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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Is this in the dub or sub? I started watching the dub but it sucked so much that some of the cast would not/could not come back and were OD with different actors made me quit watching it. I have yet to watch the sub'd version, as I keep getting given more teaching duties at the university I go to and seem to lack time to watch much anime now. Dub....a dub for Evangelion exists? It's from the Director's Cut version of episode 24, either available on ADV's last year march release of the DC episodes, or on the Platinum Vol 6...which incidentally isn't out yet. Not sure which version you've watched, but there are two versions of Evangelion. The original broadcast version, which ADV initially licensed. And the Director's cut version, which was the Japanese home video re-edit of the series (though only episodes 21-24), & added new scenes, as well as new versions of scenes. The one described above was one such scene.
  2. Or maybe the clones were cloned to be gay, and have mass orgies when not fighting...
  3. Captured doesn't necessarily mean fought as anyone can be captured without a battle. Maybe saying that Seele found Tabris as an embryo and then later raised him or whatever would be better? Considering that in the Director's Cut episode 4, it's spelled out who Kaworu is: "SEELE: In Lilith, progenitor of humanity - the false successors from the Black Moon... SEELE: And in Adam, progenitor of Angels - the true successors from the lost White Moon. SEELE: And whose salvaged soul resides only within you... SEELE 01: But whose revived body is already inside Ikari. " The scene where Kaworu is out speaking with the Seele Monoliths.
  4. The OVA DVDs were done on single layer discs. Presumably, they could fit all four episodes on one dual layerd disc without changing the AV compression. Yeah, but it's manga, they screw stuff up on purpose. Hell, they've actually chosen not to put Gunbuster on DVD! They lost the license to Gaint Robo! They're insane.
  5. THe fruits theory is fruity at best. Shinji's choice wasn't the choice of ENDING or leaving it as it is. His choice was to accept or reject Instrumentality/Complementation which in the movie he rejected, causing all souls to be of a single entity with AT Fields, as opposed to ONE big Lilith being with no AT-Fields. If you're going to quote something, try quoting something without ADV's initial mistranslations (complementation). First, both the movie & TV endings were exactly the same, the same choices were made in both, as well as the same results being achieved. I also don't see where you're contradicting the fruits of life/wisdom, as that's all canon. It's in the RCB, it's spokem by Fuyutski, and it's executed by both Yui & Lilith/Rei. Now there is no way to be a single entity & still have AT fields. AT fields are what was keeping everyone seperate to begin with. There are two types of existences to choose from: Community Form - i.e. leave things how they are. Single Form - Tear down everyones AT fields, and join them into one big blob of nothingness. Perhaps it was the giant Lilith that confused you. Everyone wasn't joining into that body for an existence, the purpose of that was for her to both tear down everyones AT fields, then gather all the LCL/souls into the egg. Once that was done, Lilith (Rei) would have also joined into the egg, as she was about to do before giving Shinji a final choice as to which existence to continue in. The body would have shed away anyway. What we had first, was Shinji's choice for destruction, which lead to everyone being broken down & gathered together into that egg. Once there, Shinji realized it was a hollow existence, & chose to go back to the way things were. Then as shown, the egg splits open, spilling all of the LCL back into the ocean, allowing people to regain their original forms & AT fields. You'll notice a direct corrilation with the studio set & the way it breaks up in the TV series, the same exact events just depicted in a different manner. Instrumentality doesn't equate to Third Impact, it doesn't equate to aborting Third Impact, it's simply the process by which humans interact with each other.
  6. In the Red Cross Book RCB, it states that Kaworu is likely another Angel embryo SEELE captured. Has this changed with the new PS2 game? I always figured that since Kaworu was Tabris the Angel of Free Will, that he took human form out of his free will much like when he decided to let Shinji decide his fate. Psst. "[Adam] The 1st Angel. The giant of light discovered in Antarctica. The information that Adam was confined underground below NERV HQ turned out to be false -- that underground giant was in fact Lilith. The real Adam was the embryo-like object brought by Kaji from Germany. This was result of humans reducing Adam to an embryonic state after waking it up with the S^2 theory. Second Impact appears to have been an effect of this process. The book of Genesis in the Old Testament records that Adam was the first human to be created by God in His image. There are various theories as to the etymology of the word "Adam", among them: "earth", "red" and "create". " Seele never fought any Angels on their own.
  7. I thought the EVA01 shot was supposed to indicate that it was the proof that humans existed, with their own problems of the heart: relationships, lack of parents etc. being that most of the emphasis is on human relationships. Nope, Shinji & Asuka on the shore was proof that humans still existed. Yui' purpose in becoming a god was to ensure life would continue no matter which existence Shinji chose.
  8. I can't wait for the future, and breasts free of the restraints of gravity!
  9. They're not evil, they're simply fighting to maintain their own existence, which had been threatened by humans. As for why they're called Angels, it's because they're a class under Evangelion's interpretation of what a god is.
  10. Well that's not quite true, Unit 00 also served as a container for part of Lilith's/Rei's soul. In fact, it's never said that Rei is the only possible container for Lilith's soul, a clone of Yui was merely the vessel Gendo chose. Assumedly, it could just as easily been a clone of anyone else. And yes, fanfics do suck.
  11. Getting to Adam wouldn't cause Third Impact. The Angels already had the Fruits of Life side from Adam. They needed the Fruits of Wisdom side from Lilith. And assumedly, whoever was in the position of control would be able to initiate Third Impact. Seele didn't cause it, Lilith didn't cause it, Gendo didn't cause it, it was Shinji's desire for everything to end that caused it.
