If for some strange reason you want to pick up the robotech versions instead, then check out some local retailer sites, and look up robotech. There's an upcoming big box set containing all of the robotech remastered disc's, plus all of the bonus disc's from the old un-remastered set. It's going to be a big thinpak box set.
If you do happen to see the light of reason, then I'd suggest picking up the original series Mospeada & Southern Cross box sets, followed by either picking up the old AnimEigo release of Macross, or waiting for the new ADV release of Macross which will start in a couple months.
Oh, and if you're happy with your current Bebop DVD's, then stick with them. As near as I can tell, there's no real advantage to the new set. Video quality is the same, though the new set does have a 5.1 mix. I personally like the old release cover art better (for some reason "remixed" just doesn't seem right on a bebop box).