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Everything posted by Keith

  1. They lost me at non canon. Also, I want Tron Uprising on blu-ray...
  2. Not sure if anyone else plays Gundam EX VS Full Boost, but there was just a big update today with just about all of the mobile suits from Maxi-Boost (dlc of course).
  3. Before the Sony money came, it was Thunderdome.
  4. The current problem is Voyager. Without them, I'm sure someone like Funimation or Nozomi would pick it up.
  5. Simple solution would have been just to import the U.S. discs directly, with no Starblazers branding, but it was an onvious fail. Luckily all held well with subs on the Japanese release, and hopefully the trend will continue for the second series. Also of minor note, Funimation seem to br covering up / ababdoning their Yamato Ressurection license. I wonder if they mistakedly thought they picked up 2199, or actually watched the film, and realized their huge mistake.
  6. That could lead to an interesting parallel with the death of Streamline...And before anyone says anything, yes, ADV also released both Macross & Robotech before they went under (even though they only changed their name and swapped offices).
  7. The number of people buying has severely dwindled.
  8. Yup, Voltrom had 26 original eps, & a vehicle meets lion movie during its first run. Voltron 3D during its 90's revival, and Whatever that last shitty series was called a couple years ago. HG has wasted every opportunity possible in comparison. Their cockup of Love Live Alive looks like the final nail. The kickstarter project failed horribly, and the only DVD's their releasing now are burn to order DVD-R's.
  9. This is awesome, best of luck to you. As a follow up, might I suggest a motorized Exelion, with a Gunbuster that emerged from the top, while playing the drum driven Gunbuster fanfare.
  10. I'd just like to point out that The Shadow Chronicles took 6 years from the vague 2000 announcement to actually be released. This live action movie was licensed by Warner in 2007, about a month after the first Bay Transformers movie came out, which makes it 8 years. In the interum, there"s been a shitty bastardization of Love Live Alive, and an even shittier Robotech Meets Voltron comic. What does this all mean? How do I get a job at HG, because it's not fair that people can get paid for 15 years for bullshit, but I have to work hard and look for jobs like a chump!
  11. lol, he thinks any of that is even remotely likely.
  12. 1: People lie, Kacylia is hardly above that. Though all Char would really need for successful recruitment are sympathyzers of his father. Keeping Ramba Ral alive looked to be a power play. His family was powerful, and killing too many Zabi enemies would make things too complicated for an already shaky new government. As for Char and Ramba Ral after that, their military achievements would be enough to quiet naysayers during war with the Federation. I understand your problems with tge story, but you're assuming everyone in side 3 would be pro-Zabi.
  13. So..did they license the molds that they 3D scanned? And are these snap models, or do they have to be glued?
  14. Thought that might have been a little obscure. I linked to a figure of Kirino, since "Belgephor" was Kuroneko's nickname for her. A little Oreimo joke.
  15. Why does everyone hate Belphegor? http://slist.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-012182&page=top%2Fsearch%2Flist%3Fs_keywords%3DKirino%24pagemax%3D15%24getcnt%3D0%24pagecnt%3D1
  16. So this is shitty unpainted mini resin models for a boardgame? Why bother?
  17. Why even bother doing it, if you're just gonna be vague.
  18. Just saw the first ep of Aquarion Logos. That EVOL epilogue was amazing, but very not sure how the actual Logos story is gonna fit in. I honestly just want a first version of events Aquarion prequel, and I don't see how the Kanji busting os gonna lead there. Did anyone see the Aquarion OVA / Movie? Was it a retelling of the first series? Or the 12,000 year cycle that occured between the first series & EVOL? Never mind, just looked it up. Wish someone would license that version.
  19. If I'm lucky
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