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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Not even that line change can top the stupidity of the new Max Rebo song at Jaba's Palace....it's Jar Jar to the 1oth power!
  2. Meh, I'll wait for the inevitable thinpak set(s), is there anything worth having on those bonus disc's?
  3. There are a few odd dialogue switches like that made. Such as Luke's dialogue when pulling R2 out of the swamp (empire), and Han's dialogue after pulling Lando out of the pit (Jedi).
  4. Just be glad they lost the license to Gunbuster, it'd bad enough what they did with their Honeamise DVD. They actually made it look worse than the VHS dump that it was.
  5. Worse yet, they didn't include their awful VHS dump of the movie edition. Manga really does put out some of the worst disc's on the planet
  6. Yeah, that's the set I never bothered to pick that set up, though, in fact, I never picked up SW until the HK DVD rips came out.
  7. Manga DVD's suck, plain & simple. The only thing I can reccomend is watching the subtitled side (without the dub commentary) as it's slighly better. Manga is actually supposed to be releasing the Renewal versions sometime next year, which have better remastered source material, but unfortunately, will still be subject to Manga's aweful disc authoring.
  8. Maybe he meant the pre-prequal special editions where Greedo shoots first, instead of at the same time?
  9. Nope, even on a standard set, you can see it's vastly inferior to the quality on the "special edition." Which brings up the biggest whole in the whole Lucasfilm excuse for this. Assumedly, they went & remastered if not all, then most of, the original film at some point. What was left should have only been a small amount. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt, and assume most of what they restored was pre-effects shots so that they could go over with their new special effects, but none the less, the bulk of the film is the same damn film. No reason why they couldn't have gone back & finished up the original cut. But whatever, if this is all we get, then I'll be fine with it, as I've also got the HK's for the LD extra's.
  10. Mari is the only reason to listen to the dub, and even then, since she's in the original audio too, there's just not much reason to listen to the dub
  11. I really loved the ending too, I wasn't expecting anywhere near that much closure, so I was very pleasantly surprised.
  12. I really loved the ending too, I wasn't expecting anywhere near that much closure, so I was very pleasantly surprised.
  13. Dents? I thought that was supposed to be "authentic battle damage" damn you Lucas!
  14. Martin Short from "Clifford" would have made a better Anakin!
  15. How could you not celebrate the Birthday of the character that originated bouncing breasts in anime. Truly a jubilacious occasion
  16. Of course, they're not Lucas's "vision," so why should they get the big money treatment. It'll actually be interesting to see what happens in the future after Lucas passes. Hell, I'm still waiting for the episode I special edition that overdubs all of Jake Lloyd's (sp?) dialogue with a kid that can actually act.
  17. It "is" better than the HK rips of the LD's, though I haven't seen the fanmade rips of the LD's to compare. There's definately a lack of effort shown in the overall process. The title menu is nice enough, though it has low end CG objects moving into place to become the movie poster. Everything else is Just static menu's though. And for some inane reason, there's a xbox demo, & trailer, for the lego star wars game on "each disc." And the funniest part of all, when the "original" movie disc's load up, the first screen that shows is the FBI warning. As opposed to the "special edition," disc's, which don't have the FBI warning, & go straight to the fox info version. Apparnetly they were smart enough to know which version people would want to swipe What this release is still missing, is all of the old LD special features, like the original documenteries & production photo's. And given the space that the lego star wars stuff takes, there's absolutely no reason why that shouldn't have been here instead. If not for the 4th bonus disc with the first DVD release, I'd feel completely ripped off here, but as it stands, I liked empire of dreams, and at least they included all of the original trailers there. Aside from that, the special edition disc's in the new set seem to be exactly the same, rendering the old ones ocmpletely useless. The silkscreen images on the newer disc's are much better. For those who will pick this up though, Best Buy has a limited edition tin case. It's got a great design, but both the front & back hinge open, which makes it a bit flimsy.
  18. Hmm, any word on the Voltron movie? I'm waiting for the subtitled sets, but I'd pick up the movie just for the sake of having it.
  19. What did the OVA's (aside from Mellowlink) cover?
  20. I always like to picture Matt Damon & Ben Aflec from Dogma in those boardroom scenario's...
  21. I haven't watched into the second & third box yet, but from what I remember, there were more females later. And his name was Jaga (finally remembered). Seems to me if they were going to merge the characters, they'd stick with the better name. And since you know there's going to be a comic relief character, thye'd leave him as Snarf. Wily Kit & Kat were technically older than Lion-O, but since they had stayed cryogenically frozen longer than he did, they didn't physically age.
  22. I think Cheetara should moonlight as as stripper, to hell with that rock band nonsense!
  23. Guld was just an angry man. Had nothing to do with being Zentradi or otherwise. If it were that chronic a problem through out the Zentradi, then fleets like the Macross 5 wouldn't exist, as there would be too much danger of them running amok. Hell, for all we know, Guld's pills could have been sugar pills (as they didn't seem to do anything in the end). There was also no need to make the Zentradi sterile (as we know for a fact they weren't) since they were kept ignorant & in fear of each other's genders. There's zero evidence in known Macross canon to point towards any XY females, dominance of one gender over the other in procreation, or any such nonsense. The fact that Max & Milia have all daughters just points towards Max being a super ace!
  24. batty, they already had a splinter, his name was...whatever the hell his name was! This is a pretty bad idea, especially since it doesn't make any sense sticking thundercats into a modern day setting. What's next, Silver Hawks are really a Hockey team from another dimension? & Monstar is really Jem when not in drag? Only plus side I can see to this is Cheetara...mmm
  25. And why would the Protoculture engineer their meltrans to produce XY females? Makes no sense at all!
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