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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Considering ADV will only release 4 episodes a volume and it'll take about 4 months or so before another volume is released, your better off with AnimEgo, they're done, but discontinued selling the product. But that doesn't mean you can't find the DVD's. I don't like the subbing font AnimEgo uses, but its readable, its bold, and its not done in a color that blends in with anything in the background like some groups who have to change a letter or an entire word so it doesn't get blended in with the animation. Plus, you might save yourself more money getting AnimEgo's than ADV's...no doubt because ADV will have Japanese and English subs, it'll be between 14.99-29.99 pending where you go (just stay away from suncoast). 348965[/snapback] Actually, it'll be 6 episodes on the first volume, and 5 episodes on each subsequent volume (for a total of 7), and average release schedule is every 2 months (sometimes sooner).
  2. Actually, I felt exactly the opposite about Char. By CCA, it looked more to me like he wanted Amuro to kill him. And while Char never gave a care for Newtypes or Zeon, he did care for, and continued to right up to the end, humanity. He wasn't trying to drop Axis on Earth for revenge or for fun, he was just trying to stop humanity from overruning themselves & the planet.
  3. Changing names doesn't always help. I ran into the guy who dubbed Spike in Cowboy Bebop (and Heartbreak 1 in Ace Combat 5) at a supermarket checkout. Someone in line commented on what he had, he replied to them, and I immediately recognized his voice. Funniest thing was that he said he's never been recognized before.
  4. 2nd week of January.
  5. True Tony Oliver was very different from Hikaru, unfortunately, he wasn't very different from a super-hammified Luke Skywalker. I'm so far out of the dub loop, I have no idea who any of those people (except Tiffany Grant) are.
  6. Disc 1 + & empty box that will hold 6 additional DVD's when released. Prices vary by online shops, but I think average is $30-35.
  7. Considering the Long Distance Colonization fleets were self sustaining, there shouldn't be worry about running out of supplies
  8. Looking at ADV's Macross logo more, I can't help but think they may be prepping for a Zero release. If it does well, I don't doubt they'll go all out trying to woo Big West into giving up the rights.
  9. Here's a tip, next time you play it, start fresh, go into the settings, and enable the "forward" view option, that'll make things significantly easier. As it was, it's the best Macross game up until the PS2 game came out, they were just a bit ambitious with the 360 degree attack style (which the forward view fixes). And no, it's not a civil war, it's as I explained above. The choice you have to make in the game is whether to join or fight Gilliam, if you fight him you stick with currupt U.N. Spacy (lose), if you join him you go on to take out the coorperation corrupting things.
  10. I never liked the blurry wire frame look of the covers. Having seen the Prototype covers which were full color versions of the art with white instead of black backdrops, those would have been much preferable.
  11. It'd be easy, they could cast Ben Afleck & Leonardo DeCaprio as star-crossed shipmates!
  12. I can't help but wonder, do you think these sets would be going for more had the cover art been better?
  13. Well he is old, maybe the only way he could get up the strength was to take pudding into the booth with him....
  14. ADV had disc productoin problems with their releases around 2002-2003, for some reason many of those disc's are going bad. So far, all disc's after that seem to be ok.
  15. The site is cool, but I'm still waiting for the intro flash to finish "BAFFERING"
  16. i'm definately picking it up. While my AnimEigo disc's have yet to show any problems, that whole deal with the disc cracking has made me warry of playing them. A back-up version is definately preferable. The dub is a curiousity, but only because Mari is there, and I'm already this deep into Macross fandom, one more box set won't hurt. Considering the price, it's no worse than picking up multiple 1/48's, sure they have different heads & colors, but they're still VF-1's.
  17. Never bothered with never ending tomorrow, but if you enjoy the Vs engine, then you'll enjoy this. And while I'd love more U.C. as well, this engine could easily go all the way up through Victory (enabling some nice melee's with the V2's light wings, & chargable assault cannon would have been great). Maybe the next game...
  18. Macross is just doomed to have ass for art in the U.S. Hell, look at our MP movie edition. Though that image seriously needs to be mirrored to the proper direction, there's no reason such a stupid mistake should have been made. Will the box or cover art be fixed before release? Hell no. If it's out at Amazon, then it's also about to hit print ad's, and when have you ever seen ADV change their covers once releasing them to the public? The best we can hope for are reversable covers, which isn't too likely either. As for the box, I was hoping for something finally more character driven, but that appears to have gone out the window too.
