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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Looks like fanart of some sort, may want to check the fan art forum.
  2. Yup, set 2 is episode 29-52, plus movie & OVA. I'd go with that from Kevin if for no other reason, then if you do find a complete set elsewhere, it won't have the movie & Dynamite (later releases put them on a seperate disc). Also, try e-mailing import-anime.com, I think sometimes they'll do special orders if something isn't in stock.
  3. Scary German guy!
  4. Tell that to most of the crap that's on TV right now.
  5. I don't think you were supposed to keep that slime past the 80's, who know's what it's mutated into now, hell, it could start walking & talking any day now...BURN IT!
  6. Considering neither Matsumoto nor Nishizaki have been able to get their Yamato projects off the ground, I very much doubt anything will come of this, especially after the last failed attempt.
  7. Ah, but this is 2006, they can just download some encoding software, buy a DVD burner, & run some covers off at Kinko's. Hell, it'd give them an excuse to hold another crappy fan-art contest.
  8. Try animeniacs or animekrazy. Chances are one of them still has it. Or check & see if Kevin still has the good ole FX 2 box release still in stock. Someone mentioned in another topic about pm'ing him.
  9. Spock tells Kirk that sticking his dick in the transporter is just like being with a woman, it dissapears, and they hijack the academy band camp ship to find it. Brilliant!
  10. Typo my ass, I typed "overtly" & I meant it!
  11. Jim Henson's Star Trek babies? What will they think of next!
  12. That's silly, Jedi aren't Highlanders, they're Newtypes!
  13. Mankind has always maintained sexual fantasies at middle age. Hell, look at most art through out history.
  14. I'm still waiting for that bad spinoff that takes place in contemporary times, with Gungans crashing on Earth, setting forth events that would unlock the forgotten history of humans, as emissaries of a rag-tag colony fleet fighting off their pursuers look for their long forgotten home word to find the last decendant of the Jedi, who is some Dentist in Brooklyn.
  15. Why is this board PG-13 anyway? I thought were were all hovering around 30? I say this board needs more tities!
  16. If Tim Curry & Willem Dafoe had a kid....
  17. Russian girls start out cute enough in their early 20's, but as soon as they hit early-mid 30's, they go south really fast.
  18. Hmm, in retrospect, I want to add Noriko to my list too, as well as Proto-Asuka, I mean Jung And Maetel, possibly one of the single hottest designs in the history of the universe.
  19. There are plenty of better shops than Sundevil, though you guys should also be warry of Animeniacs as of late. Apparently they're intentionally ordering from distributers that make CD-R copies instead of actual factory pressed disc's, charge exactly the same price for them, don't list them any different, etc. Multi-disc sets (like a gundam box set) should be ok, but beware any 1-2 disc releases.
  20. I'd expect that it'd take place sometime after 7, and be directly tied in with the ending of Zero, since the AFOS didn't seem to convinced at the peaceful intentions of humanity.
  21. From what I recall, the whole arc of Bly, the orb, Brisco's father's Ghost, time travel, etc, were all wrapped up pretty nciely.
  22. Definately a hard one, it'd have to be a tie somewhere between Mahoro & Lunamaria
  23. I'm just glad it's a show that got the rare opportunity to have it's storyline wrapped up before getting cancelled. Funny thing is, I was just telling someone the other day how much I wanted this show on DVD, and sure enough, searching last night, there it is.
  24. Looks like on July 18th the series will be released in an 8 disc box set... Now if they'll just make that super badass action movie starring Bruce Campbell & Kurt Russel, as they completely missed the opportunity with "Sky High." Brisco County Jr
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