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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Hmm, Gelzuge, do we have any line art for this one yet? That could be the Gelgoog type.
  2. It's too bad HLJ couldn't have special U.S. sized shirts produced....we never get good anime shirts.
  3. Hmm, now there's a reason to pick it up, bash up Wing & Seed suits with the Zeta.....!
  4. As much as I want to support Gundam in the U.S., considering the game will likely be as badly dubbed as Federation Vs Zeon, I think I may just import it instead.
  5. Pic of the figure, you'd leave yourself open to blackmail if there was a pic of you rubbing her butt...
  6. Didn't expect to see that coming from a programmer.
  7. Hmmm, hopefully Bandai won't wait a full year after the end of its run to bring over Destiny...
  8. I don't think we want to go that route, but you can easily create your own Gundam thread to discuss whatever specific area of the Gundam franchise interests you, e.g. start an 'official Gundam Zeta' thread or 'UC Gundam' thread or 'sissy, skirt wearing Zeong' thread if you want to discuss those specific topics. We alread have an an official 'Gundam Sentinel' thread, for discussing all things Sentinel related. Anyway, back to discussing Destiny. Graham To be honest, I've never been big on the massive "official" topics, as they become a bitch to read through. Although, anime on dvd has a nice varient on this forum where individual members have the option of displaying an entire topic on one (slightly easier to read) page.
  9. Considering "good" Gundam forums are hard to come by, don't suppose Shawn would be gracious enough to grant Macross World it's own devoted Gundam forum....!
  10. I never said I didn't watch robotech, I just said it didn't age very well. As an adult trying to watch it, it became too much of an ordeal. The shitty acting & music, force together attempt at canon, etc. My point being, Macross, despite its animation limitations, has aged much better, and as such is the definative purchase.
  11. Hmm, now I'm all amped up about seeing a new Rick Dom & Gelgoog.....hopefully there won't be a Zeong....
  12. What happens if you wind up with a crappy PS2 missing the controller & cables that someone already swapped out? "Instant Karma."
  13. Definately go for the AnimEigo sets, and then the Mospeada set. Robotech is something best left in the past, and far too painful to watch, especially as an adult. The HK set there listed is the FX bootleg of AnimEigo's set. Perhaps an alternative for those looking to pick up the series when it's unavailable in a couple years, but it's still easily enough found officially now.
  14. Wait, you're complaining about Mari's singing?....What the hell is wrong with you?
  15. It wasn't important to find out who would have one in a dogfight, as that wasn't the main focus of the story to begin with.
  16. BOMBA!
  17. I think Sara came back for Shin (he definately didn't leave under his own power, and we even see Sara helping him), neither are dead, and will both pop up in a later Macross series/movie/ova, to submit a final test to humanity.
  18. Personally, I always thought Mao looked a lot more like Minmay than Sara did.
  19. Unleaded ? Angst?...........Yeah, I bet that's it! Want to make a ship, Mobile Suit or Mobile Armor that's all powerful, then run it on an Angstâ„¢ engine powered fom the main character's angst and it will be unbeatable. Heck, as long as it's not the bloody silly (IMO), all singing, all dancing, do everything Minovsky particles from the UC universe then I'll be happy. Graham No, you're thinking of Zeta's awesome Psycommu!
  20. Hmm, would have preferred a more Zeta styled head on that thing, and hell, more Zeta styled parts in general, but it's interesting none the less. With all these MSG references building though, I can't help but think back to Turn A in it's attempt at unifying all Gundam series.
  21. It is sad when HK subs are closer to the actual dialogue....bastards! Anyway, mini-update for those who are still bugged by the changed intro thing (like I am). Apparently the R2 vol 13 of Zeta has all the textless versions of the openings & endings. So I've personally gone & ordered that, picked up an extra thin-pak case, and wouldn't you know it, if you take out that useless book it comes with, there's just enough room for an eleventh case!
  22. Damn you guys are making it hard to wait for this series. Only 13 eps so far....it's gonna be a long year.
  23. I loved the story first & foremost, it's everything I hoped from a Macross sequel & more. Great characters, great mix of comedy & drama, and a unique way to go about everything. 7 succeeded where so many sequels fail, in following what came before, expanding on what came before, and not re-treading on things which did not need retreading. Everything (regardless of whether some liked it or not) was explained in a satisfactory manner.
  24. I think it (like the encore episodes) were just produced after the series ended. Fleet of the Strongest Women didn't appear (I think) until the LD/VHS release of 7, and was included with the last episode. I've always been under the impression that it's one big piece of omake. As for continuity, it, like the other encore episodes, and the movie, all fit snuggly in the late 30's, mid 40's episode wise. I had this all mapped out a while ago, but I'll be damned if I can remember where i left my note to myself on it.
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