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Everything posted by Keith

  1. I don't know, Emma from Zeta is easily hotter.
  2. Just as expected, Definately glad i went for the champagne box.
  3. Nope, Bandai knew the movies were coming, and the TV series (despite the lose of the intro's & outro's) is a very important release. They would have caught more flack for not releasing it.
  4. No, I think they just realized it was bad idea, especially after G Savior.
  5. You answered your own damn question, why bother watching it if you're only going to watch the dub.
  6. Besides, everyone know's HG is too busy setting themselves up for a huge financial fall when the new robotech series doesn't do well. They don't have time to mess with Megazone.
  7. I can't image they'd try a sequel, so it must be a remake. Interesting, though I can't help but feel it'd be "Matrix'd" up, since the Matrix so shamelessly copied Megazone to begin with.
  8. Hmm...maybe it was the nuclear core of the gundam exploding, causing a grotesque arm mutation into a second left arm
  9. Hmm, maybe he's just lying on the remains of somene elses arm?
  10. It's pretty much a safe bet Manga doesn't have the license anymore. At a recent convention, someone had asked another studio if they had the license, and they said a non-disclosed studio has it, and top 2, and will most likely wait until top 2 is finished to announce it. Take that as you will though.
  11. A credible person? "Yeah, it was shite, but it paid the bills for a cuople months, and then I went back into complete & total obscurity" would have sufficed.
  12. Now you need to see it, just so you can eat those words!
  13. Aweosme news. Hopefully it means Sunrise will sink some more cash into the budget for the remaining 2 films, and will plunk in more new animation...
  14. When they claim to have written a totally original story, throwing out the "gibberish" of the original scripts, and writing entire episodes from scratch? That sir is a load of bull. Especially when he's claiming his work to be superior to something he's never even seen.
  15. I take it you still haven't seen Victory.
  16. February? Damnit, that means we probably won't have DVD's here until Christmas 96, I hate waiting!
  17. I think it's officially on "backburner," so I'd be surprised at this point it it ever went past the planning stages. It shall most likely join its bretheren of the Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball, Starblazers, & Akira live action movies.
  18. Amuro in space....that would be an awesome plot change, but it's probably just the night sky of kilimanjaro. And the Zeta looks just as awesome as I'd hoped, can't wait.
  19. No, there will be a U.S. release, but if there's no, I'm tracking you down & making you pay! Though honestly, a Zeta movie box is one of those rare things I wouldn't mind paying R2 prices for, even if there isn't subtitles.
  20. August....oh well, maybe we'll have the domestic 3rd volume by christmas.
  21. Hmm, maybe I'll wait until the new SEED one is out too (using the Fed vs Zeon engine), and get them both at once.
  22. No one has seen it yet. The movie comes out on May 28. I am not at all happy with that release date, either. I was in Japan up until last Saturday and am very disappointed that they didn't release the movie just a week earlier! That does suck, being so close to the release...hopefully the R2 DVD's will be like the R2 release for the 0079 movies, subtitled with a nice box.
  23. The toughest decision is deciding on whether to pick up the domestic release, or the import. -Domestic release will support gundam games in the U.S., but most likely have shitty dub voices. -Import is slightly more expensive, but will have the original voices... Bah, I hate these decisions!
  24. As long as I get my cell shaded Zeta in movie 2 & onwards, I don't care
  25. It's spliced footage, and while I'm sure it'll be very noticable in area's, Zeta wasn't that bad to begin with.
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