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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Like Spock. He's a nod to german plane manufacturer Fokker. The spelling's off, but pronunciation is the same. Hollywood agrees. Harmony Gold ran with spoke, but that's likely because they wanted to avoid any "ZOMG THEY SAID FUC|< ON A CARTOON!111 KILL!111" situations. Especially since they changed to the double-k spelling. Heh.... guess I was wrong on Exedol. No one uses the official spellings. They're too hard to remember. 361818[/snapback] Actually, you've got that backwards, The official Pronunciation is like "spoke," HG ran with the "spock" sound & double k spelling
  2. ..What?
  3. But, at least they pronounced Macross correctly. 360241[/snapback] No, they didn't. Macross has "row, toe, bow, sew, low" sound. What they did in robotech was a "hoss, boss, toss, moss, floss" sound. The proper way to say it is -Ma-Ku-Ro-Su (or more simply) Mak-Roh-ss
  4. Javier Lopez in Japan must have been an interesting thing to see. They must have been laughing at him constantly
  5. Mari has one thing going for her that the entire reat of the dub cast doesn't. She know's how to pronunce all of the names correctly As I said earlier, while her english is broken, she know's the part, and she's putting the right emotion into it.
  6. All will be solved once they have Macross Zero Roy's ghost edited in at the end.
  7. No, I think AnimEigo is going to hold on to any material they went out and got themselves, like their remastered mono audio track, and their director's commentary on episodes 35 & 36. Of course I assume you mean aside from ADV's extra's-less thinpak release which is inevitable.
  8. Don't jump the gun and get rid of your animeigo set so soon, chances are the director's commentary won't make it into this release, which is a worthy extra.
  9. Robotech voices were bad, new macross dub voices aren't great, but not as bad as the old robotech voices. Why? if for no other reason, they don't have all of that cheesey as all hell exposition dialogue. And the Japanese audio is definately inferior on the ADV release. As I suspected, the AnimEigo audio sounds cleaner & clearer (as they claim to have gotten fresh audio masters from Japan). Chances are that ADV used the audio masters Harmony Gold had around (as AnimEigo probably only shared their remastered video, sly bastards!). Is it worth getting? If you don't have a version of Macross already, then yeah, it's worth it. If you fear your AnimEigo discs may crack in the future, then it's worth it. If you want to see & hear more about Mari Iijima, then it's definately worth it. If for some crazy reason, you've always wanted a Macross dub....well, it's there. But if you're happy with your AnimEigo discs, and are sure they'll last, then there's no reason to get this (aside from the Mari extra's). Video is identical, audio is inferior, I haven't decided if the subtitles are better or not yet, and despite the stupid mis-pronunciations, everyone kinda seems to care what they're doing. Oh, and if you want something other than robotech to show your kids as a dubbed version of Macross, then this is definately the preferable version. At first, I walked into this release just wanting a back up version of Macross, but after hearing the Mari interview & commentaries, I also want to support her in this project, she's just so likable & you can tell it's something she really wants to do, not just to cash another paycheck.
  10. Took another listen to the dub, and it looks like I jumped the gun with calling the SFX new, they're just so badly echo'd that they don't sound right Also listened to both commentaries, and it sounds like despite the stupidity of chosen pronunciations, they at least wanted to try to make things somewhat accurate. The major selling point of this release is by far the Mari interviews though (that, and the non-cracking of the discs).
  11. No, I don't think Max was a geek at all, I think that's more robotech's bastardization that taints the views some have of Max. He was obviously always sukube.
  12. The new SFX are localized to the dub track, if they were anywhere near the original Japanese audio I'd have melted the disc in a microwave. I just find it strange considering AnimEigo had an easy enough time finding seperate music & SFX tracks, that ADV couldn't come up with anything better than their crappy new robotech sfx. Even worse yet, you can still kinda hear the original SFX muffled in the background...