  19. There is no real one true chronology, just many congruencies & shared characters between series. Best thing to do is just jump in feet first. Yamato is a great show, Harlock Saga is a bit weak, but Arcadia of My Youth & Endless Odyssey are both awesome. The connection between Harlock & Yamato was originally going to be that Kodai's brother Mamaru after being captured by the Gamilus Empire would escape & become Harlock, but that was never implemented (likely due to Nishizaki's influence, and incessant need to kill off every character), but may again appaer as a story element if Matsumoto can ever get his new Yamato series out of legal limbo. A loose chronology (if all series were to be connected) would probably be: -Gun Frontier -The Cockpit -Queen Millenium -Yamato -Maetel Legend -Harlock TV -Arcadia of My Youth -Harlock SSX -Cosmo Warrior Zero -Harlock Saga -Galaxy Express 999 -Herlock Endless Odyssey: Outside Legend -Galaxy Express Eternal Fantasy -Galaxy Railways But again, that's very loose, requiring some give & take from all series.
  20. Having put a lot more time into the game the past couple of days, I'm really enjoying the improvements that were made to the engine. Chargable beam weapons, somewhat controllable charged beam weapons (much easier when SEED is in effect), all MS being able to boost around like a transformable MS, and lots of interesting weapons variations, a lot of care was put into refining the battle engine. It's just too bad the other features were stripped away. I can easily see this engine being applied to Wing & X MS (which wouldn't have quite fit in with the previous games), as overly super powered MS are presented here in easily controllable forms, while including nearly all weapons. I wouldn't at all mind a U.C. vs C.E. game with a combinatoin of new & old elements. as Nu & Zeta would definately shine with the newer speed of this game.
  21. Hey can someone clarify the Herlock thing for me. Ok, when I was a kid, I used to watch Captain Harlock and The Queen Of A Thousand Years. Violent, good characters, big spaceships. It was great. Confused though, whenever I look at any DVDs for sale, I only see Harlock described as Herlock and his search for the little girl ( Maya?) However the story arc with the three blonde queen sisters and the scientists son is nowhere to be seen. Just so I know, is there a better version of DVD Herlock to pick up versus another? I.E. is there a definitive version. And was I watching a chop shop version of the show as a kid or am I not looking in the right place? And if the DVDs aren't out or hard to find, are there alternative options just to watch the series again ( i.e. where should I look if its very arcane?)? Thanks in advance. 345920[/snapback] You were watching another one of HG's projects, this time they took 2 Matsumoto shows & meshed them together. I think it was the original Harlock series, mixed in with Queen Millenium (series telling the background of events that would lead into Galaxy Express 999). Unfortunately, neither show is available in the U.S. And I think both Japanese DVD box sets for the shows are now out of production too. The only Harlock available in the U.S. is: -Arcadia of My Youth - Go buy that right now, what the hell are you waiting for. -Harlock Saga: The Ring of Nibelung - 6 episode OVA (all on 1 disc) with Matsumoto's retelling of the Reingold story done in a Harlock setting. -Space Pirate Captain Herlock Endless Odyssey: Outside Legend - 13 episode OVA, I believe that's the one you came across. It's also the most recent OVA. -Gun Frontier: 13 episode Western themed series featuring Harlock & Tochiro's ancestor's. -Cosmo Warrior Zero - 15 episode series, Harlock isn't a main character, but he makes more than a few appearances. If you enjoy that "style" of show, then I'd also pick up Galaxy Railways which is currently in release, the Galaxy Express 999 movies (which do have Harlock in a small role) which you can get with English subtitles from an R3 Korean release, Space Cruiser Yamato, all 3 shows available in 3 HK box sets, the HK release of Galaxy Express: Eternal Fantasy, and the 5 Yamato movies, which you can get in an R1 box set. If that's still not enough for you, there was an incomplete release of the 90's Queen Emerelda's OVA from ADV, the disc is out of production, but should still be findable used. And there's Interstella 5555, all music but still very Matsumoto in theme.
  22. I don't think I'm too far from Stella then (just unlocked Chaos, so another couple play through's should get me there). Strangest thing I've noticed while playing is that my single highest score remains to be from my first play through, oddly enough using Kira & Freedom. Prooving yet again, nothing can touch Freedom! Also, have you been able to bring up a Romanji character set for the generic pilot names? I find it odd that after 3 games they'd suddenly abandon that.
