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Everything posted by Keith

  1. The way they make it look here, is that Stik/scott was just hanging out, outside, twiddling his thumbs until it was over.
  2. The figures are pretty small, Nono is maybe 4 or so inches since she's sitting, and Noriko is in the same scale but standing. The face on Noriko isn't as nice as others have been, but is far from bad, and Nono is awesome, plus seems to have a little junk in her trunk.
  3. As surprising as it sounds, I'll give them the benefit of raising the quality from the steaming pile of crap that was the Sentinels, to that of an episode of Exosquad (which is funny in itself considering how much exosquad borrowed from Robotech). And considering the rehashed so much of what was going on in the last episode of Mospeada, you'd think they could have at least included a shot of Yellow, Hoquette, Ray, Jim, & Mint. But not so much. Also, they need to ditch the references to those robotech minmay songs, they were terrible then, and they're sti ll terrible now.
  4. The AnimEigo set is the one prone to cracking, but the ADV set does have the original Japanese audio & subtitles as well. The audio is from an inferior source than the one AnimEigo used, so the Japanese audio doesn't sound "as good," but it is still present in its original glory.
  5. Exactly, old & or unsuccessful OVA's don't count. So anyway, got my box set today, and it's simply beautiful. Haven't watched it yet, but I'll be damned if any packaging in the world comes close to what you get in Japan. The Noriko & Nono figure is awesome, box art is great, and comes with character line-art cards.
  6. Ok....I've watch it.... And honestly, I didn't dislike it as much as I expected. Don't get me wrong, as an attempt at anime, it's super pathetic. But graded on an american campy sci-fi scale, which is the only way to even remotely take it seroiusly, it's not that bad. After getting past the trademark juvenille robotech dialogue, and super stiff late 90's video game cut scene quality animation (that's the only way I can describe it, you know, animation done for video game cut scenes that at first glance appears to be pretty good, until you realize nothing is moving except the bare minimum of what needs to), borrowed from various american sci-fi cliches, and those still so melodramatic robotech voice actors, there's still something entertaining left in there. Perhaps it's just because there are almost zero attempts to bite off of Macross made (though if I was an agro Mospeada fan, I'd comment on how they botched the retelling of that ending), but I just don't seem to hate this like I've hated everything else they've done. One thing they should seriously take into account though. If they're going to have massive tits on their characters, they should go through the effort to animate them. Big tits ain't nuthin' without the bounce. They would also do well to ditch their american comic book muscular spandex suits, when even the geekiest character has tight muscular pecks, something ain't right.
  7. Rightstuf.com, they usually ship as soon as they get their stock of items. Where'd you get your copy of the robotech movie? Is it one of the older umpteenth generation fansub tapes, or a DVD?
  8. It's actually pretty funny. Macross, Orguss, Southern Cross, & Mospeada all shared a fair amount of crossover cast.
  9. Ok, I just got my disc in the mail today, it actually exists, and hell, I've opened it to make sure it's even inside. I'm as shocked & amazed as anyone. Think I'll wait until my next day off so I can marathon it with the sentinels & space gandam V!
  10. Simple solution, watch the rest of the series.
  11. Again, this is a pretty recent "OVA" which equates to higher budget, and lower episode count per disc. It's not a TV series, so don't expect 3-5 episodes a disc. 2 is pretty standard for the R1 market.
  12. Unfortunately, Mari isn't in Orguss. You do realize that Kei is Max though right?
  13. I think the head looks so much like ass because the front helmet is opened/raised for some reason. Assumedly, it'll look less like ass closed up properly.
  14. Most likely 2 episodes a disc, this is an OVA afterall.
  15. Truly a new golden age for R1 anime!
  16. What a crazy anime year this is going to be.
  17. According to a poster over at AOD, the Feb issue of Newtype USA has a small article with an April street date for Diebuster vol 1 from Bandai Visual. A Newtype staffer also posted to comfirm it. Diebuster announcement I'm so excited, I feel like watching it again tonight! I wonder if BV was going to wait until Gunbuster's release to announce it, possibly include a trailer as an extra or something. Regardless, I can't wait!
  18. No, only Evangelion gets numerous box sets with content that rivals Evangelion
  19. Those ties to the original coflict with every possible alternate dimensional canon
  20. Ahhhhhh-ahhhh GYPSY!!
  21. You are correct. The Indian video set was first, and higher quality. But also significantly harder to find.
  22. Aside from the Christopher Walken sines in the background, various on screen cameo's like the Arcadia & Orgroid (Orguss Battroid hybrid), & Star Trek text based game on the computer screens? There are more easter eggs in Macross than I can recall.
  23. I completely forgot about that. Just as funny today as it was then. As for the subs, they're easily about the same par as the Macross 7 subs.
  24. It's Orguss, get it! Subs are on the lower end of the HK sub spectrum, especially towards the end of the series, but it's still understandable. It's actually a very well done set, only thing missing are the next episode previews. As for Orguss 02, it still won't make a lick of sense after watching the real series, as it's about as canon as Macross II.
  25. No, that seen was not a hallucination, Physica's wife was a ho.
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