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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Well, the game stops, but the story wraps. The DLC would just bridge the two.
  2. We may still get the epic ending as DLC, I'm holding out hope. I've been playing since release, and am only about 20+%, as I am combing over all things, and doing every side op. It's the perfect mix of 4 & PW, doubt I could have asked for more.
  3. That works. Be patient with Peace Walker, starts off slow, and doesn't get good until a coiple hours in.
  4. Stop, download Ground Zeroes, play the GZ mission, and if yiu're still bot comfortable, play the other Ground Zeroes side missions. That should be enough to get you used to the newer gameplay in a nice set area (Camp Omega). I'm gonna assume you played Peace Walker in that HD collection, 'cus if you didn't, you're missing A LOT of story.
  5. Or, you could wait for the blu-rays.
  6. If you don't absolutely love Bakemonogatari, you're watching it wrong.
  7. I'm cool with it, unlike the Yamamoto V2 face.
  8. I did this all last year, you guys are slow!
  9. Strangely, just the packaging, but I trust Anno.
  10. Actually, in the narrative (aside from Frontier not existing yet), I wonder if the Vajra have a natural defense against possesssion. They may have stayed off the radar due to low spiritia (doubt they'd generate much), and without access to their network, they wouldn't be prome to Supervision Army type mind control.
  11. Protodevelin in their original super dimensional state have no natural prefators. The EVIL series (unpossessed) are technically inferior to the Vajra, since they're essentially based on them, but don't incorporate the Vajra ability to upgrade, network, or use fold quartz.
  12. Anyone else picking up the series blu-ray set this month? That blue cube is beautiful (dvd set is red). Even without subs, I can't pass up the remaster, and can't wait to see how good EOE looks.
  13. Muv-Luv is fun, but needs more anime for those of us who don't want to play the game.
  14. He was talking about watching movies raw in Japanede theatres.
  15. Monster Musume already has a promising home release.
  16. Still amused that this is a thing, and the robotech movie isn't.
  17. I'd compare it more dirextly to Gunbuster, but yeah, no idea how you managed to wait so long.
  18. Just caught up on Prison School, and it's incredible. Can't wait to see the home release.
  19. You watched it dubbed, that's your fault! And for coming out whilr Nishizaki was alive without turning into a huge "Yamato Ressurrection / Rebirth" mess, actually places the movie pretty highly. Watch it subbed, there are no dog ships.
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