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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Except that would make no sense whatsoever, and contradict the entire purpose of them traveling back in time.... Plus since all 4 were shot, how could the other two go on?
  2. FX stuff for the last couple years has been crap. If there's an alternate release, go for it, usually MI or AC.
  3. I meant few in the grander scheme of things. It wasn't every universe being smashed together, just a handful of them. They clearly show universes (in the chart) being safe from the effects of the bomb. I still think the ending is pretty straight forward. Kei & Orsen travel back in time, kill Kei & Orsen before setting off the bomb, and in their death's, view a life which is preferable, but will never happen.
  4. Wow, how could you possibly hate Gun Frontier? Sure it's a little light in the plot, and the ending was open, but aside from that, I thought it was pretty fun. I haven't seen anything bad lately, but Armitage Polymatrix still leaves a bad taste in my mouth, it's been nearly 4 years since I've seen it, and I hate it just as much now as I did then.
  5. Easily 2045, mass space colonization means tons of planets to visit, Fire Bomber, VF-19's & VF-22's in service, plus VF-1's & VF-4's would be sold cheap surpluss, Giant Meltran with Giant Meltran bra's, relatively safe period of time to live, and even though Sharon Apple would be gone, the basic technology run by humans (without psycho bio-nueral chip) would almost assuredly become a comon concert attraction.
  6. I wonder about that myself. It could have been easily fit into the official timeline. And it was a good Macross installment. I believe that the official line is that since Studio Nue/Shoji-san had nothing to do with it (although some of the old crew did on an individual basis), it would not be in the official continuity. But I wonder if there is more to it. 371366[/snapback] Perhaps it had something to do with DYRL completely retreading over everything that was covered in DYRL, without including any reason for the events happening, care to canon events that occurred before it, or any sign of originality?
  7. I'm glad you brought that up, Keith. Let's take a real look, shall we? And wouldn't ya know it, I forgot to bring my Moon Scepter... 371377[/snapback] You forgot Gigil & Gepelitch. Though again I don't see what you find in common with Sailor Moon, hell, did you even watch it, or are you just arbitrarily using it as a target reference?
  8. Macross 7 had (count them) 7 bad guys, hardly the monster of the week syndrom of Sailor Moon.
  9. To hell with the Metal Gear movie anyway, I say Kojima should direct a 3 part Snatcher OVA (about 45 min to an hour each)!!
  10. Just stay away from Orguss 02, it's as bad as, if not worse than Macross II.
  11. SDF - 9/10 DYRL - 10/10 FB2012 -10/10 Macross II - 4/10 (and it only gets that 4 because of Jiggly Geena) Macross Plus OVA - 7/10 Macross Plus ME - 9/10 Macross 7 - 10/10 M7 Dynamite - 9/10 Macross Zero 10/10
  12. I'd hate to agree with you that the Robotech BGM used in the original would be good, but it was a lot better than the original Macross one in most stages. When I watch the original, I was surprised and rather uncomfortable at the lack of BGM in most of the scenes. Sorry for the double post, thought I might as well use it.... 369843[/snapback] So what you're saying is, you're uncomfortable without being bombarded with cheesey synth blarring every second telling you how to feel? I don't see that as superior music. And I honestly don't see how anyone couldn't love Mospeada's soundtrack!
  13. For a show in the mid-90's, it was inexcusable. 369486[/snapback] What mid 90's are you talking about? It's no worse than any of its contemporary series -Gundam Wing -Tekkaman Blade -Escaflowne -Irresponsible Captain Tylor just to name a few. All character models stayed spot on during the entire run of the show, which is more than can be said for most series.
  14. ...Where did you ever get the idea it was supposed to be a french word? Macross = Macro Space Ship Proper pronunciation is "Mah(like in mad or sad)-cro(like in bow, sew, or toe)-ss" or more literally, "ma-ku-ro-su"
  15. Say what you will about Mari's accent, but she delivers her lines correctly, and she can actually pronunce everyones names. Even in English, she far more fits the role than rebecca forstadt.
  16. Any sign of the QT trailer yet?
  17. Not that Macross Plus didn't have great music, but since when are dance clubs with their shitty techno, the standard of good music? If anything, I'd be offended to hear Plus's music degraded to that.
  18. Because it didn't match the VF anymore. 368188[/snapback] Ah, but it does match her VF-11 (which unfortunately she doesn't have with her at this point in the series, but was quite awesome in the Top Gamlin short).
  19. Kawamori didn't kill off Hikaru, Misa, & Minmay, just wanted to make sure they were far enough from any other Macross project so as to instantly kill any hope of them popping up. As for Milia's flight suit, why wouldn't she be allowed to chang it to a different style in 30 years?
  20. Was that from Villgust?
  21. If I was afraid of oily muscles, & thought you were even remotely big enough to penetrate I might be slightly intimidated by your sexual advances, but who am I to take away another mans fantasies. I think what you're really trying to say here though, is that you don't like Macross 7 because you're sexually aroused by Basara, and that's something for you to work out.
  22. The bigger question is do I care if the picture in your avatar is you..
  23. According to some members at the anime on dvd forums, the Zeta individual release disc's have a fixed subtitle translation. For any interested, now's a good time to pick them up.
  24. Yamato is one of the greatest series ever! With that said, you can still pretty easily track down the 3 HK sets of the series in its entirety, very good subtitles as well.
  25. All character age problems can be blamed on Tatooine, severe burns, & the Sith. Tatooine - Harsh Desert Planet: Owen, Beru, & Obi Wan's appearance can all be easily attributed to harsh sun, dry climate, and tons of sand. Hell, take a look at Clint Eastwood, the toll of filming those Spaghetti Westerns really tore him up in his old age. Anakin - A combination of severe burns, and the mutilation that the Dark Side causes would easily attribute to his appearance too. As for Vader, I'll give Lucas the benefit of the doubt, and say he did always at some point intended Vader to be a vulnerable character. His actions at the end of Jedi wouldn't make sense otherwise. Take a look at the scene in Sith where Anakin has to make a decision about whether or not to help out Mace. It fits near perfectly symetrical with the scene in Jedi where he faces the same decision about whether or not to help Luke. I was as dissaponted with Eps I & II as much as the next guy, but episode III did succeed in bringing everything toegher for me. Though I'll agree it makes no sense at all casting Anakin so young in I.
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