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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Ouch, $30? You should have put in a pre-order with rightstuf back when it was still going to be a single disc release, it was only $20
  2. Perhaps you have a more complicated vision of things, or perhaps I do. When you say things like you enjoyed the story (on paper) and then didn't like it, I can't help but think you're dissagreeing with superficial aspects. i.e. non-miolitary colored Valkyries & alternate control schemes. It also doesn't help argue against my previous "juvenile" statement when you say things like "raped everything i loved about Macross." If you thought the story was great, where's the argument now?
  3. The simple answer to that question is that "you're wrong." Macross 7 was an awesome series, whether you choose to like it or not is your gig, but simply demeaning a show just becasue you're uncomfortable with its concepts is juvenile at best.
  4. Nope, no insert, just a useless second disc
  6. 9/11 was a scapegoat for canning 0079. CN was just looking for an excuse to drop a show that wasn't pulling in ratings. Now had they been smart enough to create a Gundam "block,' things would have been different. Say sandwhich it in with Wing or G, that way you pull in the kids who want to watch flashier animation. Although seriously, I don't see how CN, or the average CN watching kid could bitch about 0079's animation. Have you watched the other crap they show? Do they honestly expect people to believe that Ed, Edd, & Eddy, Scooby Doo, & whatever other generic crap fests CN show's during the day are animated better? If anyone there cared, it wouldn't be too late. All they have to do is start an hour long weekday afternoon Wing/Seed fest.
  7. You want a word? How about biotechnology. A way of "naturalling" doing what we can only currently do with mechanical technology. In Macross 7, sound is never "heard" in space. The Sound Energy (Anime Spiritia) phenomenon is first generated by the individual, converted to a form which is usable by mechanical technology with the converter vests, and then amplified by the Sound Boosters. The specific mechanics of how it all works is only known to Chiba.
  8. Biggest surprise to me.....NO ZETA ADVERTISING! There's a freakin' limited edition box set coming out next month, it's a related franchise.....NO MENTION AT ALL!! Hell, Even ADV adertised their Southern Cross & Mospeada box sets with other releases.
  9. Audio is fine, though the layer change is a bit funky, but overall a solid release. Just has a useless dub only second disc. Bandai's funky audio releases have mostly been related to Stand Alone Complex, so I'm sure there's some way to blame Manga.
  10. The commentary is in English. The second disc is pretty much a wash, no japanese trailers, nothing vastly important in the timeline, and the art galleries are just screen captures for the most part. What bugs me about the release....the credits are in english. Bandai has been one of the few companies who actually left all of the credits alone, then included a translated version of them after. Hopefully english credits won't become a standard, we already have one ADV, we don't need another.
  11. I really do not get these statements. I don't either, it's best to just let them go...
  12. Kawamori never said he didn't care about contnuity. He said he wasn't going to be anal about continuity in regards to Zero. And even then, there's nothing in Zero that contradicts anything which came before. As for the two ways of looking at the story, that statement is almost as old as DYRL, and pre-officially placing the movie as a 2031 era feature.
  13. Yup, better in every way shape & form. Go buy them now.
  14. The movie designs are only official as of the 2031 era. The TV designs are official as of the 2009-2012 era. There is no contradiction between the designs & story.
  15. Damnit, I pre-ordered it months ago, when it was still only a 1 disc release, and they just now shipped it!
  16. Very quietly, a season 1 set (13 episodes) has been released today. I highly reccomend you run over to your local retailer & pick it up so we can get the rest of the series. Extra's include commentaries, animatics, interviews, new film shorts, and easter eggs (like a bizarre CG commercial for the Coachs's car.....in Japanese!).
  17. That's one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. Kawamori not liking the original Macross TV series? meh.
  18. Oh come on, no one else has played it yet? The crazy ass stories are not to be missed!
  19. No, getting ripped off would have been animeigo having to cancel the release due to not enough interest. I feel fully justified in my $250 purchase. It helped get Macross out to the masses, and was perfectly reasonable for 9 disc's ($60 markup over a comparatively sized Bandai set, but we were also paying for a superior remaster).
  20. Another sale for those who don't have the sets yet, animeigo are having a 40% off sale themselves right now on all Macross disc's.
  21. Besides, everyone know's that in the future, avionics will be so advanced that they will be able to maintain the beauty of the F-14, while hallowing out the body enough to stow 60+ missles....duh! You know what, I think we need a realistic driving sim, where you have to ride in a car for 16 years before you can get your learners permit, and then since you don't have enough money to buy a car, you have to work in an auto-factory & assemble cars while scrimping & saving to buy one for the next 20 years. And then you get "downsized" because your position has been replaced by robots who do your job much more effectively. Then you steal a car & go to jail. That'd be realistic! Did I mention how much I love the Ace Combat series?
  22. Hmm, so should I take it to believe that Halo 2 is a realistic military sim, or Transformers is a realistic transforming robot sim??
  23. Spirit of some dead guy? No, that's the same voice as the birdman. As for Hassford, he believes the world is in need of a new start, which is why he probably duped the Anti-U.N. into instigating the incident.
  24. I don't know what your problems are with the Sound Force Valkyries, but my vote goes for a tie between the VF-0S (something just looks wrong about it) and the TV VF-1A head (though it was fully redeemed with the movie VF-1A head which is one of my favorites).
  25. Actually, Max & Milia both played themselves in the movie. The roles were just so small, that there wasn' that much developement
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