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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Tough call. I did it after Hana, but that was a year ago. With Owari running mow, it may be better to wait.
  2. Don't think you can harvest skulls before the end of chapter 1. And yeah, you can try to fulton the truck immediately, but the skulls will probably blow it up.
  3. Yup, Ougi Formula 1 & 2. On one hand, I'm kinda sad I already spoiled myself on the mystery, but it's so good, I don't care.
  4. First of three films. - IronBlooded - Hot Blooded - Cold Blooded I am excited beyond words.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZVMoXLXD44&feature=youtu.be&app=desktop
  6. They're parked at the airport for a bit, and to be honesr, I only used Quiet once she was available, tranq ftw.
  7. Sneak in, fulton tanks, walk up to the truck, run away from the skulls (they're dicks and will blow up the truck for an instant game over), run back & fulton the truck after the skulls are clear of it, the get the hell out of there (run away). Worked for me. Also, if you haven't found it yet, the change equipment option is in the buddy menu, bottom option.
  8. Because the story is amazing, and you can play the extra missions to earn soldiers that are important help eatly in PP.
  9. Actually, you can change Quiet's loadout and costume mid mission. It's in the Supply Drop menu I think.
  10. They come back. Adaptive A.I. also starts isduing out heavy gear too. The dispatch missions to take out shipments never last long enough.
  11. Or make it better!
  12. Nah it's cool, she can get in mine. As for Quiet getting hurt, just keep an eye out for mortars and machine guns. If they start using them, give her backup.
  13. The sooner you stop fighting it, the sooner you'll have it. Life is too short not to buy stuff.
  14. That's cute, I say get it.
  15. OMFG IT'S FINALLY HAPPENING! http://www.kizumonogatari-movie.com Also, Owarimonogatari is going straight to Crunchyroll, with no Daisuki delay this time.
  16. Yup. Plus, I can't hear the name without remembering that sh!tty Battletech cartoon.
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