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Everything posted by Keith

  1. I thought he was already engaged to Arnolds doorknob that he bought off ebay.
  2. Keith IS a doorknob. 351112[/snapback] Don't fake the funk on a nasty dunk! 351317[/snapback] Is that a line from a song you heard at a gay club? 352045[/snapback] Yeah, wasn't that the one you were dancing to while being sandwitched between 2 hairy biker's?
  3. Robotech voice casting better? Reba Freakin' West! Tell me how it could possibly be better! The whole cast here could be done by Mike Meyers & Eddie Murphy, and it'd still be better than robotech.
  4. Wow, and no one called you either? That sucks!
  5. I honestly don't think Minmay should have a Chinese accen't, she is half Japanese, and lives in Japan.
  6. I'm scared to hear Max...
  7. Ok, listened to one of the clips (Hikaru Meets Minmay), and wow, they completely missed Hikaru. What's so wrong with having a soft spoken hero? As for Minmay, Mari does sound a bit old for the part now, but she does come off a bit sexy. Only thing about her is she sounds more natural speaking Japanese than English (as expected). Doubt I'll listen to the dub for much more than occasional curiosity, but Mari there alone makes it worth collecting.
  8. Had this movie been made & come before Lord of the Rings, I'd have been really impressed by it. But unfortunately, it just feels "small" compared to any of the individual LotR films.
  9. HK's are barebones, no extra's whatsoever, mediocre subtitles. Plus, they're from back in the day of HK company watermarks (the HK company logo's strewn through out the video, the most hypocritical act possible!). The R2's cme in a box set with "i think" the soundtrack, probably better art galleries (haven't seen), and I do think the new footaage for the robotechc movie was included.
  10. Awesome show, i've been watching it religiously since it started (as I did Trick, Trick 2, Trick 3, Shopping Hero, etc). I just wish the channel hadn't dropped its Japanese variety show programming (Hey Hey Hey, & Wararu Inu...damn I miss Wararu Inu).
  11. Keith IS a doorknob. 351112[/snapback] Don't fake the funk on a nasty dunk!
  12. I think you're looking at this the wrong way. Usually the problem is the dub voice not matching up with the singing voice, now there's a seemless conversion, making it even less necessary than usual to dub them.
  13. I remember! You become a complete loser, as opposed to a worthless pussy. 350682[/snapback] That's not what you said last night...
  14. If you think that's getting a rise, then apparently you've forgotten what I'm like once I've "risen."
  15. I believe the official explanation was that Exedor became paranoid of losing his memory capacity as a miclone, so he opted to re-macronize, and get upgrades to his capacity to boot. Sounds perfectly within character. As for Zero, why would there be any reason to believe that the U.N. Spacy wasn't already working on newer technology after finalizing the VF-1. It'd be stupid for them not to. The VF-0 represents prototype technology that wouldn't have been cost effective to incorperate into the mass produced VF-1. Hell, look at how much of a leap the YF-19 & YF-21 were over the VF-11. And of course, the destruction of the majority of Earth's populace would have obviously set the tech schedule back a bit.
  16. FB 2012 fits far more perfectly as a TV ending than a DYRL one. During the Tenshi no Enogu segments, pretty much everything Misa, Hikaru, & Minmay vowed to do at the end of the series actually takes place. Minmay has now found her own emotion to put into her songs, reflects back on her life, and then gives a big farewell concert before she leaves with Hikaru & Misa to go colonize space. As for DYRL itself, I honestly don't see why some of you have such a hard time reconsiling its place in the canon. The TV series (design & story) is absolute canon for Macross. DYRL reflects the technology & style of 2030 era Macross. It's been placed as a bridge between TV & Plus.
  17. I always thought it went from a projected 50-ish episode run, to 26, then bumped up to 36. But whatever it was, it didn't turn out bad for it. We got Milia baby tossing, some nice after war "not so happy"-ness, etc. What really brought them together for me though was Flash Back 2012, when we get the "final" resolution to all of that, just as it was promised in ep 36.
  18. Bah, you're just jealous you didn't get to ask Mari questions! Besides, I consider what I've done far more to be wasting HG's bandwidth, and as such taking money from them, than anything.
  19. Don't suppose you picked those up at Yellow's fansub distro?
  20. Hmm, it's even roughly the same length as the sentinels....
  21. As far as I know, the only home release was a UK VHS release.
  22. Wow, they actually used one of my questions....what a crazy time we live in!
  23. I agree that Char was selfish, but not to the extend of considering peoples lives to be playthings. While his methods were at times highly questionable, his intentions I don't feel were all that bad. He wasn't simply a power hungry lunatic, he was a powerful lunatic with a purpose. I don't believe he thought he had a chance against Amuro at all, I think he fully intended to die, becoming a martyr, and doing what he believed would be saving the planet, and pushing humanity to stay in space & continue to evolve.
  24. Do you honestly believe that if Manga still had the rights they would have waited this long to release it?
  25. As far as money goes, you won't be charged until the first volume ships in march. Though if worse comes to worse, there will be individual retail releases, and a full box release after everything is out. This is just a chance to get the individual's as they come out, and the last vol will ship with a box.
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