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Everything posted by Keith

  1. There is that theory, yes. But then you also have Macek who claimed to have a staff of writers watching raw episodes & making up their own dialogue as they went along. While Tatsunoko themselves are guilty for not providing the best translations, anyone who's seen the DYRL dub can attest to that. The level of crap that robotech consisted of can't be blamed on them, as their DYRL translation was far more accurate than anything in robotech. And yes, even with lines like "now watch jet jockey!"
  2. Didn't Giant Robo just get a U.S. release? I think the first 2 (out of 3) volumes are out now, definately go for those.
  3. There's absolutely nothing a live action feature could do that DYRL hasn't already done better. And many fans complain that the story was trimmed down to much in DYRL. The story would struggle even further under the weight of having to give actors "face time." A re-animated (with original vocal tracks) version of Macross TV, that's an acceptable idea. But a live action version would be commercial suicide. Macross is an epic story, and lets face it, most of the movie going public could give less of a poo about epic stories. They want flash & faces. Why do you think the U.S. entertainment industry is in the shambles that it is now?
  4. People hold prejudices about a lot of things. Look at people & their prejudices against widescreen movies on home video. Just because they think they like fullscreen better, doesn't mean that we should abandon the vastly superior widescreen presentations, it just measn we need to educate. I hate when movies are redone, they're 9 & a half times out of 10 far worse than the originals. And a good film holds up as good regardless of how old it is, or how old its effects are. I'll take Macross TV any day over crap like sky captain. Or a more suitable compairison, the Giant Robo OVA over crap like sky captain. I'd take Gunbuster over Alien vs Predator every day of the week (not just any!). I'd take Yamato TV over any of the new Star Trek series/movie.
  5. Difference being, LotR had never been told adiquately in any type of watchable medium. Macross has been told superbly with its low budget early 80's animation. There's no way the story can be improved with live action & cg.
  6. Kawamori's quote regarding "viewing it one way or the other" (to paraphrase) dated back to the mid 80's. Kawamori's statement that the TV series stands as canon came from the early/mid 90's when he & Nue fixed up the timeline after the Macross II fiasco. For specific info, see Egan Loo's site, pretty sure he has it up somewhere, or at the very least, he gave the definative answer in regards to which version takes canon precidence. In regards to the DYRL clips in 7, Egan has translated the LD liner notes detailing the stance of the extended version of the film in the Macross canon. The general way it works, is that the original story had become so romanticized to the characters in the Macross universe, that the depicition of fact & fiction regarding SWI's events get blurred with the film. Look at it this way, how many kids today do you think know the difference between the actual sinking of the Titanic, and the movie?
  7. I just don't understand. If you enjoy something animated, why do you need it to be remade live action. If something is good, it's good, irregardless of what medium it's made on.
  8. How many intro's is Destiny scheduled to have? Are they aiming for a most intro's used in a 50 episode series award? I thought Seed was crazy with it's 4!
  9. Skip the songs...why the hell would you want to do that? BTW, how navigatable are the menu's?
  10. Mezzo (TV). I've found the first 2 volumes to be a very fun show so far.
  11. ::watches Macross, then flashes back on robotech::: Nope, most of the dialogue most certainly does not come from Macross. "Remember one thing Gentlemen, ROBOTECH" "OH Rick" "Protoculture flower blah blah blah" "I will steal your protoculture blah blah blah" "Narrator: Blah blah blah blah blah robotech blah rick blah masters blah" "IT IS MY TIME TO BE A STAAARRR!" Need I go on?
  12. More Lunamaria damnit, more!
  13. If it's playable without knowing written japanese, then I'm all over it.
  14. This shot is "not" from the Minmay Video episode, and is indeed from Fleet of the Strongest Women. The answer was given early on here, it's a scene from the Macross universe's "extended" version of "DYRL (i.e. a version that contains many more scenes that weren't able to get into our real world version of the film). This is a scene depicting the peace treaty between the Macross & Zentradi. Assumedly this would be taking place after Max chased Milia into the ship, but before their wedding (which we also don't get to see in the film), since he's macronized for the wedding. The overall scene's specific placement would be right before the press conference where Hikaru & Minmay re-unite. And definately pick up the M7 DVD's. With FX going under (perhaps temporarily, perhaps perminently), you'll miss out on your chance to get the most complete set. For $50-$60 you get 56 episodes, even if it turns out you don't like it, you'll at least have a basis for saying so.
  15. How could the acting possibly be good, when they'll still have to deal with the same shitty material?
  16. I find it ironic that I haven't seen The Magnificent Seven but I have seen Seven Samurai... while a Japanese friend of mine hasn't ...Kurosawa 0wnz j00 I made the mistake of trying to watch the Magnificent 7 after seeing Seven Samurai.....
  17. Especially in toy form, the Impulse still reminds me of the Victory Gundam. And if the Basara knocking keeps up, I'll have to start chiming in.
  18. Regardless of the source inspiration, Basara epitomizes the very nature of a true artist.
  19. I still say it'll pop up as an extra on the final platinum release.
  20. Link on the new page leads.....nowhere?
  21. What's the rough estimate we're looking at for availability on these, specifically box 1?
  22. If my theory is correct, the movie trilogy will fix ZZ by cutting it out...
  23. I sat through the whole damn thing, consider yourself lucky you stopped at 5 minutes... Which reminds me, remember that terrible tv sequel to The Jerk?
  24. Bah, meant to upload it yesturday, but never got around to it. sorry.
  25. Sharon Apple Perhaps this will fit in well somewhere? While I'll only be picking up the blue box, I think this would look cool on the spine of the cockpit box. BTW, are the other 9 disc box's still available for a bundle deal with the Plus box?
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