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Everything posted by Keith

  1. You bought that bull about compatability? The truth was AnimEigo just wasn't using a production plant that did Dual layered. As soon as Bubblegum Crash came out, they've been dual ever since.
  2. If they ended it after CCA, we would have never gotten Victory.
  3. Nope, that was Ron Howard.
  4. plus, if you read your Vol 8 liner notes, there is a mention in there about there being no notes with vol 9.
  5. Everyone know's Boba fett died (inside) 3-4 years ago, when it was comfirmed that he was descended from the goofiest bounty hunter family ever!
  6. Cool, I'll definately put it on my "when i get the extra cash" list.
  7. Bah, it looks cool too. I guess what my major question is, aside from the story, how easy to navigate is the menu system & basic play mechanics if you don't know any japanese?
  8. Hmm, Project Greenlight 4, how to make a bad live action anime movie, starring Ben Afflect as Gendo Ikari, & Matt Damon as Futyuski...
  9. So far I've only laughed at 3 things: -Voltron getting "served" -Hyena, Nature's a$$hole -That Nsyc vs the Yakuza thing, even though they had Great Mazinger doing Rocket punch, when I'm pretty sure he didn't have Rocket Punch...
  10. Speaking of the new MAC 8 disc version, does anyone know if that has all of the intro's & endings put back in (and next ep previews), or if it's literally just the same old 6 disc version spread across 2 more disc's.
  11. No they wouldn't, the height is actually all in the helmet, look how huge that thing is!
  12. Holy crap, you're right! THEY'RE BOTH ANIME CHARACTERS. With similar character designs...
  13. Now I know what's bugging me. That's not Stik at all, it's Professor Fuyutski from Evangelion! Oh come on, no one else see's the similarities?
  14. How playable is the game with no knowledge of Japanese?
  15. Now I know what's bugging me. That's not Stik at all, it's Professor Fuyutski from Evangelion!
  16. Robotech fans have no business calling anything crap, let alone Macross 7. Don't worry about him Keith, he can't understand anything unless a narrator is explaining everything to him every step of the way. Robotech fans need that much help. True. But back to the character designs, if Yellow is the rockstar, why is Stick the one doing heroin?
  17. Robotech fans have no business calling anything crap, let alone Macross 7.
  18. I totally dissagree. Events would have played out more or less the same if neither was there, the result of both of their actions are what played into saving the world.
  19. Not having seen it, you wouldn't realise that it's almost ruining the show. It's uninteresting time wasting that's robbing the main cast of time they should have devoted to themselves. It's not like Amuro showing up and being a secondary character helping out, they've fractured the show completely and run them almost like a second main cast running a completely separate plotline from the main one. It's awful. True I haven't seen it, but I also don't think they should abandon the original cast, as there were still some large mysteries surrounding Kira at the very least. Maybe it's not the best idea to introduce a new group of characters, and then push them off to the side, but there's still half the show to bring things to a full head.
  20. Looks good, though it also looks like there's a countdown timer, possible for the Phase Shift battery? Meh. Where's my Gundam Vs every other Gundam so I can dance on Freedom with Zeta!
  21. One of the Plus episodes had it, sort of. One with the bridge bunnies talking about Max. One of them asks why Millia would leave such a great guy. Cut to Millia's office, she's shouting "HARDER!" and her clothes are laying on the couch. ... But it turns out she's just getting a massage, and her masseur is incompetent.. Don't forget when she auditioned for the Jamming Birds.
  22. Yup, the internet is definately starting to feel old. Worse yet, as huge as it supposedly is, I find myself visiting the same old sites most of the time.
  23. I too have absolutely no time for an MMORPG, but I'd gladly take another Animatrix to cover things.
  24. Hmm, let's see: -Sho'nuff, The Shogun of Harlem (Last Dragon) -Dennis Hopper (Blue Velvet) -Evileen (The Wiz)
  25. I'm loving all these new Destiny developements, can't wait to see the series in a few months. Though I don't understand why some are surprised that the SEED cast is taking center stage more, hell, I wish Amuro had taken more of an active role in Zeta.
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