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Everything posted by Keith

  1. The 7 movie (The Galaxy Is Calling Me) along with all the 7 Plus shorts were mentioned, It's Dynamite that was in question. They started to show an ep that was cut off from the stream that was said to be Shawn Kleckner's fave ep, and I'll bet that was FotSW. It looks like 7 will be broken into 2 sets like the Japanese release, so I bet everything will be there. The bigger question is which masters for Frontier & Delta will they get (broadcast, 1st blu-ray, or 2nd blu-ray). II will be the same HD remaster as the Japanese release, Animeigo wouldn't have picked it up if it were anything less. As for Plus, I'm not familiar with the studio that snagged it, but we'll have subs on the remastered OVA at least, and possibly the same unteresting translation of movie edition. Another potential danger point though, I hope whoever eventually gets DYRL is smart enough not to take the edited first HD master.
  2. No, I think they were just saving it for the reaction factor. I anticipate HG will announce they're involved in a DYRL release at their panel Monday. Anything less would make their panel as useless as ever.
  3. Nozomi also has 7, 2 big sets.
  4. After losing the woman dearest to me recently, I have a wholey new appreciation for Anno and whatever it is that personally happened to him that he puts into his works. I've been and still am lost as of recent, and fully "get" the character of Gendou and his motivations more than I ever cared to. Where many casually write off a villain as casually willing to destroy the world & re-write it to take back someone unjustly taken away from him, I see a hero. Sorry if that's a bit subjectively dark, but it's a weight I wouldn't wish on anyone. If I ever did meet Hideaki Anno, I'd simply like to buy the man a beer and quietly drink, nothing more.
  5. I'm hoping Discotek finishes the series with remasters, but heads-up, they're also working on Gunbuster.
  6. By doing the any of the 3 thing's HG refuses to do, make new, original & "good" content.
  7. Aside from the potential of a 4K release (as they did with Robot Carnival) it's doubtful anything will top the blu-ray release for quality.
  8. And in that TNG with Wesley being pressurred to cover up his classmates screwup.
  9. And for those still on the fence, the SOC is freakin' amazing. The pure weight of each lion alone is something to behold.
  10. I'm assuming you watched the awesome new blu-ray release made from the once thought lost film negatives. Discotek was in the process of upscaling the old LD master when someone found a cache of anime film negative gold. They also found the masters we're getting the upcoming Madox-01 blu-ray from.
  11. More directly, the Spaceballs cartoon was a dumpster fire.
  12. Yeah, or quit being geezers, download the kindle app on your phone & try a sample...
  13. The biggest problem with Nemesis is Data trying to commit suicide every other scene he appears in. There are telegraphed deaths, and them there's Nemesis.
  14. It's like they started making a "Bonkers" movie, then decided to swap in The Rescue Rangers instead.
  15. On the flipside, it took Roddenbery dying to finally get the TNG crew out of their pajama's and into decent uniforms.
  16. The level of random fan-venom spewing into every topic is hilarious.
  17. Yeah, but we have John Cho, who needs Chekov?
  18. I don't know what ya'll talkin' 'bout, I love all 3 Kelvin timeline movies.
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