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Everything posted by Keith

  1. There's no reason to believe that cloning in Macross means that they're making 1/1 exact clones. Considering the Protoculture's technology, and the longevity of the Zentradi, it's more likely that cloning is more directly akin to test tube babies. Artificially created, but not exact copies. In that way, they could easily cook up a huge populace without having to worry about the gene pool, as the very process would include mixing up the DNA.
  2. Yes, because it's said correctly in the japanese audio that everyone supposedly listened to while re-translating....and by Mari in the recording booth!
  3. I have no idea what that means. 365010[/snapback] Bandai Visual (not to be confused with the U.S. arm Bandai Entertainment) has recently started up a new U.S. division for high end special edition anime releases titled "Honeamise." Their first scheduled release is a box with the first 2 Patlabor movies given an R2 quality treatment.
  4. Gunbuster under the Honeamise label would be to unbelievably awesome. Hell, they may even replicate the R2 box from last year....sweet!
  5. When it came right down to it, the Zentradi (aside from the more advaneced officer classes) weren't that different from regular humans, they were just bigger. And even those officer classes of Zentradi were a minority among the vast fleets.
  6. That's not necessarily true at all, especially since Zentradi were bred to be disposable.
  7. Thank you, though to be honest, I thought it was made so you could download pictures of muscles.
  8. Said the guy who just used one of the weakest & overused cheap reply tactics...
  9. So Keith, in Candyland, who at city hall is in charge of inviting the teletubies to their speaking engagements? 364439[/snapback] Your doorknob.
  10. Futurama had better CG (I miss futurama....)
  11. Story wise, you'd think they would have gone with Mezzo, much more potential there.
  12. I don't think day care or educatioanl centers would have been necessary at all. Since by all indications, most Zentradi were popped out in their mid-late teens ready to fight, all they'd have to really do is replace that battle information, with basic societal information, and let them go about their merry way.
  13. Remember that time they released a bloodrayne movie & nobody noticed? That's why!
  14. It shouldn't really be a surprise to anyone that the design has changed. Big West owns all Macross designs, and would lay the smack upon HG if they tried to copy them. Mospeada (being owned by Tatusnoko) is fair game, and the obvious choice to follow.
  15. Better yet, picking an anime adaptation that features child rape...yeah, that'll help pubilc image!
  16. I am not accustomed to people who are being rude or use profanity. Ask another Japanese person or live in Japan. (if anyone would accept that kind of manner there). You didn't learn the language properly and pretend to know better than native. Learning from books is not the same as real life learning. Bye! 363230[/snapback] Who used profanity, an exclamation point isn't even a letter! That however doesn't answer my question...
  17. Now I have no clue what you're saying. In one post, you quote the kana for fu/hu (where U definately makes the sound as in blue, too, shoe), and then you say it's something else entirely. First get your sh!t together, then post a reply.
  18. Regardless of how it comes out, or when, I'm picking it up soley to see how far the trainwreck goes. I've got the codename robotech disc, and the Sentinels disc, so I need a 3rd to tie up the trilogy (the spot is currently being held by Space Gandam V).
  19. Did I mention that if you listen to the actual dialogue you can clearly hear how his name is pronunced? From what little I've understood of Japanese, kana, & romanji, basic vowel rules revert to latin rules. A = "ah" E = "eh" I = "ee (as in bee or tree)" O= "oh (as in toe, or bow)" U= "ooh (as in shoe, or blue)" If Focker was supposed to be pronunced "fahker" the Kana would have the equivilent to the a in it.
  20. I'm going to dissagree there. The "O" doesn't sound at all like "all" or "ah" which is what I think you were trying to get at. It sounds like "O" as oh "oh" or "sew, boat, mow"
  21. I don't see why they aren't just having ADV release it, they'll release anything! Most likely, HG needs an investor to help in post production, which makes it even more curious why ADV hasn't jumped in...
  22. You do realize that the original version of the movie is on one side, and the extended version is on the other? Its not one movie spanning two sides. Or MUST you have the movie logo on one side of the disc, so you can look at it while its spinning in your player... oh, never mind. 362296[/snapback] Yes, I do realise, but I also realise that I hate flipping those damned double sided disc's, and they could have just as easily made it a 2 disc release. Just a personal preference.
  23. not so fast, planet-dance boy. The entire time in (ugh) Robotech, Hikaru pronounces Roy's last name as "Foke-er" (like Spoke). the OFFICIAL pronounciation is Focker (like Spock). 362210[/snapback] Perhaps if you were Deaf, or just retarded I could see you making this mistake. But otherwise, if you "listen" to the Japanese audio in Macross, DYRL, Zero, VFX-2, etc, you will clearly hear his name said as "F-Oh-cker" (as in spoke, poke, toke, broke, soak, oak).
  24. Has the quicktime version of the trailer popped up yet from that japanese movie trailer site?
  25. I hate double sided disc's, definately sticking with the original release.
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