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Everything posted by Keith

  1. In the late 70's it was edited & dubbed & called "Star Blazers."
  2. I'm sorry but no, his artwork as always looks far too manly to be even remotely considered female. That version of Jeanne looks like a scary tranvestite prostitute with a needle.
  3. No offense, but this review is entirely useless to me. If people didn't want spoilers, they wouldn't read these topics. Let's have an actual content review!
  4. Let's see, at an average retail of say $150 per season set, I honestly don't see many jumping at this (I know I wouldn't). You may just want to check ebay for a listing by some fan who was overtly dissapointed by the disc quality, might be able to pick them up cheap there, then re-sell them. Other than that, I'd reccomend spending $70 & picking up the HK's of the original series.
  5. Is there going to be a Japanese release of Rumble Rose, from what I hear, the voice acting in the U.S. version is pretty bad.
  6. Kira wasn't able to handle the funnels in any way close to a Newtype (and I don't recall seeing him taking out any flying ones, though he did take out a mounted one). As opposed to say Amuro & or Kamille, who could anticipate & strike at a funnel before it had a chance to shoot. Why was I thinking Flay was related...perhaps I was tired when I watched that episode.
  7. WHAT?! Where does it say that? When Cruset takes her in, she comments something to the effect that he sounds like her father, and he realizes there's a relation.
  8. Ok, I just watched through the last two episodes of Seed again, and I think I get it now... During that whole exchange with Flay, Kira never spoke to her or acknowledged anything she said, he just grieved. Since Flay was part of Flaga's bloodline too, and since that event did occur, the only logical answer is that "she" was a Newtype too, not Kira. Though she did say she was going to protect him as she dissapeered, so Kira may pop up with Newtype powers yet.... Kira wasn't able to take out any of the funnels, which also does support that he's not a Newtype, too bad.
  9. Just about every AU series has had some type of "Newtype" status. G had the Hyper Mode, Wing had the Zero System, I don't want to talk about X as I hate what they did, and Turn A...well if Turn A had anything, it was very vague.
  10. Oh I agree, their scheduling of Seed makes sense to executives, and only executives. Wing & G both had weekday afternoon showings, sweet afterschool timeslot, and tons of promotion (well, G didn't have the promotion, but it had the run-off from Wing). If they care at all about saving it, then they should throw it on Sunday nights, during that prime midnight to 2 block. ZZ however would flourish in the weekday afternoon slot, as it's quite kid friendly (at the beginning anyway).
  11. If it were up to you, you would have equipped all those nukes....but then you have to account for where the true genius of the coordinator's lay. They created the N-Jammer (though they also stupidly make the N-Jammer canceller....). I don't think they wanted to kill the Naturals in the first place, just scare them enough to keep them away. The Naturals on the other hand were fully motivated in taking out the Coordinator's, which is where their technological asperations took them. All things considered, Earth was lucky that ZAFT didn't truly try to rip them a new one after the Bloody Valentine incident.
  12. I've been reading Macross & robotech forums for more years than I care to admit....suffice it to say, that's always been a popular robotech fan opinion, and one thats supported by the extreme lack of technical explanation in robotech in general. Especially pre-HG's attempt to rip-off Macross stats after completely & totally ignoring them for almost 20 decades.
  13. That bigass box is going in the closet, no two ways about it. The disc box shall have to hang out on the shelf without it.
  14. I still think Kira si a Newtype, and I'll be damned if the interaction between he & Flay didn't happen, but only time will tell. As for the Turn A theory, since the original colonies would have gone out further into space, it would make sense that perhaps the fish came from them? Bah, that's a whole other mess. As far as Earth technology Vs Zaft technology, think of it this way, necessity is the mother of invention. Coordinator's are physically & mentally superior to Naturals, but they're still human. They didn't need overly super-powered mobile suits like the Gundam's to fight, the GINN more than did the job. The Naturals however were way outgunned, so they put their heads to it & upped the anti with technology that could have just as easily be invented by the Coordinator's, but just wasn't necessary.
  15. Perhaps he prefers a mechanical progression that's so nonsensicle & under-explained, that it can't help but be widely up to fanspeculation. With tecnical explanations like "Skull one is better than rick hunter veritech because it has more head lasers" how can he lose?
  16. Hmm, I have never played any of his games....
  17. i haven't watched the second half of the series in a year, but I distinctly remember Kira picking up the ability to sense Cruz right after Mu died. Plus he was able to talk to Flay after she died, both distinctly Newtype traits, neither of which were shown as previously being part of his "Seed" mode. Besides, when he's in Seed, his eyes are usually fully dialated aren't they? I think he evolved past his Seed, into a Newtype. I also see some definate similarities between the Double Zeta & Double X, not overty in design, but it's there. The shows however were deifnately much alike, and hte overal "type" of design "improvement" was similar too (i.e. too huge & bulky).
  18. Hikaru is shown training with a VF-1A, he was obviously skilled enough (and the nepatism didn't hurt either) to warrent starting out with a VF-1J.
  19. Novel's mean less than nothing towards any degree (or lack of) robotech canon.
  20. I think Newtypes will become more common as the series progresses. Perhaps an evolutionary jump that comes about for the Naturals to keep up with the Coordinators. It wouldn't make sense for it only to occur in the Flaga bloodline afterall. Perhaps we'll have an eventual 3 way battle between Naturals, Coordinators, & Newtypes.... Besides, didn't Kira become a Newtype when Mu died? As for the Freedom being a mutant Double X, the Double X was a mutant Double Zeta to begin with, so why not?
  21. Ah...crystal dreams...I can't help but laugh everytime someone brings it up. The pictures flood back into my memory of a valkyrie that looks like it was made out of cardboard boxes . Where is Opus anyway?
  22. What's hard to believe about all the prototypes in Zero? Considering the technology has been backward engineered for nearly 8 years at that point, I'm sure there were many prototype's that wouldn't make it to a standard military installation like South Atalia, but would be perfect for a crisis operation like securing the birdman.
  23. I'd go with the TV series first. I do have to stress though, that the voyager starblazers DVD's are really terribly done, glitchy as all hell, episodes stitched together into long strings with only 1 opening & close, etc. As far as I know, Voyager has never shown any interest in releasing Yamato subtitled ever, and even if they did, they use some of the worst DVD authoring around. The HK Yamato sets are the way to go.
  24. Maybe they'll have crossovers with the new transformers shows...
  25. Ah yeah, I can't wait. Hopefully it'll be just as bad as the Sentinels, so it will fit nicely in my robotech crapology section (Sentinels, codename, this, and Space Gundam V!)......
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