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Everything posted by Keith

  1. To put it more specifically. Spiritia is life energy, while Anima Spiritia is a specific type created by strong emotion that's capable of rejuvinating the energy of others. As for Dynamite, it's still far better than Macross II, and sometimes women try to rape other women, get over it!
  2. You now have my official seal of approval as a Macross 7 fan!
  3. Gundam has actually lasted longer, but at the cost of constant & repetative "re-inventions," for the past 15 years (aside from Turn-A that is). Macross doesn't need to head off robotech at the pass, as Macross has already lapped it many times over.
  4. I enjoy both old & new as well, I fail to see where all the hate comes from, aside from some people just wanting rehashes of what came before.
  5. The only thing new writers will bring to Macross is AU garbage.
  6. Actually, 7 has far more inner series technology to explain its phenomena than Zero does. There's no magic or fantasy in 7, its all (somewhat) explained with technology, & bio-technology interfaces.
  7. Don't anyone Wiki anything! The last thing we need is for the DVD release to get pulled due to some coorperate exec finding this info on a whim & trying to claim money from Gainax & Honeamise. I say we delete this topic, and not speak of it again until march!
  8. Wait, was that before or after Kaifun killed Minmay while Hikaru brooded over it for the rest of the show?
  9. Macross VII? Wasn't that the one where Cloud leading the Avalanch Team went up against Sephiroth & Jenova Team? That was an awesome dogfight!
  10. Macross Plus didn't have callsigns either. If anything, it would appear (from anime at least) that the Japanese prefer special team/squad names as a whole, to individual callsigns as a sign of pilot status. Isamu's callsign wasn't Eagle-1, that was his team, same goes for Skull, Vermillion, Angel, Diamond Force, Emerald Force, Pink Pecker, etc. GSD as well as various other anime use the team leaders last name to signify the whole team. Votoms had the Red Shoulders, Dirty Pair had the Lovely Angels, V Gundam had the Strike Team, etc. The only instance in the top of my head that I can remember a Japanese storyline with individual codenames is Metal Gear. And even then, those individuals are still under a larger team name.
  11. I think it just has to do with it sounding cool. And as far as Im concerned, both words should be part of the english language
  12. I want to say Lenseman, but that's definately a vague description, and unfortunately I don't remember the movie that well. Do you remember where you saw it, was it subtitled dubbed, a tape or on TV?
  13. Actually, that's exactly what I'm saying. That people definately have a hard-on about something they don't like, i.e. hard-on against something. It's a euphemism for passionate dislike if you will. Perhaps a local colloquialism, perhaps not. But regardless, you've heard it now See above, also, I never said 7 didn't have its fair share of hot chicks, as it definately does. Just that the hot chicks in II were the only long lasting redeeming value in it. Whethr it's a specific exact manuever, or just a specific type of manuever isn't really clear. It could just mean that Basara can spin & such with at high speeds without blacking out & crashing due to the G's, or it could be some complex dodging manuever Ray taught him. But regardless, Gamlin & Max both acknowledged Basara's skill. I'd even venture to say Milia wasn't criticising his flying ability in the city, as much as his choices in how he was flying in the city.
  14. He lost an arm in Gerwalk, does that count?
  15. Also in no specific order -The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (listed first since I just finished watching it) -Macross (all series) -Eureka Seven -Mahoromatic -Please Save My Earth -Gunbuster/Diebuster -All Leiji Verse (Yamato, Galaxy Express, Harlock, Galaxy Railways, etc) -Giant Robo -Gundam (truth be told, I do enjoy all of it, tops is the U.C. Stuff + Turn A, but I also enjoy G, W, & SEED) -Escaflowne Cowboy Bebop, Miyazaki's Films, & the Tenchi Muyo Ryo-Ohki OVA universe (including GXP) all get honoerable mention.
  16. I'm still confused about why they thought 3 unrelataed anime series with their stories mashed together somehow required an ending that fed right into it's beginning. I haven't read any of the books, but in my younger days of raising hell on robotech forums, I seem to recall some discussion about macek's original idea being that the SDF-3 & crew become the "robotech masters," by traveling back in time somehow. That whole concept seemed inane and retarded at the same time, still does. So naturally, I'm curious just how much of that idiocy they're still going to use. Perhaps the writers of Megazone 23 Part III are truly to blame, as they put out that bad karma by ruining Shogo's character in a similar manner.
  17. Like the PS1 & 2 weren't cheap & plasticy looking? All game systems are ugly, that's part of their charm.
  18. And truth be told, the major draw of Macross II is the hotness that is Ishtar & Sylvie. Some of you really have a hard-on against guitars, were your mothers killed by guitars or something?
  19. I wouldn't worry about it, Honeamise seems like a decent enough company, I doubt they'd start shutting down fansites all of a sudden.
  20. Here's the part that confuses me. Exactly how did Tommy Yune become a major player in Robotech again? I thought he was just some fanboy that got hired to run the website, and then all of a sudden he's doing bad character art for toys & directing bad movies. I think he's someone at HG's son!
  21. Nope, the 19 Kai is not a ghost fighter, and Basara truly is piloting. Milia was chastizing him on his flying inbetween buildings, i.e. something he hadn't done much of since he's been used to wide open space. You also have to account for the fact that Milia is a bit overbearing at that point in her life, and tends to mother everyone around her.
  22. The runtime on the theatrical edition is only 95 minutes, which means you'd be missing half of the story. I'd definately get the OVA, of course I'd also get both, but that's me
  23. Rightstuf h as pictures of the Gunbuster boxset packaging. Definately different from the R2, but still very nice. Gunbuster
  24. I can't wait until it's the future and everyone pilots planes & drive cars with Guitars. You guys will feel soooo stupid!
  25. Official street date is February 6th.
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