  13. Oh come on, the HK dub has the best english Roy ever...NOW WATCH JET JOCKEY!
  14. Um, maybe it has something to do with the fact that the Japanese didn't listen to it with a 00's era english dub? Or that the Japanese didn't originally watch it with AnimEigo's video remaster which included reclaiming more of the picture from the overscan area? I could go on... But anyway, back to Vol 1, I checked out the extra features last night, and the Mari interview is a surprisingly good interview. Most notably what she had to say about Arihiro Hase. She genuinly talks about how close they were during the original recording sessions, how they kept in touch afterwards (and how he would pop up with flowers at her concerts), and how she keeps in contact with his mom now that he's passed. She even mentions feeling his presense as she does the new recordings, it's a very (for lack of better words) sweet sentiment. Next I watched the interview about the translation, and I'll be god damned if I can figure out why someone in one breath can talk listening to the Japanese audio reoeatedly to maintain utmost translation accuracy, and in the next pronunce "Macross" in two completely different ways, neither of them right. I think it's pretty safe to assume that the muh-cross pronunciation comes from this guy. As does the choice in pronuncing "Focker" as "fah-ker". This naturally lead me to finally deciding to check out some of the dub, so I listened to various scenes on the second disc (eps 5 & 6). The thing that struck me first, was that Roy sounds more like Scooby Doo than anything. Misa sounds like a grown up Lucy from Peanuts. Hikaru sounds exactly the same as the voice actor does in FMA, which is too bad since that guy has a nasty habbit of coming off as whiny when Hikaru should sound more laid back. As far as Minmay, while Mari in English is definately a bit disorienting at first, after watching the interview I quickly realized this is just how Mari speaks english. The most pleasant thing about hearing Mari in the English dub is that while she definately sounds older, and her English is just this side of broken, her voice just sounds "right." Especially when you hear her saying character names (Mari quite obviously ignores her american counterparts in their chosen mangling of the names, and says them properly), it's very comforting to hear Minmay call out Hikaru's name exactly how it's supposed to be pronunced. Kinda hard to explain, but it's just something I never thought I'd hear in a dub. If broken english was the only thing we'd have to contend with, then I say let all english dubs be done by the original Japanese seiyuu. The only thing I haven't heard Mari say so far in the dub is "macross," but I'm sure she says it correctly. The new sound effects are ass, probably the same ones used for the robotech remastered release, they sound stupid, and aren't worth it just to fake a 5.1 mix. The music sounds tinny, and all the great classic SFX are gone, why ADV loves doing this is anyones guess. All things considered, despite Scooby Doo Roy, crappy new SFX, and whiny Hikaru, this dub is still better than super melodrama & exposition robotech version. Both are inferior to the Hong Kong DYRL dub (the only thing that one lacks is Mari). The dub here isn't anything I'd listen to over the Japanese audio, but Mari ads just as much novelty to it as I expected she would.
  15. Don't be so sure, they neglected to include the SEED epilogue with the TV series or movie release, despite promising it would turn up with the movies. I'd be very surprised if Final Plus turned up in the R1 TV release.
  16. Nope, your going to hear it again, and again and again for 36 episodes. And I'm being very serious. 356059[/snapback] Wantd to support Mari...but Muh cross....tough one. Edit: The new trailer says Macross correctly. Keith? What do they say on the discs? 356282[/snapback] Nope, so far it's "muk-ross"....what the hell were they thinking?
  17. What kind of hubs do they use, Keith? Are they the ones that grip the discs with a deathlock, increasing the risk of breakage, or do they have gentler hubs? EDIT IN: I'm lookign at the new Official ADV site...and they spelled Hikaru's name wrong a couple of times (as "Hikaro"). I hope they have better proofreaders on the subs... Also, it looks like the online character profiles were lifted from Egan Loo's liner notes for the Animeigo release. 356193[/snapback] It's a Scavino case, with round hollow hubs. They hold the disc's in firm enough, not too loose, not too tight. I watched the first episode last night, and everything seems ok so far. The video (without popping in my AnimEigo disc to compare) seems the same, but the Japanese audio has more noise in it than I remember from the AnimEigo release. I'll do a comparison during the week, but it definately has more hiss in it than I remember. Perhaps AnimEigo held on to their audio masters since they went themselves and got those from Big West, who knows. The subtitles definately seem a bit different, can't really say they're better or worse yet, just a bit "different." Mind you I haven't watched my AnimEigo set in a year though. The English audio is interesting, though the music is a bit tinny sounding. I can't help but wonder why if they couldn't get clean audio why the music in the dub doesn't sound tinny at all....hmm.
  18. Got my box vol 1 today, and I'll try to start watching it tonight (though I'll probably fall asleep first). It is indeed 2 disc's, though the hubs are on either side of the case, and the vol 1 insert covers the first disc....will probably move that to the vol 2 box once it's out...or maybe just swap the box's to a regular style 2 disc, haven't decided yet. The insert has the lyrics to the opening theme, and that's pretty much it. The box comes with a large insert (to hold the disc in place that advertises Eva on one side, the huge blue robotech box on the other side, and the picture of Minmay in uniform standing in front of a VF-1 from the series (I hope that becomes one of the disc covers). Still not super fond of the box art choices, but it is a pretty box.
  19. The only thing the first 3rd of Zeta has going for it is that all the good pilots on all sides actually did die in Zeta. So it does make a bit of sense to have incompetents running around...
  20. It has a fat kid being chased by a dog & then the dog eats his pants scene that goes on way too long, a dead kid being resurrected by an alien, and flying saucers if that counts. Oh, and it also has a Boss Borot rip-off.
  21. Already? Where did you order from? 355566[/snapback] Rightstuf.com
  22. My vol 1 + box has apparently shipped, so I should have it by friday. I'm actually anxious to see what ADV did & didn't mess up with this release
  23. Space Gandam V is a futuristic adventure with action & excitement the likes you've never seen!
  24. For the record, it's a giant spider, not a roach
  25. The show is definately still fun, Fukei screwing with the deck crew by making it look like the Yukikaze was falling off was an unexpectedly funny moment, but this OVA should definately be longer to tell the story it's trying to tell. They're going to have to pack a lot into that last episode. I'm sure there are some who've already seen ep 5, does everything tie together in a satisfactory way?
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