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Everything posted by Keith

  1. And of course, if you don't know already, it's a pan & scan version of the film.
  2. The one linked to on the rightstuf page is definately the one you want, though whether they'd still be able to get a copy is another matter entirely. Try amazon too.
  3. Journey To Jaburo scared me off that franchise perminently. While Federation Vs Zeon (and in turn AEUG vs Titans) has provided many hours of enjoyment. The more directly story based campeign mode in G vs ZG is what's going to warrent that purchase....that and proving how much more superior the Zeta is to the Double Zeta.
  4. Maybe Athrun will retire from being an MS pilot. Losing 3 Gundams is more than any gundam character to date (unless you count Usso's losing various tops & bottoms to the Victory). Maybe he'd be better suited fas a ships captain.
  5. Mr. 2nd Lieutenant makes the most sense. Adding your own version of the humor chanages it, and it could be just as easily construed that she's very aware of military ranks, and finds it cute to refer to him that way.
  6. Honestly, haven't checked their Cagliostro release, but I'd be highly surprised if it doesn't have an ill placed layer change. And here's another vote against the Plus dub cast!
  7. The FX set (which is pretty rare these days due to storm troopers shutting their facilities down) has all of the extra's. You can still find it over at valkyrie-exchange.com
  8. Screw it, come over to the spolier topic & spill. I want to know everything now!
  9. For that matter, did Al De(Da?) Flaga know he was a Newtype? Or are Mu & Le Crueset truly the first?
  10. Macross Plus was the only DVD release Manga's managed to get out (for the most part) correctly. Sure the video's a little dark, but there are no visable layer changes, audio qualities fine (although the dub audio was glitched on the first release of the disc's), video doesn't "look" like it's a straight VHS dump (as the movie edition & II do), etc. It was all down hill from there.
  11. Ah, well if you need it that exact: Encore 1 "On Stage," & Encore 2 "Which One Do You Love?" I'd place directly inbetween episodes 41 & 42. The movie definately fits inbetween episodes 42 & 43 (as 42 reveals that Gabil/Glavil can combine into 1 larger creature, but Stargazer goes into motion in episode 43). And "Fleet of hte Strongest Women" is a bit more difficult. It could go in the same block as the encore episodes (due to the next ep preview, I'd stick it before both), or it could be shoe'd in between episodes 46-47 (since it was released as an extra with one of the last volumes of the LD release). I'd stick to keeping it with the encore block of episodes though, specifically to keep all the next ep previews congruent. Also forgot to answer your question about "Good Morning Mylene," answer being there were about 11 (If I recall correctly) "Macross 7 Plus" omake shorts. They were included with the LD (and subsequent DVD) releases with each volume (consisting of 4 regular eps, & 1 plus short). Most of them were animated, but a couple were live concert excerpts. -Fastest Liftoff (half our live action premiere specficial that aired before the first broadcast of Macross 7. Mostly an overview of Macross, interview with Kawamori, and preview of 7). -Good Morning Mylene -A live performance of Holy Lonely Light (I "think" by Humming bird). -Live Performance of "Try Again" -Accoustic Totsugeki Love Heart (animated video done to one of best versions of Totsugeki Love Heart) -Street Fighter Veffidas Fease (A little backstory on Veffidas) -Top Gamlin (backstory on Gamlin's reasons for being a pilot, & training) -Ray, Akiko, Stephen, And... (backstory on that triangle) -City 7, 24 hours (a little media piece on the City 7 police force) -Milia The President (an overview of Milia's campaign) -1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Nights / Diamon Calling partial music video's to new footage -Fire Bomber Live in Concert (live concert version of Planet Dance done by the Seiyuu instead of Humming Bird) I may be missing something there, and the order may be slightly off, but that's the gist of it. I suggest you pick up a copy of the FX Macross 7 sets to get them all, subtitles aren't that great, but everything else is good about them.
  12. I always figured the funnels on the Providence were put there specifically for Crueset's ability, not vice versa. I also lean towards believing he's a natural. Not sure why for any specific reason, but if he was a coordinator, I think he'd be a little more inclined to fall in with their agenda than his own.
  13. Encore 1 & 2 fit roughly in the post ep 35 area (after the destruction of Lux), FotSW fits somewhere in the early 40's, while the movie fits directly before operation stargazer (all events occuring in 2045-6 Dynamite happens a year later, 2047.
  14. Look at it this way, at least it's no longer the $80 version that was both OVA disc's & Macross II (no sign of the movie edition either) that was advertised last year. For this release, Manga could have just as easily bundled both disc's in 1 double disc case with a new cover for 19.99/21.99.
  15. What I actually would have liked to see, is MGS 2 styled sword combat controlled by the right stick. That would have been sweet
  16. I've played through the first few stages, and while it is cool for the movie content, just reminds me of an old single player Konami Ninja Turtle styled hack & slash where you're lead by the nuts on where to go the whole time. Maybe i've just become too jaded by games like Ratchet & Clank & Jak, but I like a litlte more control in what I do.
  17. www.modchipman.com, for those who don't care to soldier.
  18. I still like to consider him "The Metatron"
  19. Got a response back from AnimEigo, and naturally, a very vague answer was included. I did also ask about the disc cracking issue, specifcally if the reason for the occurance has been detected. And I quote: It's been so rare and scattered that it is impossible to tell. ....At least we know HG will exchange them, at least while stock remains. But then any exchanges risk the same problem occuring a couple years down the line.
  20. Wish they'd "Strike" that damn chest cannon. I like the idea of Shin turning evil though, it would also justify Kira's continued main role presence. Rau wasn't much of a Char character, and from the sounds of it, Neo isn't shapping up much either (with over half the series over), seeing the evolution of a Char/Vader styled character would definately be a welcome change. As for Athrun, he's never been a comparable pilot with Kira, hell, he had to self destruct the Aegis to take out Strike.
  21. Hmm, I specifically remember an official statement around that time regarding a change in manufacturing process's or plants. Since AnimEigo's news only goes up to august 2002, I've written to find out just what was up.
  22. Maybe Destiny just needs an equivlient of Wong Lee to beat some sense into Shin...
  23. ...."Fugly" comes to mind.
  24. I've never read the books, loved the mini-series, and enjoyed the movie. Yes it's different (very different in some respects), but hell, I already have the mini-series, so it's no big deal. What struck me the most was the difference in the ending: Spoiler Sticking in a happy ending definately threw me at first, Arthur gets the girl, and doesn't get stuck on primal Earth with Ford, but again, I have the mini-series for that. Hell, I thinkt he one thing I missed the most from the BBC version was the design of Deep Thought, while interesting, the new design didn't do it for me. And hey, didn't everyone like the cameo of the original Marvin suit? I half expected him to start talking.
  25. Meh. Was a good enough excuse for me. Observation: Anime on DVD has BG Crash listed as coming out before Macross. That would be because AOD is listing the retail release, which was later than the direct pre-order release from AnimEigo.
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