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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Keith

    VF Girls

    Still too much mecha, and not enough ecchi.
  2. Hmm, I forgot how well their DYRL DVD turned out (not super accurate, but an acceptable HK translation). Perhaps their Zero will have a decent translation after all, at least if they're smart enough to borrow fan scripts.
  3. Yup, I definately agree. Especially with how Sara & Shin pulled a David Bowman at the end, dissapearing into the stars for parts unknown. Of course with this comparison brought up, do you suppose they'll re-appear in a future sequel to help along with another evolutionary step?
  4. I say get the older model. I don't understand what the hype is with the newer slimmer one is anyway. Sure it's big & noisy, but I love my chunky mod'd PS2.
  5. From what little I've heard, the 2 disc version uses the same subtitles as the 5 individual disc's (which aren't "that" bad). I've heard absolutely nothing about the FX version though, curiously so. But then FX has been known to rip other HK disc's in the past (and even when they did original stuff, their M7 subtitles were horrible most of the time) so that's a crapshoot.
  6. Someone, somewhere, somehow! needs to release those SD OVA's. At least as extra's with say Zeta (would have been perfect) or ZZ (there's still time Bandai, and that would justify the purchase!).
  7. Probably true, though I've never picked up Ultra Fire, so I'm not sure which made it onto that.
  8. The R1 Seed DVD's are cool so far, much better translation quality than Zeta though there is still an occasional oddity. Good episode count (5 per disc), weak extra's (so far majorly consisting of the TM revolution "Invoke" music video...on 4 straight volumes so far, haven't gotten 5, 6, or 7 yet). Although if you wait a few months, I'm sure FX will do their usual R1 rip after vol 10 is out (may be easier for you to get ahold of).
  9. Meh, I'll see it. Cast doesn't bother me much, just as long as the comedy is in the right place.
  10. I'm sorry, but Al was far more annoying than Quess, Kou, or (insert random annoying character here) combined. e's lucky they didn't just shoot him & toss him out of the colony. And while the story was interesting, it didn't move me anywhere near the level that the original Amuro, Lalah, Char dynamic did. What really grabbed me about Gundam was the whole tragedy of Lalah, and the evolution of Newtypes vs their being used by Oldtypes. Char's vendetta against humanity itself (as well as the Zabi's), taking him to an ultimate disregard for any side except for his own, etc. In perspective, 0080 only has Oldtypes doing the same old Oldtype things.
  11. Well, that's part of it, as my favorite thing about Gundam "is" Newtypes. 0080 just seemed to be a throw away story. Nothing that happens there is really of any consequence, especially since the the actual threat to the colony is taken away, despite the main characters not knowing.
  12. Aha, now to wait for the HK release!
  13. I honestly don't see what the big deal with 0080 is. I always thought it was the weakest Gundam OVA (by U.C. standards).
  14. It's "Milia," end of story!
  15. Hmm, looks to be true, you missed the production run. Chances are there will be a re-release eventually though.
  16. Considering you have the core of the U.C. (being 0079 movies, Zeta, & CCA), I'd definately go with either ZZ or Victory next. ZZ starts off...comedic for the first 20 episodes, then gets much better. Victory just pissed me off for some reason during the first 3 episodes, then became phenomenal. Choose as you will.
  17. Surprisng, while you're there, pick up the Macross Plus Movie Edition, far superior to manga's release.
  18. The official release: 01-1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Nights 02-Fall 03-Diamond Calling 04-Kimi Ni Todoke 05-Power To The Dream 06-Spiral Answer 07-Dakedo Baby 08-Holy Lonely Light (Duet Version) 09-Light The Light 10-Try Again The bootleg version also includes the Heart & Soul Single comprising of: -Flash In The Dark -Accoustic Remember 16 -Heart & Soul All following after the standard track list.
  19. Now there's a statue. Where's that from?
  20. What crazy sh!t will 2005 bring to Macross fandom...
  21. Mistranslation on someone's part. It's not colorized, but an un-cropped version of the episode (the animation was cropped to give it an epic widescreen appearance). The original version is included mind you, but there's also an extra uncropped version included as well.
  22. Definately grab the 20th anniversary DVD. It's got VFX-2, Macross DYRL game intro & other movies, SD Macross intro, fanracer ending sequence, hell, everything short of M3 (very odd why they didn't include it) and the PC engine cut sequneces (also odd why they're not included). Consider it the extra's disc that all U.S. Macross DVD releases have lacked, rolled into one.
  23. They made her look like Yasmin Blech!
  24. www.cdjapan.co.jp Thnx! Wait a minute...are you telling me you've hung around afm & macross world all this time, and never heard of cdjapan?
  25. Yes but Keith.... you are MINE and I haven't plastered any logos all over you or made you a bitch to download. ; ) LOL So, please don't complain or I might have to keep them all to myself. *hugs himself and starts swaying back and forth while standing* Oh my.... ignore the above text. Seriously though, what's the big deal about art sharring? Once it's out on the internet, it's immortal. If your server goes down, or your house & server get hit by a nuclear bomb or something (not that it would happen, but you never know), those copies are lost forever. If a few..dozen...idiots like to post up pictures all over the internet, so what. At least that material is out there.
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