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Everything posted by Keith

  1. The Macross fan in me says to pre-order as soon as its possible, but the sensible part of me says to wait for the reviews. If nothing else, hopefully this will push Yamato along in their attempt.
  2. February too soon? Hell, I was hoping it would be November
  3. I honestly don't see the big gripe about having Pee Wee on TV. It was (and is) a great show, and damnit, someone should show it. Hell, if there was an all Pee Wee's Playhouse & MST3K network, I'd never watch anything else...aside from Venture Bros. This was an exceptionally good season. Iggy Pop & David Bowie were just icing.
  4. Are you smoking crack? The remaster is freakin' awesome. The Science lessions are "most" likely already considered part of the episodes, and the 30 minutes of bonus clips should likely be all the little bonus clips that were included on each disc of the R2 remaster. I recall one specifically having to do with Jung's Sizzler Black. As for the box, how is this out of date? [attachmentid=37415] I realise it's not Mikimoto's best art, but it's still a nice box. My only concern here is that it doesn't list the 4th disc that was included with the R2, that had all of the line-art, seiyuu interviews, & the matt-less 6th episode. Perhaps they'll announce an LE version that will have the 4th disc.
  5. It's actually really easy to spot the differences between the FX rip & the AC rip. FX - Menu is a static screen that has a circular menu bar linking to various DYRL movie trailersl. AC - Menu loops variou scenes from the movie. FX - FX has for some strange reason decided to clip the toho picture's logo at the beginning of the film, and instead have it jarringly jump right into Exedor & Britai's conversation, no actual movie content is lost mind you, but it flows better with the toho pictures logo. AC - Has an AC logo, followed by the proper full intro. FX - Aside from the aforementioned clipping at the very beginning, the film is 100% intact. AC - When Hikaru & Misa first enter the Protoculture city's bridge, 10-15 seconds is strangely missing, the specific bits are Misa attempting to use the controls to contact the Macross....very strange. Only thing I can think of is it was ripped from the LD, and there was some chapter skip mis-hap.
  6. One thing to note. The limit on Diamond Force's fold wasn't a limit on the performance of the fold booster itself, but a limit on the frame of the VF-17, i.e. it could only maintain so much stress before it would shake apart. A sturdier Valkyrie (such as the VF-19 or VF-22) would have had a much longer range with the same fold booster.
  7. Ah, that makes much more sense. I knew I couldn't have missed an entire song
  8. I was hoping i could retire my modded PS2...bastards!
  9. Actually, there's nothing in the Macross Compendium there that disproves anything I just said. Fact of the matter is, Kawamori has never gone into great detail on how fold works.
  10. All I'll comment here is on the cloning. From appearances, I'd say Protoculture cloning technology isn't used for duplicate copies, so much as just artificially creating people quickly & easily. Likely it just involves mixing DNA in a machine in much the same way it's done with sex, but faster, cleaner, & far less fun. The real question is how the educational system is done, as in order to create a competent battle ready force, they'd have to pop out of those tubes with all the base life knowledge they'd need, such as language, technical skills, etc.
  11. It's actually what finally got me to love Planet Dance again
  12. I've always been under the belief that there are "two" different methods for entering a space fold. Those methods I like to call the "point to point" (or bubble) fold, and partial (or long distance) fold. What we can say in absolute terms is that the distance a ship can travel while folding is directly relative to the amount of energy stored up & or used for the fold. A point to point fold appears to completely fold the space inbetween two points of space, taking the contents within the bubble to destination point. You can see these types in cases such as the fold that took the Macross & South Atalia to Pluto, the Bodolza fleet's final fold into Earth Orbit, just about any fold that City 7 & the Varuta are seen making, and Liza's fold from the pirate outpost back to Zola. These types are "always" shown with a bubble. The Partial styled fold is usually shown being done by Zentradi ships, the YF-19 & YF-21 in Macross Plus, and various other area's. These types are always shown with the ship speeding into a warp like state, traveling thorugh some type of tunnel/wormhole, and speeding out back into regular space with the same warp style effect. As shown by ships taking part in these folds, as well as Misa's dialogue while captured, these types of folds are definately not instantanious. I believe that while in this type of fold, space is only "partially" folded in on itself, likely to save on limited fold charge enemy, while stretching out the amount of space that can be traveled. Also likely that while traveling in these partial space folds, a ship still has to move through that space with its conventional engines. If Misa's dialogue is to be taken at face value, then this type of fold would also have the downside of a warp or faster than light travel, in that time moves faster for the world outside of those folds, than it does inside. This however would again explain Misa's dialogue about the amount of time they'll have been gone, as well as why it took 10 years for the Zentradi to catch up with the Macross after it crashed on Earth. So to sum up, if a ship has sufficient fold charge, it can instananiously move from one point to another. But if the distance exceeds the amount of charge that the engines have, the ship can either partially fold space & move through the reduced distance conventionally, or wait to build up charge to re-enter an instant fold.
