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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Apparently there will be a big announcement "sometime before labor day." So We'll see what happens. Though I really would be surprised at this point if when they do get around to releasing it, they sell enough to break even.
  2. I heard it directly from one of Toycom's employee's during the aftermath Actually went down there one day, a small but very cool place.
  3. Which part about George Sohn (while still heading Toycom) signing a deal with HG stating that Toycom will "not" import the Yamato Macross merch, selling the company to Yamato, and then starting up Toynami with fresh new Valkyrie merch for Robotech as not being backhanded? Because the whole thing still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
  4. That version has a lot of the fanservice edited out though, to hell with that!
  5. Why wouldn't they? Toynami was born from a backhanded deal with HG, of course they'll renew.
  6. The TREAD is DEAD, let it go. If man was meant to hold TREAD, there would have been one years ago. Much like the VF-4, it's just something never meant to be held by human hands, just worshipped from affar.
  7. ....I need to get broadband one of these days...
  8. No, first Toynami has to release a transformable Ride Armor that doesn't suck, isn't floppy, & comes with a figure that actually looks like the damn character...& isn't more than $60, then HG can go under.
  9. DVD? That's old technology, the Shadow Chronocles will be distributed through a series of JPEG's on the internet, allowing the viewer to experience a new immersive & interactive media experience as they look at the "picture's" & imagine what takes place in the story. HG will win many awards for innovative storytelling & distribution.
  10. Hmm, do they get some extra tax write off just for using the film in charity screenings? Sounds like some scheme to recover costs.
  11. That's just flat out wrong. While VFX was trash, VFX-2 was a great game. If you didn't like the 360 attack view that was standard forward view that plays almost exactly the same as the PS2 Macross game. The ground stages were a little wonky, but the air stages were great. Dodging, chaff, missile locks & transforming were all very well executed. The only major complaint about the game were the badly rendered static backgrounds. Battlecry on the other hand has all the worst features of the first VFX with a low ceiling (the sky is almost non-existent in the game). Instead of the grat missile lock & variable barrage of VFX-2 & PS2 Macross, it has that crappy auto-burst missile button of VFX-1. Transofrmations mean almost nothing, as almost all stages render fighter useless (that low ceiling problem), and who's bright idea was gunpod sniping? It's got interesting cel shaded asthetics, but that's all battlecry has going for it.
  12. I may be wrong on this, but I think those frames were supposed to be there (accidentally placed there when filming the cels), could be wrong though.
  13. Excellent, since the Nutek release 4th box is damned near impossible to find, and I don't even want to know what an HK copy of a hardsubbed series looks like (it's out there).
  14. Ran out of time, what, did they self destruct? While the Zeta movies are interesting, they pale in comparison with the TV series, unfortunately only the 0079 movies have succesfully condensed their story, the other movie versions just seem to drop too much & are too hap hazardly slapped together. Especilally the SEED movies, now there's a trainwreck...
  15. Volume 3 is pressed, I got mine last weekend direct from CPM since I did the presale. Retailers should (in theory) get theirs too, but that still leaves volume 4 in limbo. Supposedly the company is going to make a statement tuesday, so hopefully we'll have good news.
  16. I think the only way to get it right now is the 3 disc box set, which is the best way to get it (can't miss it, it's big shiny & blue).
  17. Without a doubt go for the movie trilogy, followed by Zeta. There's no reason now that Zeta is out to see Wing or SEED first.
  18. No doubt they're hoping to snag some studio exec at one of those festival showings into picking up a distirbution deal.
  19. Sho'Nuff, don't worry about it
  20. Psst, the widescreen version is cropped from the fullscreen, the original aspect ratio is fullscreen, flip those disc's back over!
  21. Apparently anime news network just put out a story about CPM laying off the majority of their employee's. Apparently the company hasn't gone bankrupt, but they're also not in good shape. For all those who pre-ordered Votoms, cross your fingers, hopefully we'll get the last volume before they go under (if they do).
  22. You're not the only one who likes the direcotr's cut, though I am curious as to what more could possibly be added to the final cut. Hopefully Scott doesn't go all Lucas on us.... As for the Theatrical cut, the only thing it has going for it, is it's not as bad as the studio cut of Brazil.
  23. Even if it did happen, do you honestly think that would stop people from re-selling their games? Also, seems somewhat silly to try & make it illegal to re-sell something, not even with the power of Disney would they be able to pull it off.
  24. I think they know, they are just too arrogant or stupid to learn... The sad part is that even RT pronounces the name "Macross" correctly... 401913[/snapback] No, Robotech had it wrong too, ADV's dub just has it "more" wrong.
  25. And in 2008 HG will officially change Robotech's name to "Jesus." Later that year after DVD sales continue to flounder, They'll it's name back to what it was original intended to be, "Ol' Dirty Bastard."
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