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Everything posted by Keith

  1. My prediction: in 2007 HG will redub Exosquad into it's new Robotech series!
  2. When is Top 2 episode 6 due out? Hopefully someone will truly license both shows in the U.S. after the new OVA is done.
  3. I can't wait for Robotech III: The Sentinels II to be released, Hell, I hope they include that crappy Robotech 3000 footage as an extra. Then in 20 more years, perhaps we'll get Robotech IV: The Sentinels III: Shadow Chronicles Part II.
  4. From what I recall, someone snagged the rights back from Rhino over a year ago, which is why all the G1 stuff went out of production. Luckily I managed to pick up all of the TV sets for about $25 each when I found out.
  5. Hopefully most PS3 games, at least the ones that long running series, will have the option to turn off the motion sensative control.
  6. Maybe they'll have a "mail in your own blank DVD-R" program....
  7. Actually, looks like they're going to mirror their SEED Destiny release with two 6 disc box sets. Volume 1 & 2, 5 episodes each, Volume 3-12 4 episodes each. I do hope they start either doing 2 volumes every 2 months, or 1 volume a month (hell, ideally I'd love for 2 volumes a month) pretty soon, as 2 years is way too long to drag out a 50 episode release.
  8. Acid is Solid Snake, though I don't think the stories are canon.
  9. Try 24, looks more like a 12 disc release than 10...
  10. Just picked up the first volume & box, and so far this show is easily tied for my favorite newer series (tied with Galaxy Railways). Hopefully Bandai gets it all released within a year...
  11. Actually, the FX sets did have all of the extra's. If you're comparing with the fansub tapes, the general distributed version of those (I think it was psykocorps) re-distributed the 7 Plus shorts to balance out with their 4 episodes a tape. The FX release has them corresponding with the R2 DVD's (though with a fewer disc count obviously). And the original FX release was 8 disc's, 7 TV, & 1 Movie & OVA.
  12. Unless they have obscenely low instore prices, it would probably be about $50-60 for that set.
  13. From what I recall, they still suffered from dropped subtitles & hk translation. Never claimed to have picked up one of the earlier sets, passed on them since they had no extra's, clipped all the openings & endings, had watermarks, etc.
  14. SF3 3rd Strike, Darkstalkers collection, SF (word warrior, turbo, hyper) on the capcom classics collection all seem to work fine on the stanrard dual shock.
  15. I don't understand all the hate for the PS2 controller. It's got all the great features of the SNES controller, plus 2 extra shoulder buttons & analog sticks!
  16. And the defective first batch that burn out after a year will be gone
  17. If it's any consolation, there's no version (on DVD) that exists with better subtitles. There was a release just before the FX disc's came out that had "slightly" better subtitles, but it's long since discontinued. The only versions available for the past couple years have been FX, and repackaged FX without the movie & OVA.
  18. Sweet, now when are they going to release the new cut of Phantom Menace with all Jake Loyd's lines re-dubbed by someone who can act?
  19. At this point, I don't think it'd be a matter of HG stepping in to do anything, as they should be in their death throws trying to get shadow crap out. Chances are Big West is a bit gunshy right now, or at least until they get their licensing 100% settled & shut Tastunoko up once & for all. I wouldn't doubt if they held off on licensing any Macross until after that matter is settled.
  20. First two parts shouldn't be any trouble. Third part gave me trouble as I tried to stick on his ass & use the gun to take out his intakes (made sense at the time). But after a couple useless attempts at that, I found charging away from him until he gets to the edge of the radar screen, then slowing, flipping around, & charging back at him, gave me the best shots at him. after 3 or so passes he should be taken out.
  21. I love the last boss, went up against him with the X-02 (which meant selling every other plain I bought to get it, but visually worth it). Hard does seem a bit more difficult at first, but once you get into the groove of it, I don't think it's much more difficult than 5. Only major difference in expert so far seems to be that you're taken out with a 1 missile kill, which is no different than Ace difficulty in the other games. Story is a bit weak, but thankfully the FMV isn't anywhere near as bad as 10 years ago. Plus Espada-2 is pretty hot. Overall, this one seems like it's geared towards air vs air fans, which is fine since 5 seemed to focus more on prepping you for the tunnel battle at the end for half the game. Spoiler... Pixy's plane does look suspiciously like the YF-19, while the X-02 looks suspiciously like the YF-21, playing chicken at the very end was suprisingly fun, though I can't wait until that plane with the laser unlocks, much prettier than 5's Faulken.
  22. No, I mean unlocking based on your kill rate. As far as I can tell, new planes & color schemes are determined by the aces you shoot down.
  23. I actually liked the plane branching system in 5, hopefully next time they'll blend it with the purchasable special weapons. It's also nice that they took the hint & stuck in a lot more straight air to air battles.
  24. I had saves for both, but so far, only the X-02 is unlocked.
  25. Hmm, I hope someone points back to that interview then next time someone tries to license Macross & HG steps their foot in.
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