of course I'd pay it too!
  8. Meh, I don't need to prove myself, everyone know's I'm the biggest M7 fan around. Those who dislike it, do so because of it's more overt "anti-war" message. Those who like it understand that the very same message has been there all along through Macross, even in Plus. It's a very well put together series, great plot mislead at the beginning, even better character developement & interaction through out, great comedy, great drama, & great music. Everything some choose to write off as "silly" is logically explained during the course of the show, and of course it was created by the original Macross staff. Most importantly, it does what every good sequel must do, which is keep context with what came before, expand upon it, & grow with new aspects.
  9. Manga claimed they still had the rights to Giant Robo too, right up until it was announced by Media Blasters (still not sure if I like that or not...). Besides, the whole problem is that Manga would just throw the old U.S. Renditions VHS masters onto DVD, making it out to look like badly compressed hardsubbed crap, just like they did with MP:ME. Now if they went & licensed the new video masters, that'd be something else, but I don't see that happening. Hmm, one point in the show's favor so far
  10. We Macross fans have friends in high places apparently
  11. I'm curiosu what the rest of the box looks like....only a couple weeks!
  12. And the wait begins again...DAMN YOU GUNDAM!!!
  13. Like a re-release of DYRL with english subtitles....
  14. We just have to wait for Shawn to let us know it's ready.
  15. Animation error, low budget "animefriend" studio.
  16. Macross 7 was no more aimed at kids than the original series was.
  17. Sad thing is, we're far more likely to see a release of 2 over here than we are of the original.
  18. Damn that's awesome....now how about one of the female robot's missiles...
  19. I don't know, but what kind of game is it?
  20. Ah screw it, I pre-ordered the set, along with Zero vol 5. Since both come out on the same day, it was too hard to resist.
  21. Another vote for crappy character design style. Everyone he draw's looks like Tim Currey in Rocky Horror... Only thing of his I could watch was Phantom 2040.
  22. What's also interesting is that Richard Pryor was also a writer on Blazing Saddles, which means he too would have worked with Mel Brooks.
  23. If true, no one except Andy Richter should play Barf.
  24. I'm glad I didn't wait to get the extended editions, the 3 box combo holder isn't that great. But the blue extended box is awesome. At 4 hours & 2 minutes though...wow.
  25. I just hope that if another Macross game is made, AM2 are once again used to do it. Oh well.
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