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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Galbaldy B with ballute's for atmospheric entry. Pilot is Lila (Jerid's first obsession).
  2. Yes it is, flying the flag of freedom, sailing the sea of stars...
  3. If you go for the 7 disc HK set be warned, while it is complete, and has both the original Japanese, and u.s./australian dub, it's also highly compressed & looks on the low end of the spectrum.
  4. Yup, episode 27, before the assault on Bodolza, specifically when Britai & Laplamiz charge their ships into battle, the Arcadia is right along with them.
  5. You know...if HG actually used that in-joke as a new idea, that would be pretty sad... 344340[/snapback] Sad, but now highly in the realm of possability. Hell, the Arcadia may be the main bad guy's in Shadow Chronicles....with Orguss Valkyries flying out of it
  6. No, that's the VF-1O, coming next year from Toynami! BTW, if you watch the scene where Britai charges his ship into battle with Laplamiz in ep 27, you'll also see the new Skull Class Fokadia coming next year from Toynami!
  7. Yup, fun show so far, not quite enough singing in it yet though....
  8. Sadly it took me this long to finally watch my copy, but I was surprisingly impressed. After watching the SEED movies, and being incredibly dissapointed by the rushed feeling of those, and watching the Turn A movies, and while enjoying those a lot more, still feeling there should have been 3 instead of 2, I really really liked what they did with this first Zeta movie. While it still doesn't flow as well as the 0079 movie trilogy (and by rights there's no reason why that one should have come out as well as it did, but wow), I didn't feel at all gyped like I did with the SEED movies, and the changes brought more than a few nice surprises. The MK II as expected looks incredibly sweet, hell, I even found myself wowing at the fight with Rosamia & the Gaplant. Emma's new design is perfect, and for the most part the TV animation doesn't look too bad compared. mind you it's still very different, but not so differeent as to suck you out of the movie. The only scene that looks terrible are some shots of Camille in the cockpit when he's fighting with his father. Strangly enough, that was also the only scene that I thought was meshed sloppily, as Whlie it could have definately benefitted by being either an hour longer, or being completely new animation, Tomino has again shown us that he's light years above anyone else trying to handle the Gundam.
  9. There's no such thing as VR3, and the only games shown on the 20th anniversary DVD were VFX, VFX 2, DYRL, and VO. Also not sure what you mean by history of the game, but the general story takes place in 2050, with Aegis Focker joining the elite VFX Raven's, and a plot from a coorperation with rogue Zentradi as their militia to steal a New Macross class battle section, equip it with their new radar jamming weapon, and take down the U.N. Spacy.
  10. I thought I was done....bought my VF-1A Hikaru, bought my fast pack, am restraining myself from getting the GBP-1S......but I absolutely have to have a 0S & Shin 0D....damnit!
  11. My preduction: The production budget will fall completely through, and left with no other choice, HG will bootleg Space Gundam V, dub it, and release it as Shadow Chronicles.
  12. That's SPACE GANDAM V!
  13. Where did I get that point? From seeing both DYRL & Macross II. The scene structure for II is near identical to DYRL, the plot is "extremely" close, and anything that is different is superficially so. Consider Macross II "pimp my ride" in reverse. Taking a shiny suped up car, and turning it into a "hooptie."
  14. That arguably wasn't a screw up on the YF-21's part....
  15. There's no point in remaking II, the core of its story is sound because it's DYRL, II brought nothing oriignal to the pot.
  16. It's a direct rip of the 8 disc (2 4 disc sets) FX release. Same subtitles, episode counts raised a bit per disc, and similar video quality. Only major downside is that it doesn't have Dynamite or the movie (which you can get on a seperate disc), and the version I saw at least had a picture slip cover, with a generic HK gatefold case (no art, just the HK company logo). The disc's have art, and all the extra's from the FX release are present.
  17. More likely, they forced himt o work faster. Mikimoto does his best work when given time to put the detail he loves putting into it. With a falling budget, time would have grown shorter. Besides which, there are still some great shots of Ishtar in the later episodes, notably when Feff sends her off at the end of the 5th episode, probably the single best shot of her in the whole OVA.
  18. When my AnimEigo set finally arrived after those dicks at UPS let it sit in texas for a week....
  19. If Walmart wants to only sell certain things because of the convictions of the Walton family/the other higher ups in the company and/or their desire to appeal to certain demograph of customer, more power to them. If you don't like what they're selling, go through a store or source that sells what you are looking for. No one should hold a gun to their head for what they want or want not to sell. Psst, you'll note I'm not supporting their store, didn't purchase ep III there, and in fact have never set foot inside, or used their online site. And while it is their choice to carry or not carry something, it should "not" be their choice to demand watered down versions of things, and then not inform the unsuspecting consumer that they're being sold an inferior product. If they sell product that reflects their ideals (term used loosely), they should make it themselves, not infringe upon others. It isn't just Walmart that "stomps on the little guy". All the other retailers and electronic stores you mentioned are striving to be the biggest and best that they can be and guess what? There are smaller companies and stores that lay in their wake too. Perhaps the same will happen to any of them and even Walmart, too. For about a decade, Nintendo was THE only name in video games for nearly a decade and pretty much were a monopoly over the console market. A decade later, where are they now? No, there's a special kind of stomping involved there, not just the average big chain store style. The kind that kreeps into run down neighborhoods, crushes local business, and forces those who don't want to submit to illegal forms of employment to submit to their will. Oh, and they prop up old people at the door, that's just freaky. - Perhaps they are evil after all! What are the cicumstance for this? Is this an individual store thing or a company thing? If the store is doing an all store inventory and need to shut down during hours they would be usually opened, it would make sense to lock the store up. I don't recall what exactly happened the one or two times we did inventory at the Walmart I was at, but during the two years I was at this one major store that sold pet and farm supplies, we would usually do our inventory on a Sunday and we would have our doors locked to keep the public out (hey, we were closed!).\ Circumstances? Did you happen to miss the whole media blitz about walmart locking in their night clean up staff, pretty much consisting hispanics who weren't too fluent in english, and were arguably not legal citizens, in the stores, by themselves, no key to get out, etc until morning. Not isolated incidents, and nothing to do with inventory.
  20. I was referring more to their practices of demanding studio's produce edited content versions of media in order for them to carry it, stomping out mom & pop shops, locking their employee's in the stores & forcing them to stay, etc. Nothing political about it.
  21. No, despite the content, Mikimoto still delivered on quality designs, I definately blame the animation budget far more than him.
  22. Hasn't happened yet, but it's nice to know you care....
  23. Interestingly enough, Leiji Matsumoto apparently thought the same thing, as that's how he depicted Tetsuro's father in Adieu Galaxy Express 999 & Cosmo Warrior Zero.
  24. Speaking of box's, rumor was that some retailer would have a slipcase for all 3 movies, but I haven't been able to verify. -Best Buy - Lenticolor card for Rewards Zone members -Target - Darth Vader coin -Circuit City - 11.99 -Satan - Bonus DVD with C3PO & R2-D2 special
  25. Is that your way of bailing out a1?
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