  13. The "Minmay Attack" in all incarnations is little more than a short term limited use option. The means its delivered is definately intended to be an all channel broadcast (meaning if the Zentradi want to communicate with each other, they have to have their com line's on). You'll recall that Exedor explained the Zentraid chain of command in a battle, with larger battle groups being directed by command ships, which were in turn battle groups commanded by bigger command ships, etc. The point of the attack was to disrupt those communication lines so that strike groups could get in and take out the heads of those groups, leaving the bulkier forces without orders or direction. This however only left a small window of "shock value" open, and once the Zentradi regained their footing, the song/kiss would no longer have an effect, and resume their attack. The only reason the Macross wasn't overwhelmed, was because they managed to cause a major coup in the Britai Adoclas fleet, by winning over the bulk of their forces with "human culture contimination," i.e. not the shock value of the songs & kiss, but awakening feelings within them, and sharing the human lifestyle. Without that, the "Minmay Attack" would have been useless. And as you mention in Macross 7, speaker pod's are introduced to prevent signal jamming, but in that, it wasn't an attempt at any type of culture shock/Minmay Attack at all, but a more direct attempt at encouraging an emotional response from the target. This of course later evolved into the song energy system with Sound Boosters, which didn't broadcast sound at all, but directly broadcast the passionate emotion from the singer to the target. Also, Macross II's Minmay Attack was little more than a reproduction of the events in DYRL, which pioneered hte hologram in space broadcast. It was rendered useless for even shock value, as the Marduk's Zentradi were under mind control, and pre-programmed to only respond to song cues from the Marduk Emulator's. The trick there being to coerce the emulator's, thus renderin the Zentradi under their control null.
  14. Has that been officially confirmed? Until it has been, I'll thank you to not jinx it!
  15. With all the hype about the monster tits, I'm starting to get a little excited about this release too. Hell, maybe if every character in robotech had huge tits, it'd be a massive success.
  16. The launch line up is a bit scarce, but I think I may pick up Gundam even though I don't plan on getting a PS3 until MGS4 comes out....and I'm sure it'll be cheaper later too, but somehow I'm still compelled.
  17. No enhancement is a fair trade off if it will be able to play PS2 & PS1 imports out of the box (still crossing fingers). Besides, with the online connectability, graphics upgrading is still possible in the future.
  18. Even if it was free, the fact remains that attempting to watch it would be time much better spent watching the original shows subtitled. Besides, anytime I forget that fact, I have the codename robotech & sentinels DVD's to remind me just why I don't want such a set.
  19. Considering this game borrow's much of its engine from VFX 1 (static missile bursts low cielings, cumbersome pointles transforming), mixed with the static backgrounds from VFX-2, I honestly don't see where you can critisize the VFX series there. VFX-2 deserves much more love, despite its ugly ass backdrops, it pioneered how a Macross game should "play," i.e. frenetic missile attacks, 360 degree flying with everything coming at you from any given direction. The PS2 Macross game improved on the formula by removing the static backgrounds, and making everything pretty.
  20. No, the next robotech project is going to be entirely different & original. It will follow the adventures of the SDF-3 as they fold randomly from planet to planet, putting right what once went wrong, and hoping each time that the next fold will be the fold home!
  21. He left after Victory actually (2 series, & 2 movies after Zeta), then came back to bring us the awesomenesss that is Turn-A.
  22. I agree, I love the Basara/Elma duet version of Planet Dance too.
  23. That's easy, play the import Macross PS2 game instead, that'll show her!
  24. It just sounds so...busy! What ever happened to just popping in a disc, playing a game, and turning it off. Maybe I'm just getting old, but I don't need internet in my video games! I do however need import playability!
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