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Everything posted by Keith

  1. I picked it up yesturday, only had time to play through Reiko's story, but damn, I'm impressed. Don't understand why you think they look trashy, but oh well. Picture's don't do this game justice. As for the bounciness, it is definately at Gainax level's!
  2. Kevin has it in stock (www.valkyrie-exchange.com). Subtitles actually aren't "that" bad this time (though there are the usual name mistakes, like calling Mao "Mayor).
  3. What's with the uptightness. T&A is for fun, and it's about damn time we got a decent mud wrestling game damnit!
  4. What would be really funny is if Zero turned out to never be referred to again
  5. Has anybody gotten a copy yet?
  6. Hmm, Soundtrack could be touchy. I wonder though, if they only had claim to the BGM, I could stand to have it redone (just as long as it was the same score, and I'm sure Mari would go for it too). The voices are the real wildcard though.
  7. I'm sold on this one. If it's produced, I'll definately get it. Actually, the YF-19 looks strange upside down, it should be rotated to match the YF-21.
  8. Actually, the one major argument "for" doing such a thing is simple, Tatsunoku, & as such HG, would have absolutely no claim on it whatsoever. I think it could be done, but isn't necessary when all is said & done. Though if it was, they should definately stick with the original TV design style (not DYRL) as it was period specific.
  9. get porn myfriend come on 3D fighting chicks game there must me a cheat code for that! Looks like the closest thing so far is to get all covered in mud...
  10. Wait a minute, where's the mask???
  11. All the reasons you listed, and don't forget that they actually feel they're "improving" the material with their shitty dubs
  12. Why would it start up when the Macross crashed? It wasn't designed to destroy things if humans attained technology, just if they became a threat of spreading wars through space. And the Protoculture being the Protoculture didn't leave the decision up to a machine, but a human to decide.
  13. The fact that the series stands up in the face of animefriend just tells of the quality....though I wish it had wound up with at least the consistency of Orguss, but oh well.
  14. Don't get me started on the music cue's, it took 3 watchings to get most of those out of my head, and even then, i still remember them sometimes...
  15. Yup, can't wait until friday!
  16. Psst, rightstuf is having a 33% off sale on all AnimEigo stuff right now. Great time to finish off macross sets for those who haven't yet.
  17. Came for the cool airplanes that transformed into robots, stayed for what was left of the Macross story when it was crammed into robotech.
  18. You will soon see all the qualities that make it "the" best OVA ever!
  19. Woah there. The extra dimension was sealed off, only tapped into when the Protoculture tried to draw energy from it for the Super Dimension Organs. Energy manipulation is taking place in this dimension, not influenced by anyone else other than those individuals such as Sara who have learned to harness it.
  20. Unfortunately, it's not even remotely as fun as it should have been, and way too m uch time is spent with drowning at the beach & a dog chasing after a fat kid (that later pops up with a parody of boss borot). http://www.dvdasian.com/cgi-bin/dvdasian/14762.html Looks like they're out of stock right now, but hopefully will get some more soon.
  21. While I agree that it's infinately better to have seen the TV series before DYRL, as a stand alone property, it's no worse than any other 2 hour sci-fi flick at setting up a quick & dirty backdrop. I think what most find jarring if anything is just how quickly things are jumped into in the beginning. The actual initial invasion is entirely glanced over. But then DYRL is clearly not meant to stand on its own to begin with. It's like special icing on an already great cake. Taken with its contemporaries, it's one of the few film adaptations of its time to use entirely new animation, which is why I believe they took such a large turn with the story (no longer held to re-used animation boundries like say the Gundam movies or first Yamato movie). I place it more akin with the Galaxy Express movies, very similar in tone, but very different in execution from its TV series counterpart.
  22. Does the whole beginning of the tailer bit with the "Rise lord Vader / Yes my master" remind anyone else of the Prince song "Computer Blue" ?
  23. Actually, I've had my copy of SGV for almost a year, I've just been saving it for the right occasion....
  24. And lastly, the hero will turn out to be the son of Rick Hunter, Bud Hunter.
  25. Here's a close-up of the battloid.
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