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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Strangely, I haven't brought myself to finishing Volume 1, though I've been following the releases, & have had 4 for a couple weeks now...meh, one of these days.
  2. Spiritia has jack to do with chemical reactions, that much is more than sufficiantly shown in the series. The Protodevelin were beings of pure energy that possessed physical bodies in order to exist in this universe. The food that they sustain themselves on is equally pure energy, be it produced by living beings. You can argue this point if you wish, but you'd be ignoring series canon in doing so. Spiritia is produced from the feelings living things put into various tasks, existing, emotions, etc. The more passionate the action, the more spiritia is produced. While math may not be able to quanity this concept at the current time, you have to take into account that math can't really quantify why anything in the universe exists at all, so take that as you will. As for the game, it's Super Robot Wars Alpha 3 for the PS2. There's currently a nicely priced budget release out for about $40, and I definately reccomend picking it up if you're at all into Macross, Gundam or any number of Super Robot series. It's insanely fun for a strategy game, far more fun than it should be... And I'm all for Yamato doing a line of 7 Valkyries. I'd love a shiny metalic VF-19 Kai with optional Sound Boosters. The VF-11 MAXL Kai also shouldn't be too hard to pull off, the only "major" difference is its delta wing. I hate the stubby little wings that are on the VF-19 F & S, but a proper (i.e. not as chunky as Bandai's) VF-17 D/S with Gamlin's gunbpod blaster attachment would be awesome.
  3. I just assumed he meant holographic projection
  4. Roy threw on his jacket after, probably took a little time for the blood to soak through. As for why he didn't get medical attention because he knew he was fatal. As for Bukkakezaki....
  5. Funny that this talk of Macross 7 & Games should come up now. I'm about half way through Super Robot Wars Alpha 3, and while there are tons of Gundam's & Super Robots in the mix, my favorite units by far are the Macross ones. Unleashing Battle 7's Macross cannon on the field map & whiping out entire units while taking out huge chunks of enemy battleship HP. Milia popping up in here VF-1J tearing all ass, & showing up Diamond Force is perfect (as is having Gamlin & Physica back her up later as she takes Kinryu's VF-17). Being able to use Gamlin's blaster attack against Gigil, and having him limp off aftewards is almost as perfect as being able to subdue Sivil with Basara & Holy Lonely Light. I also love the mission where Sharon Apple is about to mop the floor with Guld & Isamu with her fleet of Ghosts, until Basara pops up & blows her hypnosis away with his song. Awesome game in general, but also great for the loving detail given to Macross 7 units. I can't wait to see what happens during the Megaroad parts.
  6. Yes, guys with Macross 7 LD sets were gods among men!
  7. Maybe they can give it away as a prize in Robotech cereal! Features include: -Squirming Invid regents -Green Protoculture Flower buds -Yellow Dancer Shoes! Note From the makers of Robotech cereal: If Invid Regents tranform from their larvel state & fly out of the box when you open it, that means your box is ripe with Protoculture!
  8. That's not true, we haven't talked about Aisha's new big titties for several pages.
  9. Here's your first clue something is wrong, ADV isn't distributing it. They'd be the most obvious choice, since they handled all of the other Robotech DVD's. And if not even ADV will touch it....
  10. Not to remain in our universe, to survive. It was the Protoculture who brought them here with all their war-mongering expieriments.
  11. Come on, this is Robotech II: The Sentinels Part II, It's worth $10 for that reason alone, especially if it has those cat robots made of peanut brittle!
  12. I'm more refferring to LD, Super VHS, VCD, and whatever else there was at the time that tried to dethrone VHS. Sure some formats were better (S-VHS & LD), but none managed to make a dent for 20 years. I just don't think people are maliable enough to accept a new format within 10 years of its launch. And unfortunately, both may end up cancelling each other out. While this is all common for the video game industry, the home video market has always been different.
  13. Macross 7 maintains the core of what Macross has always been about. Music is the medium by which people are reaching out to one another & sharing their feelings. It's those feelings that are making the difference, not the music itself. A pre-taped performance being broadcast would be just as useless as attempts at "culture shock" were in the long run. It's not the "shock" part which is winning over the enemy, but the geniune feelings being shared with them.
