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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Actually, I'm pretty sure Bandai only said that they were "looking at the rights," and haven't actually comfirmed the license.
  2. Gamlin wasn't hallucinating, he went to go report Physica's death, and saw his wife & child with the new guy. As for Mylene, Milia was an ace at 16, and Hikaru was flying in his fathers circus even younger than that.
  3. You know, I completely forgot about the new OVA, but now I can't wait again! To answer your question, I haven't heard anything about one, though Gunota has info about a new PS3 Gundam game that looks infinately better than the launch crap we got. And this is something I can get excited about, especially if it uses a variation of the Vs engine. PS3 quality Zeta is just too tempting to pass up.
  4. I chose #2 as well last night, all the others just flat out suck.
  5. I missed the first episode or two, but have been enjoying it so far. There will probably be another 3 episodes, but likely not until the holiday season is over.
  6. The R2 DVD release was chronological order too, so it wouldn't be the end of the world.
  7. The only major difference in the movie & TV versions of SEED is that in the TV series Mu clearly dies with his helmet floating out in space, While in the movie they remove his helmet floating from the scene As for After Phase, if you really want it, it can be had. There's an HK disc that has just the final episode of SEED, After Phase, and textless versions of the intro's. The UK 10th volume of the TV series also has After Phase. But as others have said, there's nothing Earth shattering there. As for Destiny, I liked it, but I tend to be in the minority on these things. Only major problem I had with it was the same problem I had with SEED, too many recaps & flashbacks.
  8. The trailer is at funimation.com. As for Blue Ray/HD, you're lucky it's not on a burned VCD!
  9. I can guaruntee you 90% of the eventual PS3 owners won't have HD TV's. I know I won't, technology isn't where I want it to be yet. Of course I also don't really support the whole process of buying just to sell at profit anyway, but that's a whole different discussion. I say play with it.
  10. Aside from all of the obnoxious noise, it seems they're playing up the "alien" aspect up a bit more than the transforming robot aspect. But it may just be the way the trailer was cut...
  11. This is awesome (if not vague) news. Now if someone would announce Diebuster & Galaxy Railways Season 2 & OVA it'd be perfect.
  12. Misa and the angry inch?
  13. Oh my god, I'd be soo all over that!
  14. Guess I joined up sooner than I thought. Posts: 2870 Joined: Mar. 2001
  15. The definative answer is that Kawamori has deemed us lowly humans not yet worthy to experience more of the VF-4.
  16. You couldn't make me remember AVP 2 if you tried!
  17. Not "everyone" had different names!
  18. Is there anything fundamental about the VF-4 that would make it a difficult to transform toy? Because at this point I'd even take a 1/60 scale non-transformable fighter only VF-4.
  19. Hmm, Spiderman, Die Hard, Transformers, Shrek. This may actually turn out to be an entertaining summer.
  20. Proving yet again, it's always better to wait at least a year on new systems.
  21. I can't even remember when I finally came over here. I just remember it took AFM grinding to a halt to finally make me poke my head at what was going on here.
  22. Don't get mad just because I didn't take your bait.
  23. If you want different writers, watch different shows. Leave Macross with Kawamori!
  24. Hmm, let's see, No, no, and yes it was pretty good.
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