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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Wait, so there are no fiber-glass robot cats? How can you have robotech without fiber-glass robot cats! What a gyp!!
  2. Well, it must be JAM, 'cus jelly don't shake like that!
  3. Sadly, it was the first thing that jumped to mind when i read the topic. But here's a link to the intro so everyone can play.
  4. You & me both, I've been trying to tell people that for like 15 years!
  5. Did they ever do more than one episode of that? I remember seeing that one week, and a super-aweful robocop cartoon the next week (also apparently only 1 episode), then re-runs of them, and nothing after that. God, and there was also a one episode Bubsy cartoon a few years after that....
  6. Warning: Vague early 90's TV reference coming up... Ultra Man costume's are easy, just dress up like Jerry O'connel & grab 2 hairspray cans!
  7. Except they'd have to build the encoding into the new hardware, not likely if they're not going to code PS3 games. Only one more month until we find out for sure though.
  8. No one died on the Megaroad, they just gave the finger to the rest of civilization, and dissapeared for parts unknown.
  9. Hmm, a tiny orchestra will tune up everytime you boot up ey. Wonder if they'll let you change it with random MP3's or something.
  10. Hmm, can't help but wonder if they're going to use the original intro, or the badly redone intro from a few years ago.
  11. Call me crazy, but I've never understood the whole trading thing. I still have all my games from when I got my Atari 5200.
  12. I'm pretty sure they still give lead time warnings, at least they did in the 90's. Gundam X was a good example of "oh crap, budget's been cut, we better tie this up fast." Only show I can think of, at least that's been brought over here, was Candidate for Goddess, which literally just abrubtly ended. Big O I don't consider falling under this catagory, since I don't believe it was ever intended to have a finite ending. Then when they tried, they made it worse than the original ending...
  13. The easiest comparison would be Babylon 5. Originally intended for 5 seasons, then threatened by cancellation in the 4th, they rapped up much of the story, only to get that 5th season, and have to stretch it back out.
  14. The designs (so far) are definately ass. The original OVA reached epic awesomeness that warrented its 6-7 year release schedule. While I hope I'm wrong, this doesn't look like it's going to come close in any form of quality. Luckily it still looks to be in the early stages, so hopefully much will change.
  15. Just as long as he sticks around for the second season of Boondocks, he can do whatever else he wants
  16. That's too insanely awesome for $150, hopefully the production run won't be too small.
  17. Well that, and the fact that Kamjin's ship only hit the Daedelus arm...
  18. Perhaps the yellow re-whitens?
  19. Don't forget that the Macross ending also doesn't have all the unnecessary off-screen carnage. That also makes a big difference, as it's not trying to steal the dramatic thunder away from the central characters.
  20. There was a greater purpose to the zombie movie revival. and that was Shaun of the Dead. Now that we have that, there's no point to further beating the bush.
  21. The truly sad part about the price? No pack in game! Companies need to go back to the good ole practice of packing in a must have game with a system. $200 was a lot when the SNES came out, but the damn thing came with Super Mario World, which remained one of the best games for that system through its life span.
  22. Metal Gear will be worth the price of the system, what more can you ask?
  23. Just got finished watching it all in one sitting, and while definately different from the original, I really liked it. Nothing that blatantly flies in the face of the original, and hell, who's to say the dolphin's didn't leave the solar system before it was sealed off.
  24. Macross Zero was hardly a bomb. Though it's doubtful we'll get anything for the 25th anniversary, since it's too late to start production on anything decent. hopefully we'll get a nice series or movie sometime before the 30th.
  25. No, they completely disabled the online features in the U.S. Gundam Vs games. Luckily they also gave them aweful dubs, which is why I imported Gundam Vs Zeta, AEUG Vs Titans, & Alliance Vs ZAFT. As will be the same for Alliance Vs ZAFT II Plus.
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