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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Hmm, do any of the documentaries, commetaries, etc, mention the direct & overt influence of Megazne 23 Part III on the Matrix?
  2. You know, that's something I've been meaning to ask too. While we all do appreciate the great rarities in art, why plaster logo's all over them, and make them a bitch to download. If they were your original creations, that would be one thing, but they're not.
  3. I still say try the anal sex angle. For every item you lose, you must get anal sex.
  4. Call me crazy, but this is still my favorite Mylene picture ....well, And this one
  5. www.cdjapan.co.jp
  6. If you sell anything other than duplicates, I'll mock you as "CASTRADO!"
  7. I would soil my underwear if that were true. Hmm, Kamille in a Nu Gundam.....how would that be fair to anyone?
  8. I just bought AEUG Vs TITANS a few months ago...but this game definately intrigues me. Perhaps after I recover a bit from xmas spending I'll pick it up.
  9. I'm still a little dissapointed that Future Chronicle didn't make it onto the 20th Anniv DVD.
  10. Sounds missing? No, the Japanese just don't need to fill every waking second with senseless noise.
  11. Meh, just don't care enough about Macross II to pay R2 prices. Though I did import Macross Plus Movie Edtion, since Manga botched the R1 so badly.
  12. What if she really enjoys it? Is that not still a victory? He can just change it to "no more anal sex," etc
  13. While cool & all, if you're going to weather a Strike Gundam, shouldn't it be in phase shift down color's? You can't paint chip phase armor.
  14. Which Victory Gundam toy? There are several. Graham Any. Something about the Impulse definately screams Victory to me (V1, not V2).
  15. Backups are nice, but one nasty virus, and it 's all gone. Plus you don't get all that spiffy box art, and are forced to watch on your computer. I say, if she doesn't go for the new wallunit idea, make a comprimise. For every item she makes you get rid of, you get anal sex. After a few items, you should be cool.
  16. Perhaps you should invest in some kind of custom wall unit. One that houses your TV, all your systems, maybe even games, etc.
  17. How about some comparison shots with the Force Impulse & Victory Gundam...that toy definately reminds me of the Victory.
  18. That's a load of B.S., it's not like it's anything even remotely harmful. It's your stuff, and if you get rid of it, you might as well have your nuts clipped and hand those to her too.
  19. Come on, there wasn't even any traffic on the street's. If that city had anyone in it, there would have been helicopters or something mobilized, bodies flying out of windows, etc. Kawamori has never been one to be squeemish with civilian casualty animation, so the city, for whatever reason, had to be empty.
  20. Not necessarily. What if it was (highly unlikely as it may be) a pre-war city that somehow wasn't entirely levelled. Or equally unlikely, an Earth version of a battle mock-up city like the one on Eden.
  21. Considering that as far as we can tell, everyone on Earth is under Sharon's spell (which would answer why she wasn't cut off from the defense net), being saved from that would likely obsolve them of any damage done.
  22. I think he was referring to your hatered of Macross II. Back in the days of AFM it probably would have surprised me that you own a copy. Though, I don't know about you anymore, as far as your dislike for Macross II goes...anyway. I'm gonna join the bandwagon and say that I too own a copy of The Sentinels. Watched it once, never plan on watching it again. How could I hate Macross II if I haven't seen it, of course I own it. Hell, I even own the SDF Macross VHS dub of DYRL. I'm a Macross fan, and all of the stuff I've listed is worth owning just for the kitch alone.
  23. Nope, AnimEigo specifically stated they were able to get ahold of audio tracks from Big West, which they used to do an audio clean up (be it still in mono), as well as the BG & SFX only tracks that are on the set. Of course we've forgotten to mention the major benefit of AnimEigo's remaster, the picture has been zoomed out a bit to provide more onscreen animation that normally goes past the overscan area on your tv.
  24. That's an interesting question. While AnimEigo did remaster a print, which does look very good, the print they remastered was the one Harmony Gold has been sitting on for 20 years. Bandai used an entirely different print, which by indications looks pretty good in itself. Harmony Gold apparently prevented AnimEigo from getting vidoe masters from Big West/Bandai. Although they did somehow manage to get the audio tracks from Japan.
  25. What's so surprising about that? I own both Macross II & The Sentinels (and space Gandam V for that matter)....
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