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Everything posted by Keith

  1. Actually, with the current trend of remasternig going on in Japan, I wouldn't be surprised if DYRL didn't pop back up if not on blue ray, then on standard DVD with a shiny new release.
  2. Name one good ADV dub, 'nuff said. The only real reason to own the ADV disc's are for the Mari featurettes, and non-cracking disc's.
  3. Righstuf has it up for presale for 48.74 Gunbuster
  4. Strangely enough, my AnimEigo disc's are also in the closet, though that's more for cracking protection than anything...
  5. There's no reason to believe the war with the sexes wasn't present. They did still have different technology, though Laplamiz's fleet was under Bodolza, they were still quite seperate from each other, and the Protoculture civil war was still known. Likely the fighting between the males & females was intended as a story element, just never explored due to the constantly shifting episode count & hectic production schedule. In hindsight we know that the only reason Laplamiz's fleet was a part of Bodolza's was because unification of the two sides during the PC/PD war. Before they they were still seperate militaries.
  6. Speaking of box art pictures, does anyone have a full scan of the lenticular card that came with the original set?
  7. they're leftover stock of the animeigo release packed in a new box.
  8. At this point, it's highly doubtful. But who know's, SEED Destiny is about to start its Canadian TV run, so perhaps that will be enough to warrent it. Though apparently, only the crappy on rails Gundam games seem to get regular U.S. releases.
  9. Are you sure about that? I thought Netter died a few years ago while Robotech 3000 was in pre-production, and after the whole Voltron 3-D shipwreck. I'm pretty sure they've been claiming DR Movie did the CG.
  10. I totally dissagree. Nothing but "mock" applies to the style here.
  11. Perhaps they should include one of those mini-hand sized keyboards that you find in dollar stores (with the numbered keys) and the numbered combination to play the robotech theme on for those who remian nostalgic for it...
  12. No, you just have to flip past the Cartoon Network every so often. Totally spies is one in a current trend of american shows animated in Korea using a "mock" anime style. Go look it up on Youtube.
  13. The first Gundam movie series is probably one of the only instances of a longer TV series being cut down into movie form using minimal new animation actually working out well. I know the Ymato movie played well in theatre's, but it didn't flow together anywhere near as well as the Gundam Movies. Well, maybe Please Save My Earth, but that was a short OVA to begin with. Sadly no anime movie re-cut (that I've seen) has been able to re-enact that magic. The closest thing to it would be the much more preferable practice of completely re-animating & re-imagining the story alltogether, as done with Galaxy Express & DYRL.
  14. Yeah, I watched that last night. I will say that my opinion of the movie has changed. First I thought it was just bad CG, now I think it's Totally Spies with bad CG!
  15. Strangely enough, I haven't been able to bring myself to even finish the first volume of the ADV release. I've picked them all up, but haven't progressed in literally a year...
  16. Was Kinryu black? I always thought he was Japanese. Ray was likely black though.
  17. You're also apparently forgetting their actions prior to operation stargazer, and the complete atmosphere change between them for the rest of the series after.
  18. the Full Burst SF is nice, is it limited?
  19. I already explained why the ADV release didn't use the better audio. AnimEigo got those masters independetly, so when the remastered video reverted to HG, the audio stayed with AnimEigo.
  20. What he said.
  21. You must have missed the part where Rosamia came to space to help Kamille, and smacked into Axis...
  22. Agreed. Totally wasted opportunity to not kill Emma!
  23. Be a man, I say get an arm sized tattoo of Jiggly Jeena!
  24. Part of fandom is taking the bad with the good, hell, even I own a copy of II on DVD, just as I owned it on tape back in the day.
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