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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Don't forget, Sara's powers weren't limited to "flying rocks," she also had the ability to highten living energy with her song. Check out Episode 4, flowers, animals, bugs, etc, all gained strength from her singing, ala Anima Spiritia.
  2. What reality are you living in? 7 was a huge success, no matter how much you think your dislike for it makes it a failure, it was still a huge success. Your version of history also seems somewhat skewed. It was Plus that Kawamori was forced to make, so he re-wrote his Advanced Valkyrie storyline to fit it. He was basically told that he couldn't do a new series until he did a Macross Project first. Apparently it piqued his interest, and 7 soon went into production too. But to try & argue that Zero is a departure from everything 7, when the entire storyline basically re-inforces everything that was introduced in 7 is just plain silly. If you don't like 7, get over it, many did.
  3. I just don't see Stik there, unless that's a shot of him after getting socked in the stomach... I wonder if hte 70's mustache guys from The Sentinels will return.
  4. So wait, you're saying Macross II was more adult because it had more sex? While the panty-less Wendy was an interesting scene, 7 had far more instances with possessed Akiko jumping all over..well everyone. Naked Civil, Rex & her zipper, Chiba's questions during the Jamming Birds try outs, Milia, etc.
  5. Hmm, so now robotech has pole dancers.....it'll still be poo.
  6. While there was a bit of interest in Emilia, Basara was clearly taken in by Sivil.
  7. What a wonderous place Japan is. Imagine being able to walk down the street dressed like that, and not get the poo beat out of you.
  8. ....Why are they doing this again?
  9. What, no suggestions for the live action robotech movie cast?
  10. It's a good thing they look absolutely nothing like they did in Mospeada, otherwise Mospeada fans might be angry...
  11. I honestly don't know what you were expecting to be so dissapointed. Macross has always been anti-war, & always had ambiguous endings,.
  12. Macross 7 fans are far from in the minority, as much as it's detracters hate to acknowledge it, the show was more popular than the original series. Macross 7 fans just aren't as vocal.
  13. It's been so long since such a thing happened.....what would we talk about?
  14. It'd be more helpful if you said where the sale was, I assume rightstuf.com?
  15. A psycommu or psychoframe that enables its pilot to enhance mobile suit performance with their newtype abilities (ala Zeta & Nu) would be about all that's left.
  16. Tori Amos ::shudders:: now that is going too far!
  17. One year, isn't it three years old?
  18. I posted earlier, already stated how much better 7 is than II.
  19. Downside being, looks like it's still the old masters, & no extra's.
  20. There's always play.com, but it's the boxed set. No, we're talking about the R2 Japanese release, not the R2 UK release. Japanese release has significantly better audio/video over the U.S. & U.K. releases (which are essentially the same disc's pressed for both countries).
  21. The DC discs of the Platinum release or the non-Platinum DC releases? I have the DC DVD before the current Platinum releases, so I'm happy with those. Right now I just can't justify double dipping EVA DVDs as tuition here at the university is going up, up, up, and my TV is giving up the ghost, meaning I'm going to have to start creating a new TV fund. If you have the regular DC disc's you're cool, and watch the DC ep 24!
  22. Yup, a dub exists of the original TV edits, the directors cut and then some. The original release even was quadlingual (French, Spanish, Japanese, English), as I used the French version to improve my skills in French translation. The English dub wasn't bad, IMHO, but the Director's cut episodes stank dubwise. I love the Japanese original TV edit, but just waiting to find time to watch the Director's cuts in Japanese. Not going to double dip with the Platinum episodes, as there have already been problems with their release and the originals suit me just fine. Actually, the only problem with the Platinum release is regarding the dub (missing dialogue) everything else is awesome, especially the picture. At the very least though, pic up the DC disc's, the changes are worth it.
  23. CDjapan should still have the R2 movie edition. And I don't think it's been officially said one way or the other if Manga has officially lost the gunbuster license, as once every year or two they keep promising to put it out on DVD. We can only hope someone like Geneon or Bandai will snag it though.
  24. That site takes from the RCB and some weird thing called CARDASS game or something...which is supposedly accepted as canon. And yet they're using an ADV dub innacuracy (complementation) as well, which automatically makes me take the site with a grain of salt. Sorry....when i said single entity i meant singular or personal entity, not a giant hive mind like what I said in the later. I know AT Field seperate people from being a giant hive mind. Wrong usage of words. Ah. QUOTE Perhaps it was the giant Lilith that confused you. Everyone wasn't joining into that body for an existence, the purpose of that was for her to both tear down everyones AT fields, then gather all the LCL/souls into the egg. Yeh...I kinda assumed they'd look something like her by the end of it. All the things that looked like her were her, amongst her powers, she could apparently appear ot everyone in the world as a comforting image to ease down their AT fields. Your theories are interesting, but some of them seem to be just fan-speculation. Like for example: QUOTE Lilith & Adam are two equal beings which come from one single larger being (also) called Lilith. I think it is canon that they are both seperate from the beginning. And you said something about the Angels wanting to join with Lilith because they wanted the fruit of knowledge from her.....there was no clear intent of the Angels and why they wanted to rejoin Adam or Lilith, so I assume this is another fan-theory. It's no fan theory. It's clearly stated that there are two elements required to become a god. Angels only had the fruits of life, and if their goal was also to initiate Third Impact, then they required the Fruits of Wisdom (Lilith side) in order to do it. It basically breaks down like this: -Humans & Angels are 99.89% genetically similar. -The reason for that similarity is because both originate from the same source, the god Lilith that contained both the Fruits of Life & Fruits of Wisdom. -The Fruits of Life & Wisdom aren't literally Fruits, as with everything else in Evangelion, merely religious references used as terms to describe something else. It could have just as easily been Yin & Yang. -Adam was 1 genetic half of being a god, Lilith was the other genetic half of being a god, combined both formed the full god Lilith. -And of course, only through a god could Third Impact come to be.
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