  23. Which will undoubtably have Destiny, Super Freedom, etc. I spent some time this afternoon unlocking MS & Pilots though, all the Zaku varients seem to be there (Phantom is awesome), Lunamaria is indeed unlockable, as is the Destiny version of Athrun with Savior, Chaos, Abyss, (forgot what the other was) and their respective pilots, Rey, and there are still some slots for additional pilots. The SEED meter is actually better than I thought it would be. Aside from doing the usual thing that the meter does, it turns a regular beam weapon into a rapid fire one, a heavy beam cannon into a Mega Launcher style one, and refils your ammo if you're out before you activate it. Also, all MS can boost like the transforming ones in the Zeta games, now simply done with a double tap of the X button. One strange thing I've noticed is the lack of free floating space stages. I know they weren't terribly popular, but now all space stages have ground components to them (Junius 7 has what's left of the colony, Debris field has what I assume is a meteor to walk on, and Genesis takes place in a Colony Laser style interior). I suppose that's one way to fix the problem of getting lost in the space levels, but I never minded them much. And while the entire game is pretty much arcade & vs, the stages have the "feel" of the U.C. mode stages in G Vs Z. That is to say instead of the 3, 4 hit kills of the U.C. vs Arcade mode of the past, the SEED arcade mode's stronger MS will take 5'ish hits to take out the stronger MS (including yourself if you're in a stronger MS). I guess it's almost a fair trade off. The major improvement to this game, aside from larger MS models, is definately the increased play speed. If they could blend the engine of this game with the MS & variety of the U.C. VS games.....
  24. Not sure how many are going to pick this up, but I just got mine an hour ago. I've only had a chance to play it a bit, but so far my first observations: Good -Not significantly, but it does appear to kick the graphic's up a notch from G vs Zeta -Good assortment of MS, including unlockable Impulse, Sword Impluse, Blast Impluse, and from the looks of it, the other 3 stolen Gundam's from the beginning of Destiny (you fight against them at least). Also looks like Lunamaria's red Zaku may be there too (though maybe just as backup). As of yet though, I've only unlocked Shin & his various Impulse incarnations. -Pace is definately faster. -Sword Impulse has unlimited beam boomerangs, a killer melee, and limited beam burst attack (in addition to it's Vulcans). Definately the only way to play Impulse, as Force is just a slightly improved Strike. -Some nice funky diagonal & sideways camera angels during battles help add a sense of intensity -For those who hate Cagalie (sp?), slicing up her & the Strike Rouge with Sword Impulse as your team mate occupies Kira & Freedom (though I've never had a problem with her myself). -Freedom, 'nuff said. -Faster recovery time occasionally when you take a hit, hell, sometimes I've been knock'd back & then jump right back up to attack again. -Fighting against Blitz and seeing it use the Mirage Colloid -Ease of pilot selection, this time it's just scrolling through picture's, no having to translate names. -And of course, the hope that Lunamaria will be a playable character :::crossing fingers::: Bad -This game is pretty stripped down, maybe I was just spoiled by G vs Z & it's insanely fun U.C. mode & unlockable extra's menu, but all you get her is arcade mode (though picking different characters seems to be the only way to vary up the stages), Vs mode, 7 options. -No Campaign or U.C. style mode....what the hell were they thinking? -No (as of yet) music selection mode. In fact the only songs in game seem to be Invoke, that vocal that play's during some of the episodes when someone dies, and Find the Way. I was really hoping they'd include Believe instead of Invoke, but alas it's nowhere to be found. -The awaken mode & all its awesomeness is gone, and in it's place is the older style Newtype boost (or in this case "SEED mode." This time it's achieved by holding down L2 & R2. I really do miss being able to pop back up after being taken out, with a missing head or leg. Hopefully it'll return in a later incarnation. -No apparent online mode, though I don't have a broadband connection, PS2 modem, and never played online in the Zeta games, it still seemed like a cool feature to have. -Melee attacks don't quite feel right. In the U.C. games when you conected a beam saber attack you got the nice sound & feeling that you were slicing into something. Here you pretty much just get a cheesy clang when you connect a meleee. -No huge MA battles (at least that I've seen). Would have been nice if they through in Destroy. While I do enjoy the game, I don't feel they should have stripped it down so much from Gundam Vs Zeta's copious features. Though I'm sure we'll get a sup'd up Destiny version game within a year, and that it'll have many of those feature's re-instated, there's no reason why they couldn't hav e taken the time to add in a U.C. or Campaign style mode here.
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