  14. That's not it at all, The JAM attacked humans, because "Jelly" don't shake like that!
  15. I'm not convinced either format will knock out DVD, especially when you consider the cost VS availability factor. Look how long it took people to abandon VHS. While Blue-Ray & HD are both superior in regards to quality & storage space, a $100+ TV series for instance is still going to cost $100+ It'll just be packed on fewer disc's. HD TV technology still isn't really mass consumer priced, and even then, average Joe six pack isn't going to notice the difference between that & his 19-50 inch TV anyway. Maybe in a few more years, but I just don't see the purpose in upgrading now, when there's no truly significant advantage.
  16. Maybe I'm just dissapointed that we didn't get an awesome dog fight between the Yukikaze & the JAM doppleganger, or maybe I'm just dissapointed that instead of anything, we get a nonsencicle transition between that scene & a barely explained attempt at defection that was actually an attempt to infiltrate the JAM but was actually a distraction so that the FAF could escape, which was actually a trick by the JAM to kill Fukei & Yukikaze, which may or may not have happened..... Nope, I'm sorry, Zero was far more cohesive
  17. Ok, so I finally got the final Volume of Yukikaze yesturday (and as expected, no Mave-Chan..bastards!). And as I remember complaints about the final events in Macross Zero being rushed & jumping around, I'll be damned if I can follow either the beginning or the end of this episode. They take too many leaps in time, and barely bother to explain what happened inbetween. Overall, I definately enjoyed Zero a lot more.
  18. Basara does not play when flying period. The 19 Kai fly's just like any other 19, it just replaces the standard 2 stick control setup, with a single guitar styled stick that does all the same functions of a normal setup. The only chronic use of recycled footage is that which is used for things that it'd be a waste to animate over again anyway. It's a common anime practice. No one starts off at the top, as you view through the series, you'll see that just like you, the characters will grow & learn to understand what Basara is doing, as Basara himself improves and becomes more powerful in his abilities. Wouldn't make sense for everyone to accept him at first, only Max, Ray, & Chiba know what's going on from the get go. I can't say this is exactly my style of anime, but it isn't nearly as bad as i was expecting (yet). We'll see as the show continues :-) 414327[/snapback]
  19. Exactly who's life is he endangering? If nothing else, he draws fire away from other pilots, giving them a chance to regroup. Considering that the 7 fleet has a substancial military presence, one more attacker wouldn't make any difference to turn the tide in a losing battle. Basara was no harm to the already outgunned VF-11 pilots. Besides which, they weren't dying, they were having their spiritia being drained. It's too bad no one was around to help re-habilitate them, oh wait there was, Basara! If he didn't care, he wouldn't have been out there in the first place. His goal was to stop "everyone" from fighting, and he succeeded. The Varuta & Protodevelin had superior firepower & tech to the U.N. Spacy. Not even reaction weapons made much of a difference. Had Basara not been there, the Spacy pilots would have died fighting, and their families would have been cattle.
  20. What, no one liked Korgoth(sp) of Barbaria?
  21. Didn't we talk about that here? I know I heard it somewhere a week or so ago.. I'm more anticipating Top 2 than the compilation films, hopefully that announcement will come after the 6th episode is released..
  22. I know it's been out for a while, but I just picked up SRW Alpha 3... Awesome game, and hopefully in the future (ps3 mayhaps), there will be translation patches for great games that never see the light of day in the U .S. due to insane licensing.
  23. Going by that logic, so is the original series, as well as 90% of all other mecha anime.
  24. Bandai has been pretty "meh" lately, hell, the only release as of recent I haven't had a problem with is Eureka Seven. Good news is, this is Bandai Visual, not Bandai Entertainment. The only thing they've released so far are Patlabor movies 1 & 2. Both are pricey R2 exact lmited edition releases that blow the kind of junk we usually get over here out of the water.
  25. Ziggy has already shown his prowess against the Cosmic Monsters & Super Freaks. Not to mention the spiders.
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