  12. Manga's translation is irrelivent, Lilith & Adam are two equal beings which come from one single larger being (also) called Lilith. -Lilith comes to Earth, -Seperates into 2 beings/Eggs -Black Moon (Lilith side) crashes down into what would become Tokyo-3 -White Moon (Adam) crashes into what would become Antactica -Both events create what is called "First Impact." From the White Moon egg evolves what would become Angels, & from the Black Moon egg evolves what would become humans. Both are incomplete sides of the larger "whole" being, and each contains one element of: -Fruits of Life (from the Adam side), i.e. the immortality of having an S2 Organ/Angel core, whichever name you choose to call it. -Fruits of Wisdom (from the Lilith side), a mortal existence, but one of mass community, evolution, technology, etc. Through both the RCB & series dialogue itself, you can decipher all of the above, as well as the direct fact that the complete god can not exist without both Fruits of Life/Fruits of Wisdom. Also take into account that: -The Eva series 02-13 were clones of Adam -Eva Units 01 (and likely 00) were clones of Lilith. Neither were gods on their own, but once Eva 01 took the S2 Organ into itself (i.e. fruits of Life from the Adam side) it became a god, or more accurately, Yui Ikari became a god. As for Rei, she was a clone of Yui with the soul of Lilith (the seperated form Lilith), and Kaworu was a clone of (who knows, maybe Kaji?) with te soul of Adam. In EoE, Gendo intended to use his own soul in Lieu of Adam's to become a god himself (Lilith + her soul Rei + Body of Adam implanted in Gendo's hand + Gendo's Soul = God), but instead Rei rejected him, and took Lilith + her soul + Body of Adam from Gendo's hand + Soul of Adam/Kaworu which had resided in Terminal Dogma after Shinji killed him = the original full form god Lilith. The confusing aspect for most is that both Adam + Lilith = Lilith and Lilith - Adam still = Lilith (though only Angel Lilith, not God Lilith). The whole deal with the Angel's attacking to join with Adam was obviously a lie, since the existence of Lilith wasn't made known to the Eva pilots, Nerv staff (aside from Gendo, Fuyutski, & Ritsko), or even Kaji. What type of Third Impact would have happened if the Angels succeeded in joining with Lilith isn't really clear, if any would have happened at all. Seele however believed that by controlling the god, they could achieve what they believed to be a perfect existence, by re-joining with Lilith in an eternal embryonic state of nothingness. It didn't really matter which god they used (Lilith or Yui), since both in theory would help them achieve the same goal, and they needed to have a pilot with the desire for death (destrado) to skew the joining with Lilith in that direction. Assumedly, the dummy plug would have served the same purpose, but Shinji wound up in the seat of control. It isn't really said if the world would go back to normal, but I assume not. While it is definately stated that everyone would regain their original forms (after Shinji aborted the Instrumentality Single Form existence), the planet was still torn up. Likely humanity would just have to rebuild from scratch. And of course, we have symetry with Yui leaving as a god to start the whole process of life in the end, just as Lilith came to Earth in the beginning to start it. It also explains why Yui left with the Longinus Spear, apparently the key to activating events.
  13. Chances are that his clothes would have melted into his skin anyway, and doing skin grafts would just take that much longer....
  14. A clone wouldn't necessarily be as strong with the force, and even if they were, there'd be all that time taken to educate, train, & hope they turn out as angry & prone to evil. It's a lot faster to just fix up the bust'd Vader
  15. Yeah, but it was also supposed to be $89.99, suffice it to say, it's gone through revision.
  16. 7 blew away II, end of story. As for similarities, they're few & far between, most of them can be written off as being based off of the same source. As for the Protoculture, you can be damned sure the U.N. Spacy knew about them. That was one of the great plot points of Macross. Misa & Global go to the brass bringing them revelations that will awe & change their focus on the war. What do they get instead? "Yeah we know, which is why we have to give them a big show of force, they'll respect us for it." The incident with the APHOS could easily be misconstrued that way by militant minded people. "It attacked us, so we shot some nukes at it, and it ran away."
  17. At 2 disc's It's likely to only be the OVA. And if it did contain the movie, then that just mean's they'd screw up the only good encode they did (i.e. the OVA) to slap all 4 eps on 1 disc. I doubt the movie would get any re-touching at all, it's just not their way. All things considered, I have the OVA disc's, I have both the R1 & R2 movie edition disc's (in 1 double disc case using the R2 box art), and I have my MW custom Plus desert scheme box, as such I've no use for this release whatsoever. It is nice though that it's re-surfacing with half the price it was originally MSRP'd at.
  18. Macross II is a "parallel universe" show because its producers failed to follow much of the Macross continuity that came before ti, not acknowledging the colony fleets was just one of many errors.
  19. Yup, James Earl Jones is indeed back. Also nice to see Lucas is exorcising nepatism by putting his kids in
  20. Sure they are, they just had their juice....hot light saber juice...
  21. Ultra Fire has a decent selection from what I recall, but you can get most of what you need on Let's Fire! & Second Fire!, with Dynamite Fire & Zola Radio.... rounding out the collection.
  22. Angel Voice, Totsugeki Love Heart, Starlight Dream, I'm so there.
  23. Or better yet, if Big West bought HG, Tatsunoku would crap their pants
  24. That God Zeta V2 kit doen't look half bad. Nah, don't you mean 'God-Strike-Wing' Graham Shining Turn Zero?
  25. Hmm, between this & the new trailer....if this movie actually turns out to be good, then I can only come to one conclusion. Lucas didn't direct! Meanwhile, I take credit for this apparent scene, and say I dared him to do it!
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